Sunday, July 22, 2012

Are You Turning Your Short Waiting Periods Into Long Layovers Based On Your Obedience?

Are you receiving what God has for you or are you rejecting His presence and His power?   So often we want it our way and if it doesn't come our way .... we reject God.     We have to get to a place where we accept Him.   Accept His plan and accept His way.    He knows the things that He has prepared for you.   It's not about what you have prepared.   We tend to prepare our own desire of an outcome in our hearts and in our minds.   That's not God.   That's our way of thinking and our way of wanting it done.   It's time we totally trust God.   Trust the plan that He has had since the foundation of the earth.   Trust that He is "God" enough to take care of us.   To supply our needs.   To heal us.   To deliver us.    Trust that He is "God" enough to know (as He has already said) the things we have need of and that He is faithful enough to provide us with them.    

Stop rejecting God's way of doing things.    Stop questioning His sovereignty.    Accept His plan and trust His outcome.     His word says that His plan is to give you a hope .... a future .... and an expected end.    So where you are right now  is not your final destination.     Sometimes it may seem as if we are motionless .... when in fact it is a short period of waiting.    However, in our desire to want what we want right now .... we do things that cause our short waiting period to become an extended layover.    Stop extending your time by venturing into destinations that are not conducive to God's plan for your life.  Learn how to stand still and be at peace when God says to wait on Him.      

Worship For Today .....
"We Thirst For You"
Ministered By CeCe Winans

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