Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Do You Understand That Unforgiveness Not Only Restricts The Person Who Hurt You ... It Restricts You?

Forgiveness.   Who is it or what is it that you are allowing to hold you back?  To hold you in bondage?   To keep you from getting to your next level in God?  Is it really worth the cost?   The cost of staying stationary in God.   The cost of no peace.   The cost of not receiving God's forgiveness based on your inability or should I say refusal to forgive.   Matthew 6:15 says if you don't forgive men their trespasses ... neither will you Father forgive you your trespasses.    Understand it is a high price to pay for you to walk in unforgiveness.    

You may never know why they do what they do or why they did what they did.   But you have to make it a point to release them.    Release means to set free.   It means to allow or enable someone or something to escape from confinement.    It is time to let it all go.   Understanding when you let them go ... you are also freeing yourself.    Unforgiveness not only restricts the person who hurt you ... it restricts you.   It confines you because you place borders around your life and limit the access within those borders.   Understand when you limit access there may also be some things that God is trying to get to you ... but based on your limitations of unforgiveness ... He is not able to get them across the boundaries you have set up.   

Make today a day of forgiveness.   Free the person who hurt you and in doing so you will free yourself.   

Worship For Today ....
"Forgive Me"
Ministered By Nicole C Mullen

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