Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Are You Walking In The Bondage Of Fear Where You Are Anticipating Bad Things Happening In Your Life or Are You Free and Letting Your Hope and Expectation Be In God?

Are you still walking in bondage?  When you are in bondage, you are under subjection to a force, power, or influence.   Fear is bondage.   Fear is an emotional experience that is based on an "anticipation" of harm.   When you anticipate harm, you are expecting it to happen.   We have to understand that whatever our hope and our expectation is in, is what will rule our behaviors and emotions.    Walking in fear is walking in bondage.   

It is only when our hope and expectation is in the Lord, that we can truly be free from the bondage of fear.    For God has said in His Word for us to fear not.    He told us that He has not given us a spirit of fear.   Therefore, we know and understand that the root of fear does not come from Him.   He said that there is no fear in love and I John 4:8 tells us that He is love.    He is set us free in every area of our lives.   We just have to make sure that our hope and expectation is always rooted in Him.  So that when and if fear comes, we can immediately dismiss it based on our knowledge of the fact that it did not come from God.  For He has told us to cast down all things that exalt itself against the knowledge of who He is.

Worship For Today ...
"Spirit Break Out"
Ministered By Kim Walker-Smith

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Are You Allowing The Bad Times To Overrule The Good? It's Time To Use Your Trials As A Point Of Remembrance ...

Life as we know it.    In life we have had some good times and some bad times and it is our experiences that fueling our faith.    The problem is, in many cases we allow the bad times to overrule the good.   Because of the intensity of the pain that some of our situations have caused us, we tend to remember more the hurt and allow that hurt to override the good.

It's time we switch.   It's time for us to stop being ruled by the pain and to start remembering all the good that God has done in our lives.   We have to realize that  what God has done, He can and will still do if necessary.   His power has not disappeared or diminished.    We have to use our trials as a point of remembrance.  A point where we stop to remember what God has done.

Stop allowing the pain of your present to cause you to forget all the victories of you past.   Take time to remember what God has done and know without doubt that He will do it again.   

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By James Fortune & FIYA

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Are You Standing On God's Promises By Letting Your Faith Override Your Fear?

You have to stand on the promises of God.  The word stand means to have or maintain an upright position.   When you are upright, you are not bending over based on thoughts and desires.   You are maintaining a stance no matter what your situation is.     

The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 1, "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust".  So we have to know that there are promises that come with serving God and trusting God.    We have to trust and believe in those promises no matter what.    The only way to do that is to believe God's Word and to allow our faith to override our fear.    

Worship For Today ... 
"With All I Am"
Ministered By Hillsong

Monday, October 27, 2014

Is Your Obedience Based On You Asking God To Meet Certain Criteria In Your Life or Is Obedience A Part Of Your Lifestyle?

People hear what you say, but they are also looking at what you do.   We get very upset when people tell us one thing and do another.   Look inwardly today.   Listen to your words that you speak to God and make sure your life and your lifestyle are in line with what you are telling Him you will do.

It is easy to say ... God if you do this for me, I will do whatever you tell me to do.   We need to live our lives doing what He has already told us to do and wait and watch Him do what we need Him to do based on the obedience we are already walking in.   We have to stop trying to make deals with God and just walk in obedience.

When we try to make deals with God, we are already saying that our obedience is based on Him meeting our need.   How would you feel if your child came to you and said that they would be obedient if you buy them a new toy?  Shouldn't they be walking in obedience and allowing their obedience to be noticed by you?    Once you notice how good they have been, that will cause you to want to do something good for them.    It's time to live in obedience because it is the right thing to do and to stop walking in conditional obedience based on what you want or need done in your life. 

Worship For Today ...
"I Will Follow You"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin

Friday, October 24, 2014

Are You Walking In Faith Through The Test So That You Can Reach The Place Called Testimony?

What do you do when you don't see the results of your expectation?  Do you stand still and wait on God or do you accept the compromise?    The very word testimony tells you that there is going to be a test involved.   Some tests are easier than others.   Consider when a teacher gives a test.   Some tests are multiple choice where you can pick and choose your answers and some tests include discussion and essay questions.   

When you think about discussion questions, you understand that the meaning of the word discussion is the act of talking things out in order to reach a decision.   It is a conversation.   That is what prayer is.   Prayer is a conversation with God.    In life, there will always be questions that require discussion.   For prayer is essential in life.   

When you consider essay questions, you need to look at some of the synonyms for the word essay.   They are:   attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, trial, experiment, and undertaking.  In life, there will be things we attempt to do, make an effort to do, try to do, venture to do, go through a trial while doing, experiment with, and undertake.    However, as we do each of these things, we need to make sure we are remaining in faith.    

It is only when we walk in faith that we will reach the place called testimony.  That requires us to stand still and to wait on God.   It requires us to trust His faithfulness and to NOT compromise.   

Worship For Today ...
"Give Me Faith"
Ministered By Elevation Worship

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Are You Moving Forward In Life Based On Your Confidence Level In Yourself or Your Confidence Level In God?

Stopping and standing still is not causing you to get to the place that you need to be in God.   God wants us to move forward. He wants us to allow Him to lead us into the place that He has designated for our lives.    So often in life when fear comes, we stop, stand still, give up, or quit and none of those are of God.   We have to understand that our stagnation comes from fear.    It's time to move from the place of fear to a place of faith.    Faith comes when we trust and believe God.  

It is time we begin to look at the root of our actions.    What is causing us to do what we do?  What is causing us to stand still and to move forward?   Every step that we take requires confidence.   When a baby learns to walk, he takes steps according to his confidence level.   The same is true with us as adults.   We move forward in our lives based on our level of confidence.   The thing we must understand is, our confidence cannot be in self.   Our confidence must be in God.    If our confidence is in ourselves, when we fall, we may not ever pursue the same task again.   However, if our confidence is in God, we will pursue whatever He is telling us to do based on the fact that we understand that although we are moving towards a goal, it is entirely up to God to bring it to pass in our lives.  

Worship For Today ... 
"Give Me Faith"
Ministered By Elevation Worship

Monday, October 20, 2014

Learning How To Start All Over Again ...

Starting over is not always an easy process.   Learning how to begin again can be very difficult.   However, sometimes that is exactly what you must do.   Begin again in God.   Different situations in life will cause you to have to begin again.  It could be financial reasons or reasons dealing with family or health.   No matter what the reasons are, you have to learn how to accept the change with dignity and humility.  

The word dignity is defined as poise and self respect.   You have to understand that it doesn't matter what others think about the reason that you have to begin again because your life is a part of God's plan. Yes, you may have made some mistakes along the way.   You may have made some bad choices.  However, God knew every choice you would make.   

So as you begin again, be humble.  There is no room for pride when it comes to beginning again.  There may be people that God wants to use in your life.   If you walk in pride, you may miss what God is trying to do.   You have to stop looking at the people and always remember that God will use whomever He chooses.   

Worship For Today  ...
Ministered By Lincoln Brewster

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Are You Being Firm, Secure, and Unyielding When It Comes To Walking In Faith?

Just because you can't see the breakthrough, is that a reason to give up and to quit?   The birthing process for a child is 9 months.   A child begins as a seed and yet as they are covered and kept.  They grow until it's time for them to be birthed and come forth.    Understand the seed of prayer.   Understand there are some things that God has covered and is keeping for you.   You have to have faith in Him and trust Him.    Just because you can't see the fullness of it right now, doesn't mean it is not happening.  

We have to learn how to stand "firm" in our faith.   When you stand firm, you are secure and unyielding.   When you are unyielding, you are unlikely to be swayed or to give way when pressure comes.    Our faith requires that we be firm in what we say and what we believe.  We can't speak words of doubt and say we are walking in faith.   We have to remember, just because we can't see it yet, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Worship For Today ...
"Faith, I Can Move Mountains"
Ministered By Hillsong

Friday, October 17, 2014

Are Your Words Of Love To God Being Reflected In Your Actions?

You can tell somebody that you love them but if your actions don't reflect your words, they will never believe you.   We tell God that we love Him.   We tell Him that He is the priority in our lives.   But are our actions  a reflection of what we say?   Is He truly the priority in our lives?   Or are there people, places, and things that have become idols that take priority in our lives before God?

It's time to let our words coincide with our actions.   No one or no thing should take God's number one position in our lives.   He is Alpha and Omega.   The beginning and the end.   Everything begins with Him and ends with Him.    We are nothing without Him.  

God is not a commodity that can be bought, sold, or traded based on our needs, wants, and desires.  He is a necessity.    Our need for Him never changes.   He should always be the first choice in our lives.   If things go against what He has said and try to negate what He has done, we should let go of those things.    When we say we love God, we need to back up our words of love with our actions.

Worship For Today ...
"I Love You Lord"
Ministered By Marantha

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Are You Walking In Fear of What You Can't Do or In Faith For What You Know God Will Do?

Windows of worry.    Are you continuously looking at what could be wrong or go wrong?   Are you constantly in fear of what is not happening the way you wanted or expected it to?   What are you seeing out of the windows of your soul?    What are the thoughts in your mind?   What is it that you will to do?    What is causing you to feel the way you do?    As you look out the windows of your life, what is it that you see?  Do you see God or is life causing you to fear "what's next"?   

God wants you to see Him.   He wants you to walk in faith.    He wants you to trust Him no matter what is going on in your life.     Psalm 1215 says, "The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand".    Understand a keeper is a person who manages or looks after something or someone.  It doesn't matter what is going on in your life as long as you trust God with your life.   Instead of walking in fear of what you can't do, what in faith for what you know God can do.

Worship For Today ... 
"Walk By Faith"
Ministered By Jeremy Camp

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Are You Holding On To God Even When Life Seems Unbearable or Are You Trying To Revert To Your Past?

Sometimes in life things become overwhelming and they seem to be unbearable.   But God said that He would not give us more than we can bear.   It is at those times we have to trust what He has said.   We have to believe His Word and we have to stand on His promises.   

When you are holding a rope and you are pulling it while being tugged on the other side, sometimes the rope slips out your hand and sometimes you get tired of pulling and just let go.   That’s life.   You can be holding on tight to God’s hand and being pulled on every side by the things of your past.   Sometimes you might slip back into them or sometimes you just completely let go of God and walk back in them.   But understand, you are stronger than that.   You are stronger than anything that is pulling on you or at you.   Things pull at you when they entice you.   Things become enticing when they offer you pleasure.   You have to find your pleasure in serving God.    You have to let your pleasure in Him and His Word override all the other pleasures of life. 

We seek pleasure because we are emotional beings.   But don’t allow your emotions to dictate your actions.   When you are feeling overwhelmed … Go to God.   When things seem unbearable … Go to God.   When your past pulls at you … Hold on to God.    God is your source of strength and He wants you to trust Him to deliver you.   Understand, He can’t deliver you if you choose to let go of Him so that you can go back to what you once knew.    Deliverance means coming out … not staying in a thing.    

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By Sanctus Real

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Are You Keeping Your Eyes On The Giver of Life?

The goal is God.   The goal is always set before you.   A goal is a target or plan.   It is an aim or desired result.    If you are aiming for something, it is set before you so that you can see it.   It is not behind you.    Stop looking in the wrong direction in your pursuit of God.    

If you are truly pursuing God, you have to stop looking back.   You have to stop going back.  Every time you go back, you lose momentum.   It interrupts your pace, progress, and growth.   There comes a time in your walk with God where you come to the complete understanding that the repetitive backwards and forward cycle must stop.    

Keep your eyes on the giver of life.   Pursuing a right relationship with God should always be your goal.   

Ministered By Kim Walker

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...