Friday, November 30, 2012

How Passionate Are You About The Things Of God? Are You Allowing His Word To Be Your Foundation and What You Are Using To Build Your Structure?

How passionate are you about the things of God?   Are you so passionate that you will sacrifice all of you in order to live for Him?   Are you passionate enough to praise Him no matter what you are going through?    Are you passionately pursuing Him?    It’s time to get passionate about the things of God.  To put Him first.   To rely and trust on Him and His word wholeheartedly.    It time to let go of self and to rest in Him.     Let God be your light and your life.   Let Him be your source and your resource.   Let Him be your foundation and your structure.    When you lay the foundation … it is what everything else will stand on.   When you build the structure … it to needs to be strong enough to stand against the winds of life.   So make sure you are building your foundation and your structure in and with the word of God.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

An Open Heart For God To Move

Have you ever went to worship and for some reason you cannot? Have you ever wanted to seek God so bad, but everything else was weighing heavily in your mind? The truth is we have to let go of everything else in order to attain the one thing that is meaningful and worth it all, God. We cannot effectively worship when our full attention is on other things, because it must be on him. Psalms 55:22 in the amplified Bible says, Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail). We must lay all our worries and problems before him. Once we do, our whole atmosphere changes and we no longer feel heavily weighted by everything else. Use your worship time to praise him like everything else you need done, he has done. Clear the stage for God to move in your life. Do not allow just anything into your spirit because it will effect God's ability to move through you. Do not listen to just any kind of music or watch just anything on TV, because it hinders the move of God in your life. Things of this world may gratify you for a second, but God will gratify you forever.

Worship For Today ...

"Clear the Stage"

Ministered By Jimmy Needham

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are You Still Living In The Failures Of Your Past By Dwelling On What Was Or Could Have Been?

What do you need God to do?  Do you need Him to move for you and to move in you?   Do you need Him to manifest in your body or in your finances?    Do you need His peace, His love, and His joy?   Whatever you need God to do… understand … it is His desire to do it for you.    Take a moment and go to the Father.    Yes … He knows the need … but He still said for you to ask.    Ask Him to come in.   Give Him free reign.    Stop trying to do it all and handle it all on your own.    God wants to work on your behalf.   He wants to bring it all together for you good.   However, you have to believe that He will.   You have to trust that He will.   You have to know that He will.   

Let your life today be a life of faith.   Stop living in the failures of your past.   We live in the failures of our past by dwelling on what was or what could have been.     It’s not about what was.   It’s not about what happened last year, last week, yesterday, or even 5 minutes ago.   It’s about where do you go from here.    Are you willing to pick up and move forward.    Make up your mind today to go all the way with God.   To move forward in His purpose and in His plan.   To stop looking back and to allow the Father to lead you in the direction He wants you to go. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Did You Know That Renewing Your Mind Precedes The Proof Of God's Will Being Made Manifest In Your Life?

What else can you do?  What is it that you haven’t done that you could be doing?   How about “nothing”?   How about being still and doing nothing?    That’s what God wants.   He wants you to be still and know that He is God.   He wants you to understand that there is nothing you have to do but trust and believe.     He doesn’t need your expertise.   He doesn’t need you to work on fixing it.   He just wants you to be still and know that He is God.   
Being still is not easy.    Isn’t it funny how it takes effort in order to be still.    Resting is not easy.   We always say we need rest … but when it comes to resting we don’t know how to do it.   Make up your mind today.   Tell yourself that you are going to be still no matter what.     Understand … you must first conquer every battle in your mind.   If you don’t get your mind to a place where you are determined to overcome … you will never truly overcome.     Rest and meditate on Romans 12:2 today … And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.   Always remember … the renewing of the mind precedes the proof of the will of God being made manifest.  
Worship For Today ...
"I Call Your Name"
Ministered By Free Chapel


Monday, November 26, 2012

Are You Truly Trusting God or Are You Still Constantly and Consistently Trying To Work It Out On Your Own?

Why are you trying to do something that God has already done?   Why are you trying to make it work and figure it out?   Do you not believe God when He said He has already worked it out?   What is your step of faith?   What is it that you believe and trust?   Do you trust the word that is working inside of you?   Do you trust it enough to let go and follow God?    There are so many questions in life … but the one question that answers them all is …. Do you really trust God with your life?
We say we trust Him but the truth is … we are constantly and consistently trying to work it out and figure it all out on our own.    We say we believe Him but we are constantly and consistently putting our hope and our faith in our own ability.     What is it about us that causes us to fail to completely trust and believe God?    We have become so accustomed to living by our senses … that we find it hard to believe and trust what we cannot see.   We find it hard to walk in faith because we have not control over the unseen.    Understand that is what God wants.    He wants the glory.   If you do it … it will be easy for you say to the people around you … “look at what I did”.   But if God does it … He gets the glory.   He gets the honor …. and He gets the praise.       

Worship For Today ....
"Trust In Jesus"
Ministered By Third Day


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Your Reward Is Not Material Things ... It Is Victory Over Strongholds, Situations, Circumstances, and The Opinions Of People"

Today's Blog Written/Ministered By ... Tara A. Moore

The enemy seeks to have us question our faith. Whether it be our Christian character; our belief in God; our belief that Jesus is the son of God and that He died for our sins; that God's Word is true...   But we have to understand that without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him

So, what does this mean. It means that no matter how contradictory the words of the person who keeps trying to plant negative seeds in your thought life are to the Word of God and what HE has spoken (although the words may make sense at the time spoken), you must continue to stand on God's Word without wavering and without doubt. It means that the harder the test or trial ... the harder you press into God. It means that you understand that the reward is not in material things; but, that the reward is victory over strongholds; victory over situations and circumstances; victory over the opinions of people... The reward is knowing more of God intimately. The reward is having your name written in the Lambs book of Life. The reward is knowing that because you continue to pray, study, read, worship, converse with God the Father ... He covers you, protects you, hides you, fights FOR you, carries your burden, gives you peace that surpasses ALL understanding, fills your mind with creative ideas, makes EVERY crooked place straight.... 

Knowing that God is means that He is real to you; and, that no one can make you doubt it. How do I know if my clothes will fit ... I try them on. How do I know if my dinner will be pleasing to my family... I taste and see that it is good. There is an old adage that says "I tried Him and I know Him..." Keep "trying" Him.  He said in His Word for us to "prove Him".  Don't stop, don't give up, don't let go... remain DILIGENT in your walk with God, in your pursuit of WHO He is not just WHAT He can give you and He WILL reward your Faith in HIM!

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By Gateway Worship

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Do You Do Now That You Have Done All That You Know To Do?

What now?   What do you do now that you have done all that you know to do?   Do you stop?   Do you give up?  Do you quit?   Or do you put your trust in God.    You have to understand that your weariness does not affect God’s faithfulness.   He is faithful to do what He said He would do … if you trust Him.   Sometimes we have to understand that trials come in order to put us in a position of trust.    If we never have a trial … we would possibly be over confident in our own abilities.   God does not want your confidence to be in what you can do.   It is His desire that your confidence be in Him.
So after you have done all that you know how to do.   That is when you stand and trust.   Stand knowing that He is God and trust what He said He would do.    We have to remember that God is not a man that He should lie … nor the son of man that He should repent.  That means He doesn’t have to take back what He has said.   What He said stands.    It is sure and we can depend on it.    So now … it’s time to let go and let God.    Let Him be the ruler and total authority in your life.  
Worship For Today ...
"Let Go and Let God"
Ministered By Dwayne Woods

Friday, November 23, 2012

Are You Putting Your Trust In Who God Is or What God Does?

Understanding who God is … is not always easy.   Understanding why He does what He does is not always easy.   What you have to understand and settle in your mind is God is God.   He is all seeing and all knowing.   He is Jehovah.    You have to trust in who He is.    We tend to put our trust in what He does rather than who He is.     So when things don’t work out the way we want them to … we feel as though He has failed us based on what happened.    Our trust is not in the things … our trust is in Him and His power and ability.  Not our outcomes.   
As you look at your life and the things you see as needed for your life … put your trust in God.   In His ability and His power.   Know within yourself that your Daddy loves you and He is working everything out for your good.   Stop basing your trust on your outcome.  Base your trust on who God is and His word.  
Worship For Today ...
"Because Of Who You Are"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi

Thursday, November 22, 2012

As You Celebrate Thanksgiving ... Remember To Pray and Praise God For Someone Who May Be Feeling Lost, Lonely, and Distressed ...

It’s so easy to forget.   As we get around family and friends and give thanks … it is so easy to forget that there may be some without family and without friends.   There may be some who have lost loved ones and this is their first Thanksgiving without them.   There may be some that are finding it hard to give thanks because their lives are in such chaos.    Let’s choose not to forget.    Let’s choose to praise God or our blessing and pray for someone else to be bestowed with blessings.   
There are those who are hungry and homeless.   There are those who are lonely and struggling.   There are those who are struggling to break away from the bondages of life.   Pray for them.   Give God thanks for them and pray that whatever their struggle is in life that they begin to seek God and in turn see Him in the midst of whatever they are going through.   
Give thanks for what you have not only on this day that we celebrate as “Thanksgiving” … but on every day.   For God is good and His mercy towards us is renewed “every day”.   As you give thanks for your life … begin to pray and praise God for others.   Pray and praise for their breakthrough.    The place where they can break through their struggle and see God has come to their rescue and that He is their place of refuge. 

Worship For Today...
"God Of This City"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What Are You Going To Do ... Now That You Know? Will You Believe, Trust, and Follow Him?

Now that you know.   What now?   Now that you know that God is real.    Now that you know that He said He will never leave you nor forsake you.   Now that you know that He said that He will heal you.   Now that you know that He said that He knows the things that you have need of and that He is faithful and just to provide you with those things.    Now that you know that you are the head and not the tail.   Now that you know that greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.    Now that you know that you have been empowered by God.    Now that you know that you are more than a conqueror.    Now that you know ... now what?   

Will you believe Him?   Will you trust Him?   Will you follow Him?   Will you wait on Him?    Will you acknowledge Him?    What are YOU going to do ... now that YOU know?

Worship For Today ... 
"I Will Follow"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Are You Allowing Your Emotions, Feelings, and Desires To Have Authority In Your Life? Let God and His Word Be The Ruling Authority In You ...

Are you surrendered today?    If so … what or who are your surrendered to?   To surrender means to cease resistance and to submit to authority.    Understand you can’t surrender to everything.   Everything doesn’t have a right to have authority in your life.   There are areas where you do have to resist.  The Bible says in James 4:7 to resist the devil and he will flee from you.     You have to resist those things that you know are not in line with God’s will, purpose, or plan for your life.    How often do we give in to temptation?    At the point in which you yield to temptation … you have allowed that temptation to have authority and rule in your life.    You have taken the position that only God should have in your life and given it over to an emotion, feeling, or desire.    It’s time to gird up.   When you gird something … you fasten it or secure it with a belt or band.   We need to fasten and secure ourselves in God’s word.    We need to make sure that He is the ruling authority in our lives.    Be surrendered today.   Surrendered to God’s word, will, and plan for your life.  
Worship For Today ...
"I Surrender All"
Ministered By Israel & New Breed

Monday, November 19, 2012

Are You Allowing Your Battles To Cause You To Become Desensitized?

Are you living in response or preparation?    It’s time to stop living our life just in response to the negative of life.   We have to begin to live our lives in preparation for the return of the King.    We have to press beyond just covering our day in prayer and begin to cover our lives in prayer.  We have entered a season where response is not enough.    We have to be prepared.     The devil knows and understands that his time is short.   That is the reason the attacks against your life have been so frequent.   He knows that he has to try quickly to desensitize God’s people.   To cause them to look over what they know is right and to do what he wants them to do.    When a person is repeatedly beat in the same area over and over again … they begin to become weak and they begin to give in.   Understand the importance of girding yourself up in the word.    You have to deepen the depth of the word within you.   So that when you begin to feel weak … you can pull from the well within.   
Take time to deepen your depth of God’s word.    Take time to pray and build yourself up in God so that when the enemy comes and no matter how often he comes … YOU WILL STILL BE STRONG.   
Worship For Today ...
"You Are"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Sunday, November 18, 2012

It's Time To Push Past The Point of Resistance and Tolerance and Walk In The Place Of Victory ...

We have to learn how to move past the point of resistance and past the point of tolerance into the place of victory.    At the point of resistance, there is a tugging taking place.   It is the place where you are constantly saying I want to … “but”.    At the point of tolerance … you have finally moved past resistance and accepted God’s plan for your life but you still tolerate habits and actions that are a part of  your past.    God wants you to have total victory.   He wants you to walk freely in what He has called you to do.   He wants you to be able to know, say, and do His will without hindrances.     It’s time to push past.   Push past whatever has been holding you back.   Push past whatever is still trying to attach itself to your life.   Push past the old and step into the new.    Do it now … God’s love, strength, and power are all available to you.  

Worship For Today ....
"You Came To My Rescue"
Ministered By Hillsong

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Are You Carrying A Load That Is Leading You To Worry and Doubt?

Are you letting God be God?  Are you letting Him rule and reign in your life?   If you are letting Him rule and reign ... that means He has full control of your life today.    That means that you will base your emotions on His word and not the appearance of your situation.  That means your laughter is in Him and His power.  That means you trust Him and you believe Him.    It is time to allow God to be who He is for you, in you, and to you. 

Take time to give it all over to Him today so that you can stop carrying an unnecessary load.   A load that leads to worry and doubt.   A load that causes you to stress and be depressed.   God did not create you for that.   Understand and do what the Bible says.   The Bible says to cast your cares on Him for He cares for you.   Understand He cares and begin to cast your cares as He has said for you to do.   

Worship For Today ...
"Love Is Here"
Ministered By Tenth Avenue North

Friday, November 16, 2012

Have You Taken A Moment To Do A Self Check?

What are you asking God for?   Is it in line with His word and His will?   Are you asking for things that will edify Him or are you asking for things that will appease your flesh?    Understand today that God is well able.   He is well able to do whatever it is you need done.   However, what you are asking Him for has to be in line with His word.   Understand today … God has a plan.   He has already said that His thoughts are not our thoughts … nor is His ways ours.      Don’t try to push God into your plan.    Learn how to wait on Him for the unveiling of His design.   Learn how to trust Him to bring His plan to pass.    Don’t allow the desire of your flesh to cause you to feel as though what you want is what God wants for you.    Check your plan against the authenticity of God’s word.    If your plan is not in line with His word … it’s not His plan.   Everything that God does … lines up with His word.   
Take a moment to self check.   Understand our wants are not God’s plans.   Our wants are based on our fleshly desire.   God’s plan is based on His word.    Everything in life is spiritual versus flesh.    There is a spiritual order that has been established for our lives.     You cannot fulfill spiritual order with fleshly desires.    

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Understand No Matter Where You Are or What You Are Doing ... Your Source Doesn't Change? Do You Trust Him Enough To Do What He Tells You To Do?

Today is a new day … do you trust Him enough?  Enough to let it all go and to follow Him.  To trust Him to show you what to do and how to do it.    No matter where you are or what you are doing … you have to understand that your provision is still in Him.    The source and resource does not change.    God has promised that He is going to take care of you no matter where you are or what you are doing.    There is a purpose and there is a plan for your life.    But you have to believe and trust the one who designed it and put it in place.    You have to walk in full assurance of God’s word and God’s wisdom that He has placed upon your life.    
Take time to seek God and make sure you are following His plan and not your own.   His increase is not based on your ability.   His increase is based on His word and He has promised that you shall have the good of the land.    He has promised to give you water in the desert and to make a way for you in the wilderness.    Trust Him … no matter how it looks.    His plan includes your positioning.   
Worship For Today …
"Lord I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Michael W Smith

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Are You Being A Vessel For God and A Guide That Leads Others To God?

Are you letting what is in you come out?    Are you letting His word and His worship pour out of you?   There may be someone within your circle of influence that needs to hear a word from God.   Are you being a vessel God can use?   Understand we are all containers for God.    God fills us in different ways.     We are to take the word that He is placing within us and sharing with us and be a pipeline to someone elses life.    Don't just self consume.   When we self consume ... we take what we are given and we run with it.    We refuel ourselves and never fuel those around us.    Take time to share what God is saying with others.    Take time to lead them into a closer relationship with Him.     Take time share your resources ... whether it be the church you go to, the type of Bible that you use, the books that you read, the sites that you go to.... whatever it is ... let it be available to those around you.    

Today ... make it  your determined purpose to be a vessel and a guide.   A vessel for God to use and a guide that leads others to the well of God's word so that they can drink on their own.  We have to want people to be mature enough in the things of God to drink on their own.   

Worship For Today ....
"Lead Me"
Ministered By Sanctus Real

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Are You Withstanding The Pressures Of Life Through The Reinforcement Of God's Word?

To be loyal?   Do you know what it means to be loyal?    To be loyal means to give or show “constant” support or allegiance.    Are you being constant in your walk with God or is your loyalty up for question?    To support means to sustain or withstand the pressure of something without giving way.    We have to learn how to withstand the pressures of life without give way to the enemy.    We are called to be loyal to God.   To His plan and to His purpose in the earth.  
In order for you not to give way to the enemy … you have to be strong.   You have to be able to withstand pressure.   The only way to withstand pressure is by reinforcement.   We are to reinforce ourselves with the word.   Therefore when something comes against your life to question who God is … you will have a ready answer that is based on God’s word.    Understand the basis of the enemies attacks in your life is to get you to question what God has said.   He did that to Eve in the garden.   He tried it with Jesus.   So understand he is going to try the same tactic on you.    Undergird yourself with God’s word.   The Bible tells us to put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand.   Let the word of God reinforce your belief.  
Worship For Today ....
"You Are My Strength"
Ministered By Hillsong

Monday, November 12, 2012

Are You Walking In "Momentary Trust" or "Continued Trust"? Is Your Faith In "God" or "The Thing You Are Asking God For"? Disappointment Only Comes When You Are Trusting For The Thing Rather Than Trusting In God ....

Are you walking in “momentary trust” or “continued trust”?   Just because it didn't happen when you wanted it to doesn't mean God is not still at work in your situation.   We have to learn how to have "continued trust".   We tend to have "momentary trust".    Trust for the moment rather than trust for the outcome.     The word moment means a brief period of time, whereas, the word continued means to remain in existence or it implies the duration.   
It’s time we stop living in momentary trust with God.   Either we believe Him or we don’t.    Faith says I believe you God will do it and I trust you God with the outcome.   Faith does not say I give up and I quit because it is not looking like I want it to look.   It says I understand that you see and know all things Father and I know that everything is working together for my good.       
Always remember … “your faith is in God”.     We tend to put our faith in the thing that we are asking for rather than in God.   We get disappointed when we don’t see the thing happen because our faith is in the thing rather than in God.   When your faith is in God … no matter what the outcome is … you don’t get disappointed because your faith is in Him and you know and understand that He is working everything together for your good.  

Worship For Today ...
"I Trust You"
Ministered By James Fortune & FIYA

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Have You Learned To Turn To God During Your Wilderness Experiences In Life?

Have you ever felt like asking God what now and what’s next?   Where there are so many things happening and you are at a lost as to where to go and what to do?    Do you sometimes feel like what’s the use and what is the purpose?     Understand … God wants you to ask Him what’s next.   He wants to know that He is your guide and the one that you are turning to in the wilderness experiences of your life.     He wants you to seek Him for your purpose.   For it is He that created you and He that designed the plan that He has for your life.    He wants to know that you are not trying to do it your way … but that you are yielding your life to His plan and His way.   
You were created by God for God.   You were created to honor Him and to praise Him.   Learn how to live for Him.    In life there will always be things that try to pull us opposite who God is.   These are things that will keep us in the wilderness of life.   The major purpose of these things is to keep us from seeing and applying God’s word.    There will be things that try to overtake us and cause us to question our belief.    That is why we must live from the inside out.   Where we allow the word that is within us to be our guide.   Where we seek the word for the answers to our situations in life.   A word for direction and a word for healing.    Once we find the word … we have to learn how to stand steadfastly on that word.   Not moving and not changing … just trusting that God will bring it to pass.    The answers to life are resident in God’s word for our lives.   

Worship For Today ...
"Lead Me"
Ministered By Sanctus Real

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Is Your Obedience Based On A Trial or The Fact That You Have Joy In The Lord?

What happened to your joy?   The love and the happiness that you once had.    Is it gone based on what someone else said or on what someone else did?   Is it gone based on what happened yesterday?    Do you understand that the Bible says in Nehemiah 8:9 that the joy of the Lord is your strength?   Do you understand that strength is defined as the power to resist attack?   If you don’t have strength … you don’t have what you need to resist the attack of the enemy.  
Psalm 51:12 says “Restore the joy of your salvation to me, and provide me with a spirit of willing obedience”.   It may be time that you ask God for restoration.   To restore your joy and to provide you with a spirit of willing obedience.   There are many ways in which obedience comes.    Sometimes we refuse to obey until something happens that causes us to obey God.   Jonah was a good example of that.    God's desire for us is to obey Him totally and fully without our obedience being a result of a trial or a test.   So today make it  your determined purpose to obey God based on the fact that you find pleasure and delight in His word and who He is.   Amen.  
Worship For Today ...
"Rejoice In The Lord"
Ministered By Israel & New Breed

Friday, November 09, 2012

Understanding What Is Required To Acquire The Blessings Of God...

God has told you what to do...  the question now is how do you get it done.  How do you get from fhe place of belief to the place of acquisition.  The place where you actually acquire the blessings that He has in store for you.  God loves you and He wants you to havs His best.

Understand we acquire the blessings of God by doing what is required.  God requires that we trust Him.  He requires that we obey Him. He requires that we wait on Him.   It's time we get in position.  Understand that every time you allow doubt knocks you out of position.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

t’s Time To Reconnect and To Recommit … Knowing That God Has A Plan …

Have you made mistakes?   Did you fail to do it right the first time?   Are you stuck?    Are you asking God for deliverance?   Understand God knows every mistake, every failure, every situation that has you locked up and locked in and He is ready to deliver you.     Just ask Him for help.   Ask Him to help you get from this place where you put yourself.    This place that is a result of bad choices and bad decisions.    He said in His word that His mercy is renewed every day.   He said to call on Him and He will answer.   He said that He would make a way where there seems to be no way.    We have to understand that God will take our mess and make it a message for His use.  
Take a moment to recommit.   Take a moment to reconnect.   Recommit and reconnect to God’s plan for your life.   There are things that we desire to do and there are things that we must do for Him.    Let your life and your choices be God based.    Let His plan become your plan.    He knows what is best for you.    Ask Him to lead you and to guide you in what He would have to you to do and to say.    It is only when we leave Him out of our choices that our lives become chaotic.    Understanding that the word chaotic means in a state of confusion and disorder.   
Worship For Today ....
"He's Able"
Ministered By Deitrick Haddon

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Understand That It's Through The Hard Times In Your Life That Your Testimony Is Birthed....

Do you ever feel like asking God what is the point?   Why am I trying?   Do you tell yourself this is not working out so what is the use?    Understand the message that God is trying to get to you.    The message is … He is the point.    He is working it out.    The use is that your situation will be used for His glory.     
Where would you be if you didn’t have to call on God or depend on God?   Would you still be serving Him or seeking Him if your life was all good?    What would be your point then?   The point whereby you choose to seek Him.   Unfortunately … a lot of times people don’t turn to God unless they are going through something.   It is then that they acknowledge their need for Him to come to their rescue.   So sometimes … (not always) … life tends to be hard.   But it is through your hardness that your testimony is birthed.   The story of how God saved you … delivered you … set you free.   The story that will make others see the goodness and the grace of God.   
So the next time you ask what is the use.   Know that you are what God is using to deliver His word to His people.    Your life is the thing that God wants to “use” to let people see who He is in the earth.  

Worship For Today ....
"I Call Your Name"
Ministered By Free Chapel

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Understand After You Have Prayed and After You Have Cried ... You Still Must STAND ...

Now what do you do?   Now that you have prayed.   Now that you have cried.   Now that you have done all that you know to do?   What next?   That is where you stand.   Stand on your prayers.   Stand on your tears.   Stand on what you know and know that God is in control.     No it’s not easy.   No it’s not what your flesh wants to do.   But it is God’s word.    God said to stand still and know that I am God.  
So go ahead and cry ….  Go ahead and pray …. God ahead and get it all out.   But understand the end result is still the same.   You still have to stand.   You still have to trust.   You still have to believe.    It’s a matter of faith.   Your success is achieved through your faith in God.   So hold on to what God has said.   Do as Proverbs 3:5-6 says.  

Proverbs 3:5-6
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Worship For Today ...
Ministered By John P Kee

Monday, November 05, 2012

It's Time To Move Closer To God ... Are You Ready?

Do you understand that this walk is not a man thing, or a woman thing, it is totally a God thing?    So often we let so many things about our lives keep us from moving closer to God.   We allow our friends, our relationships, our stuff, and even our pride to keep us out of God’s presence.   It’s time to let it all go.   To let go of all of it in our minds.    We have to begin to understand the role that our “soul” plays in our lives.    Our soul is comprised of our mind, our will, and our emotions.    We get so caught on what we think, what we want to do, and how we feel that we allow it to keep us out of the plan of God.   
Change the process.   Change the process within yourself.   Let God’s word be final authority in your life.   Based what you think on what He said.   Base what you do on what God did.   Base how you feel on what God has said is your expected end and not your present situation.   
So whether you be man, woman, boy, or girl … walk with God.    It doesn’t matter who’s watching or not watching.   What matters is that you are in the divine will of the Father. 
Worship For Today...
"Draw Me Close To You"
Ministered By Michael W Smith 

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Are You Allowing The Power Of God's Word To Counteract The Negatives In Your Life?

What are you seeking?   Are you seeking God first?   What position are you giving Him in your thought process?   Is your mind being invaded by stuff and are you failing to focus on the truth?   Understand today … God is truth.   His word is truth.    The things that God is doing in your life is truth.    You have to realize who and what truth is before you can counteract the attacks and the thoughts of the enemy.    In other words … you must know what is coming from God and what is not.  
Understand … to counteract means to go against something in order to neutralize its power and affect.   There are things that are trying to get into your lives in order to bring about chaos.   Chaos is unpredictable and random disorder and confusion.   You have to learn how to counteract those things in your life in order for them to be neutralized and turned into peace and joy.   Understand you neutralize the negatives in your life by applying the word of God and the blood of Jesus to your situations.    
So put God first in everything.   In your thoughts and in your actions.    Don’t be overtaken by your situations.    When negative situations try to impact your life … put God before it.   Put what He has said before it.   Apply the word to it.    If your body says you are sick … that’s negative … but God’s word says you are healed.   So put God’s word before what your body is saying.    Let the power of God’s word counteract the condition of your body.    Keep in the forefront of your heart and mind what was done on the cross and allow the power of the blood to work on your behalf.     

Worship For Today ...
"The Power Of The Cross"
Ministered By Ricardo Sanchez

Saturday, November 03, 2012

It's Time To Let God Reign In Our Friendships, Finances, and Faith (In All Areas Of Our Lives)

What are you allowing to reign in your life?   When something or someone reigns … it means that thing or that person has dominion and authority over you.   It means that you are subject to yield and to obey.    What is it in your life that you are giving that much power to?   If it is not God … then your life is out of alignment.   Your life was created and designed to be subject to the rule and reign of God.   To be led by Him and to be kept by Him.    Are you allowing life to cause you to be in alignment with anything other than God?   Are your trials dictating your emotions and your actions?   Are your friends influencing you to stray?    Understand the power of influence.   When something influences you … it pulls you in a specific position.    What is it or who is it in your life that you are allowing yourself to be influenced by?  Make sure that you are giving God full reign and be sure that your mind, your will, and  your emotions are in alignment with God’s will, purpose, and plan.    Give Him full reign in every area of your life.   Your friendships, finances, and faith.    Let your friendships be led by Him, let your finances be managed by Him, and let your faith be undergirded by Him and His word.   

Worship For Today ...
"You Reign"
Ministered By Pastor William Murphy III

Friday, November 02, 2012

Are You Still Waiting On Them To Acknowledge You? You Have To Understand ... It's Not About Them...

Are you getting caught up on what you want to do?   How you want to do it?   On what it means to you?   On what you expect people to do for you?    Understand today … it is not about you.   It is not about you being seen or you being honored by man.   Your recognition comes from the Lord.   It is He that is working in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.    So are you allowing your expectation of others to determine your will and your emotions?   We all will face a test of our humility.   Where we get challenged to show “ourselves” whether we are truly walking in humbleness.    Are you asking yourself or saying to yourself … why didn’t they do that for me?   Are you upset because it didn’t look like they acknowledged you?    Understand today … it’s not about someone else acknowledging what you have done.   GOD IS THE ONE WHO ACKNOWLEDGES.    It doesn’t mean they think less of you … understand what it means to be lead by God.    When you are being lead by God … you don’t look for man’s accolades.   If they do … they do … but don’t allow your walk to be determined by their acceptance.  

Worship For Today...
"You Are"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Trusting God

Have you gotten over it yet?   Over the people that left you?   The ones who didn't understand and didn't want to take the time to get to know exactly what you were going through.    Those who left you in the midst of your pain.    Have you ever thought that God wanted you in a position where you had to lean on Him?  Where you had to trust Him?   Where you had to believe Him?    Did you ever stop to think that you were just too dependent on that person in your life?   So dependent that you were failing to trust in God because your trust was in them and what they could do for you.   Or in the fact that they were visible and God was not.   

Understand today ... if they left ... that means there purpose was fulfilled.    The supply and designated time they had for your life was met.   The allocation of their time for you was for your past and now God is moving you into your future.    Understand and know that the one unchangeable thing and person in your life is God's love and God.    He is the one who was with you in the past ... He is with you now ... and He will be with you in your future.   

Start living for the unchangeable.   Start living your life in a way that you believe what He is done.   You are sure of what He is doing and you trust what He is about to do.    Settle it within yourself that God will never leave you nor forsake you and He will be with you forever.   

Worship For Today....
Ministered By James Fortune and Fiya

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...