Thursday, January 29, 2015

Are You Living Out This Day In An Effort To Please God or Are You Seeking God For Self-Gratification?

Who are you living this day for?   Are you living it for you or are you living it for God?   Are you getting up worshipping Him or are you worried about what is about what is going on in your life?   We have to have the understanding that our lives are nothing without God.   He is the source of our every breadth.   He is our hope and He is our future.   For without God, we would have no hope and we would have no future.   

It’s time to make sure that we are truly living our lives for Him.   We need to make sure that every day we are following after God.  We need to make sure that we worship Him.   We need to make sure that we are praising Him, even during the rough seasons.    Understand, seasons change.    Even the weather inside the seasons change.   One day it might be rainy and cold and the next day it can be beautiful and sunny.   The weather that we experienced yesterday may not necessarily be conducive to the weather that we are experiencing today.   So don’t allow the situations in your past to dictate the outcome of your future.   

“Father help us to live our lives for You every day.   Father help us to overcome the pain of yesterday so that we can truly praise You today.   Father help us to know, to see, and to always do your will.    Father we shall not take for granted Your love, grace, and mercy that You give us each day.   It is our desire to live our lives in a way that always says thank you for all that You have done in Jesus name amen.”

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By Hillsong

Friday, January 23, 2015

Understanding How To Wait While Having Faith That Is Unaltered, Undamaged, and Unaffected By The Trials Of Life ...

Waiting on God is never easy.    Waiting requires patience.   Waiting requires resistance.   Waiting requires faith.    A person who is patient will endure difficult situations.  They will persevere in the face of difficulties.    To resist means to remain unaltered, undamaged, and to be unaffected.   It means to withstand.   When we walk in faith, we believe in God’s ability even though we may not see the immediate results of what we are asking Him for.   

It’s time to wait on God.   It’s time to stop altering our faith based on our situation.   Where you say I believe God “but”.    We have to understand that the word “but” cancels our faith.    Faith says God can.   Faith says God will.   Faith does not say God can “but if” it doesn’t … Faith trusts God completely and does not try to devise its own plan.    It understands that God is not limited to doing things our way.   His plan is already set in motion for our lives.   Faith trusts God for completion of that plan.  

“Father help us to wait on You.   Father in the times where we feel like giving up and quitting, we ask that You strengthen us.   Father it is our desire to have unaltered, undamaged and unaffected faith.   Where our faith stands regardless of our situation.   Regardless of what we see or what we don’t see.   Father help us to stand strong in You and Your Word.  In Jesus name amen.”

Worship For Today ... 
"While I'm Waiting"
Ministered By John Waller

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are You Snuggling Up With God and His Word? It's Time To Find Comfort With God and His Word ...

To be cozy means to be snug, comfortable, and warm.   Who or what are you getting cozy with?   Are you getting cozy with God and His Word.   To be cozy, means to be intimate with.    Have you formed and intimate relationship with God.   An intimate relationship is one where you share your innermost feelings.   It goes to the deepest part of what you think and what you feel.   It holds nothing in reserve.   It surrenders all.   Have you gotten to that place where you surrender it all to God?   Every thought and every action?   Where you cuddle up with Him and His Word and become comfortable with living by His standard.   

Or are you allowing people, places, and things keep you in a comfort zone?    A place of familiarity, where you feel at ease.    A place that never challenges your faith because it doesn’t require change from your life.    It’s time to let go and to let God have control.   It’s time to step out of the zone that is surrounded by sin and fear.   It’s time to find comfort with God and His Word.  

“Father help us to be strong in You.   Help us to move from the places of comfort that we have created for ourselves to a place of faith where we are totally and completely surrendered to You.   Help us Lord.   We desire to have an intimate relationship with You where we hold nothing in reserve.   Father we release everything to You right now.   We plead the blood of Jesus over our lives and we thank You that everything that has been a barrier in our lives, whether it be thoughts or deeds, is broken down right now in Jesus name.  Amen”

Worship For Today ...
"Let Go Let God"
Ministered By Dwayne Woods


What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...