Thursday, March 31, 2011

Which Way?

Which way is God taking you? Have you ever wondered which direction God wants you to go? You know those times when it seems nothing you try to do is working out the way you planned it. No matter how hard you try. That's just it. If you look back at all these questions, the word that stands out most is "you". It really is not about us.

God told us in His Word that He knows the plans He has for us and they are to give us "hope" and an "expected end". The end is already established. Instead of trying to figure it all out, we need to begin to walk out God's plan. God's plan is totally centered around faith. A lot of times we believe God "can" do a thing but we don't "trust" Him to do it. The world has caused us to be calloused in some areas. One of those areas is our ability to trust. Another is our ability to "hope and believe".

God needs all of you. In order for Him to use you...He needs you to trust Him...He needs you to believe Him...He needs you to follow Him. You have to see Him for who He is. He is everything you need. Your source, your supply, your healing, a friend, a comforter...remember He said, I am "that"..."that" I am. All you need is in Him...all you seek is in Him.

The Word for today is trust. Let go and let God. Let Him lead, guide, and direct your life. Because He designed the won't be prone to stumbling over the unknown.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If everyone you came in contact with today made a life decision based on what they heard you say or what they saw you do, what decision would they make? Would they decide to live holy? Would they decide that it's okay to live a life of compromise? Would they think it's okay to drink, cuss, and fuss? If your life was the instruction booklet on how to live day by day, what would the final destination be for someone else...if you were all they had to go by? The Bible says that we are to be living epistles....a living book to be read by all men.

Remember this life is not yours. For it is in God that you live, breathe, and have your being. Be conscious...someone is always watching you and your lifestyle. Someone is always listening to your words. Someone is always seeking direction. Where are you leading them?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What Are You Doing...God Is Right There!

Why is it so hard to trust God? To go with what He says. Why do we always try to figure it out our own way? All God desires is a relationship of trust. Not only you trusting Him but Him being able to trust you. Can He trust you with the power He has entrusted to you? With the voice He has given you? Can you be trusted to speak the right things and to go the right places? Can you be trusted to watch the right things on tv? Or do you just let anything through the gates of your eyes and ears? The gates are locked unless you open them up and what you let in is at you "soul" discretion.

Remember this....God said He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is always with you. Be careful what you invite Him to see you watch, hear, or participate in today.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Your Life Is A Metamorphosis....

Metamorphosis.   Metamorphosis is the Greek word for transformation.   Have you ever thought about how our spiritual life is a metamorphosis?   We are constantly changing into the image of what God want us to be.  

The caterpillar goes from being an egg, to a caterpillar, to a cocoon, to a full grown butterfly.   At the egg stage, it is laid on a plant which then becomes the food for the caterpillar.   The caterpillar eats constantly.   As it grows, it continuously splits and sheds its skin to allow for new growth.   As the caterpillar is eating, it is storing up food for later use.   After the caterpillar stage comes the stage where the caterpillar is hidden in a cocoon in order for transformation to take place.   The caterpillar is hidden in the cocoon, but also understand that the chrysalis is also hidden.   It may be suspended under a branch, in some leaves, or maybe even underground.   It is at this stage that complete transformation takes place.   After complete transformation has taken place, the ONLY job that the adult butterfly has is to lay more eggs in order for more butterflies to be reproduced.

We have been laid on the foundation of God's word.  It is our job to be like the eat, eat, eat.   To feed on the word of God.   During that time of growth we will constantly get rid of the "old skin".  Old things are passed away and behold all things become new.  After this point we go into the stage of being covered by God's word.   The cocoon stage.   The stage where we are hidden and shielded from the elements of life.   The stage where we are being completely transformed.   Transformed to the point of becoming mature in the things of God.   Where we are no longer bound by the sin that so easily besets us.   It is at this point that our desires change.   Our desire for the world changes to a desire to serve God and God alone.  

Understand that once we have been transformed and have become mature in the things of God, our responsibility then changes.   It is at this point that we need to realize that our responsibility changes.   We are no longer just eating, we are at the point of using everything that we have stored up.   Our job while we are still here in this earth changes from eating to reproducing.   At this point, we are to help lay others on the foundation of God's word so that they can also go through a metamorphosis and in the bring others into the kingdom of God.

Ministered By Pastor William Murphy III

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Are You Watching The Premier? be first in status or importance, principal or chief.   The first to occur or exist....
Not only does God want to be the first in your life, He wants to be your everything.

So where are your eyes?   Are you watching the "premier".   The premier is designed to tell you the whole story.   Don't be distraced....keep your eyes on God.   For He desires to be your first, your last, your everything.

"You Are My Everything"
Ministered By Kevin Edwards

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Do You Think God Chose You?

Of all the people that God could have chose....He chose you!  It wasn't because you were popular, it wasn't because you were beautiful, it wasn't because you could talk eloquently, it wasn't because you had it all going on.   It wasn't even because you were there.  To be honest there were times that He probably was calling your name and  you were refusing to answer.   But that didn't stop Him from choosing you.  

What an awesome thing to be hand picked by God.   Even though you weren't the one who looked the best or dressed the best....He chose you.   He looked beyond all the faults and fears and still chose YOU.  

Know today that you are chosen.   To be chosen means that you have been given preferential treatment.   To be chosen means you have been selected and not only have been favored.  

Isn't it good to know that you are a chosen child of God.

Worship For Today
I'm Praying For You
(Lyrics Below Video Clip)
Ministered By The Katinas 

Seems like today is just like yesterday
You can't escape this pure insanity
Sweet memories, they fade away
The hurt inside just seems to multiply

Those tears you're crying won't last forever
Lean on my shoulder
Oh, it's not over

Tonight I'm prayin' for you
Down on my knees for you
Heaven can hear your name
Tonight, I'm prayin'
I'll keep on prayin' for you

She was young and innocent, full of aspirations
Till a choice she made went wrong,
Seemed to devastate and steal her song
Life lost its meaning
Voices are screaming
Will the chaos ever end
Can her soul recover once again


I hope you find rest
Sleep till tomorrow
Lean on my shoulder
Oh, it's not over


Oh-Whoa, yea, yeah-ohh
Hold on
Be strong
Hold on
(I'll keep on prayin' for you)
Hold on
Hold on
Be strong
Hold on

Heaven can hear your name
Tonight I'm prayin'
I'll keep on prayin' for you

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Timeout....It's Time To Maximize The Opportunity!

Look at what God has done....
Look at what God is doing....
Now look into the future at what God WILL do.....

So many times we get stuck in our past that we can't even see what God is doing now.   How He is moving and manifesting on our behalf.   How He is paying the bills....How He is healing our bodies....How He is bringing about Jabez encounters.  We have to get to the point of understanding that our lives are filled with Jabez encounters.   Every day is a new day ....specifically designed by God.   Every encounter you have every day has been orchestrated by God.

The question is .... are you maximizing the opportunity?   Are you understanding the hurt that is all around you?   Are you taking the time to pour into those that God has allowed to come across your path today?  Nothing in your life is by chance.   How many times has God given you the opportunity to speak life into someone else and you were stifled by fear?   Fear of what they would think if you actually ministered to them.

I am calling a "time out" because we must come together and determine our strategy from this point on.   We  know that we are called to win.   But sometimes we have to be inspired to get the determination to give it all that we have in order to win.   So this is our "time out".  

I encourage you today to be all that God created you to be.   To know that you are the head and not the tail.  Above only and not beneath.   To know that no weapon formed against you can prosper.   To know that God is for you and nothing the enemy tries to do in  your life can stand.   I encourage you to know who you are ..... and who God created you to be.   I encourage you to fight the fight of faith and to know that the battle is already won.   All that you are and all that God created you to be...will manifest.   Stand.   Look Up.   See God for who He is.   Alpha (the beginning), Omega (the end), Rophe (Your Healer), Tsidkenu (Your Righteousness), Jireh (Your Provider), Shalom (Your Peace)......He is El Shaddai (God Almighty).  YOU ARE DESTINED TO WIN.

Now that you know who you are and who God created you to be....the timeout is over....

You are destined to win.   But we can't win if all we do is sit on the bench.   We have to begin to open our mouths and "speak the final outcome".   When we speak the final outcome, we allow others to become overcomers and to share in our victory!

Worship For Today
"El Shaddai"
Lyrics.............El Shaddai, God You're Almighty, Father I Worship You

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Are You Surrendering?

What are you surrendering?   We sing the song all the time ...."I Surrender All".   We say all to thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all.   But are you really surrendering?   Or should I say, are you even willing to surrender?  The lifestyle that you know doesn't line up with God.   The talk that you know doesn't line up with God.   The relationships that you know don't line up with God.   Are you really ready to surrender all?  God is looking for complete surrender.   He is not looking for you to hold a garbage bag behind your back and fill it with all the junk you want to keep in your life.   He wants it all.     

We want to worship, we want to speak, we want to do all the right things.   But desire is not enough.   We have to make a choice.   God has given us the choice to make the right decisions.   The choice to "let go and let God".  

What is it you want God to see when He looks into your heart?  Do you want Him to see wrong desires?   Do you want Him to see lying....cheating...fornication...gossiping...pride... arrogance?   We try to impress people around us all the time.   What impression do you want God to have of you?

Take a moment to edify someone else.    God just put another question in my heart for everyone...."What is the significance of your praise?"  The meaning, importance, end, or purpose behind YOU praising God.   Click the comments link at the bottom of this post to leave your never know, someone may need to hear what you have to say.   Remember the purpose of a "vessel" is to be filled and then poured out.  A "vessel" can be defined as a person regarded as a holder or receiver of something.   It's all about pouring out what God has placed on the inside of He can refill and use you again.  

Worship For Today

"Moving Ahead"
Ministered By Free Chapel

"There Is A Worshipper In Me"
Ministered By Marvin Sapp


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Somebody Is Watching You....

There are so many things that are happening in the world today.   The world or should I say our lives are not standing still.   We are ever changing.   As we change, we need to understand that we need to be growing in our love and affection for God and those around us.      

What is your reaction when you see trajedy around you?   Better yet, what is your action when you see trajedy around you?  Are you praying?   Or are you like most...saying that is sad....and continuing with life as usual?   

The bible talks about calamity.   Calamity is events that bring terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction.    There are people all around us who suffer calamity every day.   What are we doing to help them?   Are we praying for them, are we ministering to them, or are we about business as usual?   

We have to begin to become more sensitive to the afflictions of those around us every day.   Where you are (your job, your community, your family, etc.) is your battle ground.   We have to step out of our comfort zone and begin to speak life to a dying world.   We have to let people know that there is hope.   You may be the only light that someone else can see.  In saying that, I will also say that you need to be careful and make sure that the illumination that they see is real.   False light will make you believe you know where you are going and in the end it will lead you to danger and eventually destruction. 

There are paths in the forest that shine forth light just to end up being a thicket.   You think that its a way out, but in essence it is another closed in place.  A harder place to get out of.  Although it shines forth temporary light....or a ray of light.   We have to make sure that what we are shining forth is real.   We have to make sure that our lives can be used as lanterns to light the path for someone else.   We have to be sure that we are not showing forth a "false sense of light".   Where someone looks at us and they see hope but in the end it has lead them to death and destruction.  People will use your life as a guide book or a map to help get them to their destination.  

You have to make up in your mind that this thing is real.   That your relationship with God is real.  You can't be "wishy washy".   Going back and forth on what you believe and back and forth on doing it God's way and doing it the world's way.    Did not the Bible say that you are to be hot or cold?   There is no in between.    It's time to take a stand and decide which side you are standing on.   Draw your line in the sand.   You never know whose life is being impacted by your actions.   Whether they be good or bad, someone around you is looking at you today.   They are learning from you today.  They are making decisions based on your actions today.

What do you want them to see and what decision do you want them to make?   What impression or impact will you make to send them in the diection of God?

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Power Of The Cross

This song tells it all....

The Power of the Cross
Is in the blood of Christ
Given for us all
The spotless sacrifice
We are now redeemed
Ransomed with his life
We have now received by grace
The greatest gift of love


I am redeemed, I am set free
I am complete by The Power of the Cross

Eliminating "Self" Breaks

Isn't it funny how we always ask God to help us, to heal us, to provide for us....yet we are not consistent in what we do for Him.   We are very consistent when we know we need something from Him.   Yet in the "after" stages, we tend to become slack.   After we feel better, after He has provided for us, after we have received the job....instead of staying in a place of gratitude and thanksgiving, we tend to go back to business as usual.   We don't pray with the same fervency.   We don't read with the same eagerness and we don't obey.  

It's almost as though we treat God as a vending machine,   We put something in our walk and our relationship only when we want to get something out.   Not realizing that this walk is a "life walk".   Not realizing that our total dependence has to be in Him and on Him.   Not realizing that every time we lay the things of God down, we lose ground.   We lose time.   

It's time to maximize the time we have here on earth.   It's time we utilize every moment that God has given us.   It's time we move forward in the plan, purpose and vision of God while eliminating our  "self breaks".   The time we spend on indulging in "self".   Self pity, self motivation, selfishness.   

God needs you and you have to be "on call" at all times.   You have to be ready to pray in season and out of season.   You have to be ready to lay hands on the sick, open blind eyes, minister to the poor, the broken hearted and down trodden.   You cannot do that if all you see is self.   You cannot do that if all you are seeking is self gratification.   

You have to see beyond your own circumstances into the heart of God.   The heart of God will reveal His love and passion for this world.    Take on the attitude that "this life is not your own"....give yourself away to be used by God.

Worship Today....
"I Give Myself Away"
Ministered By
William McDowell   

Part 1

Part 2

Sunday, March 20, 2011


God is not a man that He should lie....nor a son of man that He should repent.   Has He not said it....will He not do it?   Or has He spoken it and shall He not make good?

God has already told us in Numbers 23:19 that He is not a man....He will not lie to us and if He said it, He will do it.   He said once He has spoken it....He will make good on His word.    Why are we not listening to what He has said?   Why are we walking around feeling lonely when God has already told us in His word that He will never leave us nor forsake us?   Why are we walking around in circles unsure of the direction we need to go when God has already told us in Pslam 119:105 that he is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

We have to accept His word as FINAL authority and know that God is true to His word.  Another word for true is faithful.   Now that you have found someone that is faithful to His word and faithful to you, are you willing to lay it all down, trust in Him, and be faithful in return?

Worship For Today....
Take Good Care Of Me
Ministered By Rizen (Featuring Ali Ollie Woodson)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Is Your Relationship Based On Good Works or God's Favor?

Are you seeking to please God by your works or are you seeking God's favor?  Works says that I will do this for you .... if you do that for me.   It seeks compensation for something that is done.   Life leads us to believe that if we do something, we will get a wage or a reward for whatever we do.   We have to remember that God's kingdom is not based on our  "works".   We are not here to ""perform" duties and get paid.   God has placed us here to take a believe Him.   To live a life that is based on His love, His mercy, His grace, and His favor.   God is not looking at performance....He is looking for a people that will trust and believe Him. 

So remember, its not about what you do, when you do it, and how you do it for God.   It is about do you trust Him, do you believe Him, and will you stand for Him.  

WORSHIP FOR TODAY...."I Believe" - Ministered By Micah Stampley

The message of this song.....

"I believe Your Word is true.   I believe there is so much I can do.   I believe you said it in your word....that settles it in the earth....I believe in miracles....I believe in signs and wonders...."

Question:   Do you believe?   If so, what do you believe?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Be Transformed ...Not Conformed

We tend to always conform instead of transforming.  Transformation means to change in form, appearance, nature and character.   Whereas, conform means to comply with the attitudes, standards and practices of something.   God's desire is that we transform into who He is, instead of conforming to the ways of this world.

God wants us to experience Him like never before.   He wants us to step into a place "in" Him that we have never been.   To open up our hearts and hear Him like never before.   To obey Him like never before.   We must understand that obedience is not only is mandatory.    We have entered the season where God is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh.  The season where we will see much prophecy, much healing, and much change.    There is a nation that needs prayer.   There is a nation that needs God.   There is a nation that needs YOU..........your obedience to the voice of God.  

The thing is, obedience is not something that we just do.   We have to desire to obey.....

Obedience requires submission and submission is not automatic.  The Bible tells us in James 4 to submit to God and the devil will flee.  It is an act of our will.   It is bringing our soul (our mind, will and emotions) into compliance with the Word of God.    Compliance means to yield or conform.  

A good scripture to meditate on today is Romans 12:2 (AMPLIFIED)

"Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]."

There is a dying world that needs you.    That needs the river that is locked up inside of you.   It's time to let it flow.   It's time to bring our lives into total submission with the will, purpose, and plan of God.   Are you ready?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Let The Power Flow

Are you prepared for an encounter today?   A special meeting with God.   A meeting where He can give you direction and innovation about how to carry out His plans in the earth.   A time of refreshing.   A time of revelation.   A time of manifestation.    A time to see His spirit move inside of you like never  before.   Prepare yourself.   Be ready...

As God gives you direction today, you need to understand that you are already empowered to carry everything that He tells you to do out.   In order to understand that, you need to understand God.  We have to understand the "dunamis" power of God.  The inherent power of God.   Meaning it is a part of His nature.   It's not something that is made just is.   

Then you must understand that the same power resides on the inside of you.  After you understand it, then you can let it flow through you. .  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Who's Dictating Your Love Walk?

So many times we let everything or everyone else dictate our love walk.   We allow what others think impact what we do.   Not understanding that its not about how someone else feels or thinks, its only about what God thinks and what God says.    

How many times has God placed you in friendships and relationships that you allowed to be torn or destroyed based on what someone else thought about it?   Relationships are meant for edification and fellowship.   Not for tearing down or destruction....even if the person that is being torn down is someone else.   Question God pleased?   Is God pleased when we allow someone else to influence or sever the bonds that He has created.    Ultimately we have to understand that destiny is an "individual" thing.   I can't go where you are going....because we can't occupy the same space.   We may end up in the same vicinity, but  not the same spot....because your "place" in the body is different from my "place". 

We have to be careful not to allow our emotions or actions to be dictated by someone else's feelings or opinions.   When we move or we detach from God given connections, we sever what God has done.   Sever means to divide, cut apart, or break up.    At that point, we have to pleased is God and how weak are we?

Do you really want some else's opinion to dictate the friendships and relationships that God has placed in your life?   Check yourself today....are your actions and reactions based on what God has said or on what you have heard from someone else and their reaction to situations?   If it is based on what someone else has said, you need to ask God pleased with you?  Is He please with you allowing an "influence" other than Himself to dictate the relationships in your life?

Don't cut off your lifeline (God given friendships and connections) based on someone else's reality....

The worship for today deals with your "Yes" to God.   This is the 2nd half of the song "Yes" ministered by Shekinah Glory.    It says God is requiring more of may have to give up some relationships or some things that you hold dear.   It all comes down to whether or not you really meant it when you said "Yes".     Listen & Meditate.....

"Yes" - Part 2
Ministered By
Shekinah Glory Ministries

Other Worship On Blog Today (Right Hand Side)
"There You Are" - Clint Brown
"We Need You Lord" - Jonathan Butler

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't Let Life Direct Your Path....

Don't allow the situations and circumstances of life to dictate your direction.   God never said it was going to be an easy road to travel.   But He did say that He would be with you.   

Sometimes on our path of life we encounter debris.   Debris is the remains of something that has been broken up or destroyed.   The question is will we allow the debris to be a stumbling block in our lives?   A contractor can construct the most beautiful building, but after the construction process is complete there is still debris that needs to be cleaned up.   That is how our lives are.   

As we follow God, we see different things in our lives that still needs to be removed.   Debris.   The remains of the past.   Some of which we have held on to intentionally and some of which we didn't realize was still there.    All of these things that still remain show up at some time or another on our path of destiny.   When we encounter things that still need to be removed from our lives we need to begin to purge our lives.   Get rid of these things through prayer, through fasting, through the word.   We can't continue to overlook blockades and hindrances in our lives.   Hindrances are designed to do just that... "HINDER" you from getting to your destiny.  

We tend to be a people of avoidance.   Instead of seeking God's direction on what we need to do when we encounter "stuff" in our lives, we take the pathway of avoidance.   Or we find alternate routes....not understanding that the alternates routes just prolong the process and eventually lead us right back to the same path that God placed us on.  

We have to understand that God is Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end).   Life exists within Him. Anything outside of God is death.  He knows where He is taking us because He knows what is in us that needs to come out.  He did not call us to walk the path of least resistance.   He called us to be overcomers.

Have faith that He knows the direction He is taking you and when you get will be like pure gold.  

Worship For Today....

Pure Gold
Ministered By The Clark Sisters

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Will You Obey Anyway?

If no one else comes, will you still go?   If no one listens, will you still speak?   What determines your faithfulness to the call upon  your life?   Are you looking for accolades or are you just determined to do what God is telling you to do?  

Sometimes God just wants to know will you be faithful.   Will you do what He has told you to do ... no matter what.   Will you follow Him?  Will you speak on His behalf?   Will you obey what He tells you to do?  

We tend to think its about impacting another persons life.   When in essence, it's all about our faithfulness.   It's about our obedience.   It's about yielding to God and God alone.   

So...if no one else comes and no one listens, and no one else is faithful.....will you still do what God is asking of you?

We need to adopt the attitude that says wherever you lead God, I will follow.   Whatever you say do, I will do.  Use me Lord.   Even if no one else goes and no one else listens, I will do still obey the voice of your command.  

How Sweet It Is

How sweet it is to be loved by God.   To have someone that loves you for who you are and not for what you can give them.   Someone that loves you unconditionally.   We all have experienced conditional love.   Where people love you as long as your actions line up with their desires.  Well true agape' is an unconditional love.  It is a sacrificial love.   It is not rooted in self.   It goes beyond the natural realm into the supernatural.   God pours out His love without condition.  

If it is your hearts desire to experience true love.   True meaning that it is consistent with fact or reality....not false.   Then you need to experience God's love.   Nothing can take the place of God's love....there are no substitutes.   Anything short of the love of God will always leave a void.   An empty, useless, place in our lives.    

The God Experience

Are you experiencing all of Him.   There are so many facets to God.   His goodness, His grace, His mercy, His love, His power, His anointing, His provision, and so much more.   Are you in a place to experience all the facets of who He is?   Or are you just experiencing part of who He is?   Do you limit God to what you can understand?

God is not asking us to understand how He does what He does.   He is only asking us to trust Him.  To have faith in Him.   To worship Him.   All of which are a act of our will.   Choosing to trust Him.   Choosing to have faith in Him.   Choosing to worship Him in spirit in truth.

Stop limiting God to what you can see, feel, or touch.   Stop limiting Him in your thought process.    He is to big for what you can even imagine.   START experiencing God for who He is.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Being Thankful And Merciful....

How many times do you wake up and forget to thank God for what He has already done for you?   Nevertheless, what He is going to do for you.   God wants us to give thanks.   To show that we appreciate Him for who He is in our lives.   To tell Him that we don't take for granted the blessings (the empowerment to prosper) that He has placed in our lives.

If we forget to tell Him thanks, why should He continue to move in our lives.   If our children are ungrateful, do we continue to give to them?   If they don't appreciate what they have....if they don't take care of the things that we brought for we continue to buy?

Aren't you glad that God is merciful.   That He shows compassion to us even when we offend Him.   So many times when we are offended, we walk off and refuse to show mercy.   As a matter of fact, we make the choice not to forgive or forget.   

But not God.   If we repent, He chooses to see us as blood covered.   He chooses to see the sacrifice that was made instead of the mistake.   He chooses to remember our sins no more....

Don't you think it's time to show others, the same compassion.   To express the same love and compassion to this world that God is showing us.   Aren't we supposed to be His vessel on the earth?

Two things that we need to do today.   Be thankful and bestow (means to present as a gift or honor) the same mercy to others that God shows to you.

Worship For Today....Great Is Your Mercy ministered by Pastor Donnie McClurkin.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Can You Walk In Victory If You Don't Know What Victory Is....

To some victory is success. To others it means to achieve.   To God it means you are no longer a victim but a victor.   One definition for victim is a person who is deceived or cheated by his own emotions or ignorance.
Whereas a victor is a person who has overcome or defeated an adversary....a conqueror.   It is time to walk in victory.   It is time to defeat  your adversary.   It's time to stop letting things conquer you and for you to become a conqueror.  

What is your measure for success?   Is it wordly .... or is it Godly?   Do you want what God wants for you?  Are you willing to fight to get it?   To conquer all that the enemy puts before you.  Or are you willing to be deceived and cheated by your emotions and ignoranc?.   The opposite of ignorance is knowledge.  You overcome by knowledge of the Word.   The word reinforces who you are to God and through God.  

The word says..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".   What more do you need to understand that you are a victor and not a victim.

How Committed Are You?

So how committed are you? God wants us to be  committed.   Committed to Him, our family, our ministry, our job and the list goes on.   I thought it was interesting that one definition for commitment is "consignment".   To give over to the care of another.   To entrust.   To set apart for special use or purpose.   To submit and consent.   

Is commitment revocable?  Meaning, can you just take back your commitment? Or should I say renege on your commitment?

Jesus was the most committed person that ever walked the earth.  He was committed to the point of death.   What if He had reneged on us? Where would we be if He had of said, I no longer want to do this?   If He would have said, these people don't care about anyone or I am changing my mind.    Where would we be?

What determines your level of commitment?  Commitment can not be based on what is happening in the natural.  What we see and what we think.  It has to be based on the "Word" of God.   It requires having your total trust in Him and what He has called you to do.   Whether it be marriage, work, ministry, or your relationship with Him?

What if Moses had of revoked on his commitment?  Or Joshua....or David?   In the midst of war and calamity, they stayed on the path of pursuit because they knew ultimately that their commitment was not to those they served but to God.    Commitment requires faith.  A total trust in God's ability to save, set free, and deliver.   I say that it requires faith because there will be times when it won't look like you are doing the right thing.  When it won't look like you are going to be delivered.   When it won't look like your marriage is going to work or healing is going to manifest.   But do you change directions based on how it looks or what God has told you to do?  Do you devise your own plan like Abraham and Sara did instead of waiting on what God has already promised?   God told them that they would have a child....but instead of waiting on what God had said, they tried it their own way.    Commitment says, I believe what you said God and I will do it your way.  

Always remember that when you say you are committed, your commitment should not be to someone else or something else. It should always be rooted in love because God is love.    Love enables you to stand under the pressure of any situation or circumstance.    It enables you to stand and to wait on the salvation of the Lord. 

Worship for today...."Lord I'm Available To You".....
Be Available Today.   It says my will I give to you, I will do what you say do.....use me Lord to show someone the way and enable me to storage is empty and I am available to you.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Trust The Word That Is Inside Of You

God is trying to get us to a place of trusting the Word that He has placed on the inside of us.   A lot of times we stop and wonder if we are doing the will of God for our lives.   We stop to think and second guess what God is saying to us.   He wants us to get to a place of complete trust in Him.   A place where He can speak and we will listen and immediately obey.   We wonder if what we are trying to do is to great for us because we are so used to others doing it ... instead of doing it ourselves.   But transformation requires a new way of thinking and a new way of doing.   Transformation says that the old mindset has been altered.   It no longer exists the way it used to.    When you alter something, you reform it.   You improve it by removing any defects and correcting any errors.

God wants us to experience breakthrough today.   Breakthrough means to overcome any restrictions that are placed on your life.  Breakthrough is not always financial.   Today, God wants us to experience breakthrough in our hearts and minds.    He wants to penetrate our spirits for an outpour.   We are full of His power and His word.   It's time for an outpour.   But you can't effectively outpour if you don't trust what He has placed on the inside of you.   Wisdom and Vision are both locked up inside of you.  

Wisdom is the ability to judge and discern what is right, true and lasting.   It is insight into the plans and purposes of God.    Vision, the ability to see what His plan is for the earth.  

Question is....what are you going to do with it?   Will you trust the Word that is inside of you?

Worship For Today...  "Breakthrough"  - Ministered by Israel New Breed....Listen and meditate on the words of the song and allow the word to manifest in your life....

Other Video Links On Blog For Today...

"I Trust You"
Ministered by James Fortune & FIYA
"Worship Experience"
Ministered by Pastor William Murphy III
"Who Am I"
Ministered by Casting Crowns

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Run To God....Not From Him!

We are quick to try to run from God.   God is looking for you.   He is constantly calling out your name.   He wants you to come closer.   To come into His presence.   To experience His glory.    The Shekinah Glory of God.   The Shekinah is the visible manifestation of God's presence.   That which you can see.   

It's time to go against the grain.   Instead of running from God....try running to Him.   Answer the call.   Move closer, get intimate with your Creator.  He knows you....but you need to know Him.    Open up your heart, your soul and your mind so that you can see the Shekinah Glory (visible manifestations) of who God is in your life and in the life of those around you

As a matter of fact, once you become good at running to God....grab someone by the hand and take them with you.   It is sometimes easier to do, if you have a pattern to go by.   Be the pattern for someone else today!

The Power Of Prayer

I was on and "Faith" the person leading the prayer room, used the term "Prayer Storm".  Prayer awesome is that.  God just had me look up the word storm.   A storm is a disturbance of the normal condition of the atmosphere.   That's where we are.   We need to disturb what has become the norm.    We have put up with so much from the devil that it has become the "norm".   Well it's time to shake it up.  It's time to tear down walls....and cause things to change.   

The definition also said that there is a manifestation that usually comes with the storm.   It may be rain or snow.   Or it may be "winds of unusual force or direction".  

We need to begin to pray in the wind of God's presence.   The force that is not the usual.  That causes conditions to change.   That causes bodies to be healed, people to be delivered, and demons to flee. God said that we are to Pray, Trust, and Believe.....

I am in agreement with "Faith".....we need to produce a storm 

Stop settling.   Stop overlooking what the devil is doing in your life, in your family, in your friends, on your job.   God has given YOU authority.   Use It.

If you don't know how....connect with people that do.   Visit today.

There is power in prayer....or should I say...PRAYER IS POWER!


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

God's Not Interested In Our Performance

God is not interested in our performance.  He is interested in our heart and our character.   There are many things that we can do because God has endowed us with many different talents and abilities.   But are we doing them for God.   Are we singing for God?   Are we preaching for God?  Are we serving for God?  

A lot of times when we do things, we are doing them for the appraisal and approval of someone else.   It's time to do "everything" for God.   When you speak it needs to glorify God.   When you sing, it needs to glorify God.   When you preach, it needs to glorify God.   When you talk to your child, your friend, your neighbor, the person at the store, it all needs to glorify God.  

It's never been about getting another persons approval because in the end....we're all going to have to stand before God.  

You Have Been Chosen, Now You Must Make A Choice

You have been chosen to fulfill.   Fulfill means to bring to completion or reality; achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted). Isn't it good to know that God chose us to bring to completion and reality His plan in the earth.  

There is no luck and there is no chance in life... but there is choice.   It is because of the choices that God made that we live.   God chose to allow His Son to die on a cross so that we could live. He chose to place us in Him for protection, provision and purpose.  We have to remember that it is only "in" God that we live, we breathe, and we have our being.   Anything apart from being in God is death.   For He is life.

Now it's our turn to choose.   The choice is yours.

Please be sure to read the post from yesterday evening.   It reflects my prayer for you to "Be Blessed".  

Monday, March 07, 2011

I'm Praying For You....Be Blessed!

This song says it all.   My prayer for you....
Be blessed my brother, be blessed my sister.   Be blessed wherever this life leads you.  Let me encourage you...Let me speak life to you.   You can depend on God to see you through.   You can depend on me to pray for you....

If you can, listen to the entire song.   The end says that I see you in the future and you look better.   I see you walking in favor and prosperity too.   Let me encourage you.   Let me speak life to you.   You can depend on God to see you through.  You can depend on me to pray for you.  

Then it says ... I pray for you and you pray for me and watch God change things.....
So today I say to you....BE BLESSED!

Can You Tell Just One?

Today's mission is to tell just one person about the love of God.   We take time to talk about ball games and things on sale....but how often do we take time to talk about God.   To tell someone of His love and His mercy.   To tell someone what He did for you over the weekend.   How He kept you safe.   How He healed your body.   How He provided for you when you didn't know what to do.  How often do we take time to lift Him up  in our lives through our confessions and through our testimonies so that He can be seen.   He said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men".....   We have it confused, we think we have to be the ones to draw men in.   God said to just lift Him up.   Let people see Him in you.   You are God's magnetic force in the earth.   He wants to use your life as an example to draw men unto Him.    It's time to get out of the box and share what God has done for that people can see His goodness, His grace, His mercy, and His lovingkindness.   Can you tell just one about Him today?

Other Worship For Today....Posted To Right
"I Just Want You" - Vicki Yohe
"In The Presence Of Royalty" - Byron Cage

Sunday, March 06, 2011

What Sound Are You Producing?

What sound is in your belly?   What sound is coming out of you?   We all produce a sound.   Is it a sweet sound to the Lord or is it just noise?   What is your cry?  Is it Holy?   Is it a consecrated cry?   Is your song a consecrated song?   There is a difference in making a distinct sound and just making a noise.    Will our cry cause walls to fall like they did in Jericho?   Or will our sound just bounce back to us as a loud noise?   

It goes back to atmosphere....
The things that surround you .... the things that are taking up residence in your life, in your soul (your mind, will, and emotions) will determine the sound you produce.   Just think,,,, an empty room will produce a different sound than a room filled with stuff.   

Empty yourself for the Lord.   Get rid of those things in your life that are not conducive to the Spirit of God.   

Cry Holy....Be Holy...
Let Your Sound Be Distinct In The Ears Of God....When something is distinct, it is different in nature and quality.   It is easily distinguished.

Worship For Today....
From This Place We Started...A Lot Of Ground We Covered....
Where Do I Go From Here?

Saturday, March 05, 2011


What is inspiring you?   What is causing you to get up and move forward?   To pursue your goals, visions, and dreams?   To move into your destiny?  To pursue your relationship with God.  

Or are you lacking inspiration?   Are you stagnant?   Stuck in the same essence stuck in the same atmosphere.   Your atmosphere is your surrounding environment or influence.

I hear three words... Change, Shift, Move! event that happens when you move from one phase to another. happens when you change your place or direction. change your location or position.  

If you are lacking inspiration, its time for you to Change, Shift, and Move.   It's time for you to move from one phase to another.   It's time that you change your place or direction that you have been going in.   It's time for you to move into a new location or position in God.  

When we become stagnant, we die.   When you are stagnant, you are motionless, not growing, not changing.   God's desire is that we grow.  He desires that we change into the likeness of who He is.   He desires that we grow in knowledge, wisdom, and power.    The Bible tells us in I Peter 2, that we are to desire the sincere milk of the word, that we may grow thereby.

Let the Word of God be your inspiration today. Read it, medidate on it, and let it nourish you today.   As you get full of the word, you can't help but change, shift, and move to new levels in Him.    

Friday, March 04, 2011


No matter what is going must always trust God.   Trust what you believe to be true.   Even though you can not see the answer, you must trust the one in whom you believe.   Make a confession of faith in the midst of your trial.  Determine in your heart and mind that God is who He says He is.   Determine that He is faithful and He cannot lie.   He said in His word that He has you engraved in the palm of His hands and that He knows everything you need in life....

From that point...after you have made the determination, the only thing left to do is TRUST!

Is The Word Just A Parable To You????

Is the Word a parable to you or is it real?   Is it just a story being told or are you extracting the truths, revelation, and knowledge from it?   To extract something means that it requires you to put effort into getting it out.   Are you putting effort into getting the truths out of God's word?   Or are you waiting around for someone to tell you a story?    Jesus said in Mark 4 that His disciples have been entrusted with the mysteries of God....but to everyone that does not follow Him, the Word is just a parable.

So my question to you today is....
Are you extracting the truths of the Word of God or is the Bible just another storybook?

Go Deeper Today.   Deeper into the Word.   Deeper into Wisdom.   Deeper into the Knowledge of Who He Is.   Go Deeper....

Worship videos for today are ...."Heart of Worship by Matt Redman" and "Speak Lord by Tamela Mann".  Because thats where we are....we need to get back to a heart of worship and let the Lord speak to us.

Please feel free to click the comment button below and leave a comment or word that will encourage someone else....remember....iron sharpens iron....and one plants and another waters.....and God brings the increase....

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Rate Your Day

So how are you feeling?   Are you joyous and rejoicing today?   Or are stressing and depressed?   How did you start your day?   Who or what are you allowing to rule your day?   People, places, things?  Are you living today worrying about tomorrow?   Rate your day.  

Remember you rate your day....
That this is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it.   Remember that today is the day of salvation.   The Greek word for salvation is "sozo", which meas to make whole, preserve, or make safe.   So this is the day that you have been made whole, preserved and put in a safe place.  

Remember that in 7 days God created the earth and all that dwells therein and that there are great things that He wants you to accomplish in this day.   Remember that this this very is a new beginning.   Your beginning begins when you decide to start.  When you decide to step out of the old into the new.

It's just a take a step.   Step out of anything negative that may cause you to experience anything less than God's best today.   People, places, things....they can only affect you to the extent that you give them place in your life.   Fill the place that the enemy of stress, depression, anger, etc. is trying to occupy with the revelation of who God is to you today.  

Know that He is your peace (Jehovah Shalom), He is your healer (Jehovah Ropha), He is your provider (Jehovah Jireh), He is the one who fights your battles because He is your banner (Jehovah Nissi).   Everything you need to rejoice today has already been provided.   If for no other reason....rejoice in the knowledge of who He that He can rejoice in who you are for Him.

The worship for today is Father Can You Hear Me and Can't Live A Day.   Be sure to click on the worship videos to the right and strengthen your spirit through the ministry of worship....Reinforce the word with worship.  

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Immediate Response or Delayed Reaction

Are you operating on an immediate response to what God is telling you to do or a delayed reaction? 

Immediate - to occur at once; instantaneous; without a loss of time
Response - an answer or reply

Delayed - to postpone; to hinder
Reaction -  a response based on a persons feelings or attitude

In other words, are you instantaneously answering God?  Or are you postponing answering God based on your personal feelings or attitude?

God is looking for instant obedience.   Instant obedience says that you trust Him.   It also says that "where you lead, I will follow"; "what you say, I will obey".   It says...."not my will, but your will be done Lord".  

"It's Time To "Re-Up"

It's time to "Re" again.   To be Re-Freshed....Re-Newed...Re-Stored.   To be Re-Leased from bondage.   To be Re-Equipped through God's word.   Re-Established.   Re-Acquainted.and to Re-Pent.  It's time to  Re-Cover.  To Re-Adorn yourself with the beauty of God's word.  It's time to  Re-Adjust. 

You have already been Re-Created. It's time to Re-Capture your love and desire for the things of God.   The prefix "Re" means to put something back to it's original place.   Let's get back to our first love.   Let's get back to the passionate time when we were thirsty and hungry for the things of God.   The time when we sought Him with all of our heart.   The time when there was nothing that could keep us from entering into His presence.  

It's time to "Re-Build" our relationship with our Creator, Redeemer, and Friend.

Worship Today - "Restore Me" By Anthony Evans and "Renew Me" by Martha Munizzi.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Instant Obedience

If God called on your right now, could you or rather would you walk in instant obedience?   If He woke you up in the middle of the night to pray, would you get up or turn over and say that you are tired?   If He asked you to go bless someone financially, would you be instantly obedient or rationalize why you can't do it?   

We always say, Lord I want to be used by you.   But do we really?   Are we obedient when He asks?     Or are we just going through the motions?

How many times do we miss God because we procrastinate?  Even in the quiet times, God is still speaking.    God speaks in silence.   Silence is the condition or time of being still.    Speaking is not always verbal.   Speaking means to convey a message.   To convey means to communicate or make known.   God is always making His will known.  

How many messages do we miss because we refuse to be still.   How many times do we miss God because we refuse to be instantly obedient?   A shift is taking place and that shift is going to require your instant obedience. A shift is a moving from one place, position, or direction to another and we have to be ready.

More than that, we have to be obedient.  

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...