Saturday, March 31, 2012

Would You Allow A Stranger To Move Freely In Your Home and Life? It's Time To Get To Know God .....

Let God help you make sense of it all.   Understand that God is a gentleman .... a "gentle" man.   He is not going to come into your situation unless you invite Him in.     Get to know Him and invite Him in.    If you never get to know Him .... then God is a stranger to you and you reject His presence.    How many of us allow strangers to come in and move freely throughout our homes.    Prayerfully none of us.    That is why we must take time to get to know God.  To become intimate with Him.    So that we are comfortable with allowing Him to move freely in our lives and in our situations.    So that we can build up our trust in Him.   

When you have knowledge of a person, place, or thing, it gives you confidence.   It makes you confident in the ability of it.    It helps you to understand the purpose of it.    You have to become knowledgeable of who God is so that you can truly understand His ability and His purpose in your life.   You have to gain the knowledge that is needed so that you can be stationary in the midst of the storms of life.    What we tend to do is run when the storms come.    Not recognizing that God is the shelter in the midst of the storm.   He is the safety that we are looking outside to find.    He is our shelter and our covering.    But we have to allow Him to invade our space.   To invade our lives.   To invade our thoughts.    We have to get to know Him.     Until we do .... we will continue to reject what He desires to do in and through our lives.     Our natural instinct says to protect our lives from people, places, and things that are strange to us.    However, we need to understand that we hinder God's movement in our lives when we reject His presence and continue to look at Him as a stranger instead of looking at Him as our heavenly Father.  Your Father God should never be considered a stranger to you. 

Worship For Today ......   
"I Want To Know You More"
Ministered By Hillsong

Friday, March 30, 2012

Even In Your Weakness.... You Are Strong Enough....

You have to realize that you are strong enough.   You may feel weak and you may feel as though you cannot make it.   But I am here to tell you today that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.   You are not your own.   You have been brought with a price.   The price that was paid for you was through a blood covenant.   That covenant reitifies who you  and whose you are.   That covenant says that God will not let you fail.   That covenant says that when you are weak, He is is your strength.   That coveanant says that God will never leave you nor forsake you.   Understand the covenant today.  

Understand the process that you are going through.   The thing about a process is that it ends. Processing is not eternal.    When something is processed, it undergoes various types of pressure in order to produce an end result.    Understand that the pressures that are in your life are only there to produce an end "God Result".    Your Father knows what you need for the next phase of your life.   He always prepares you for the future because He knows what your tomorrow holds.   

So as you go about your day today, know that God's strength is made perfect in your weakness.   Know that God's power is all that you need.    Know that God's presence sourrounds you.    Know that because you belong to Him ..... He's got you covered on every side.    Amen.  

Worship For Today....
"You Are For Me"
Ministered By Gateway Worship

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Recognize Who You Are and The Power That Comes With Your Purpose....

Understand today who you are.   Understand today what God wants you to do.  Understand today that it is "all" about God.   Your whole life is a life that was created by Him for Him.    You are not your own.   We tend to walk through life as though we belong to ourselves.   That's not true.   We belong to God.   We are His children ..... His vessels.    In other words ..... we were created to represent Him here on the earth.     It's time we live like whose we are.  

When you are approached by people on the street.   Let them see Him.   When you get a result or report that is not good.   Let your response still be Him.    In all that you do and all that you say .... remember who you are.     You are God's child.   He cares for you.   He loves you beyond measure.   He sacrificed for YOU.     You are not alone.    Stop acting like it.

Be who you are today.   Be the child of the King.   Rule and reign based on the authority of His word.    Realize you are not defeated.   Realize that God already has an answer to your situation.   Realize that when you walk in faith .... your outcome is based on His word and not the world.    Recognize who you are and the power that comes with your purpose.   

Worship For Today .....
"I Know Who I Am"
Ministered By Israel & New Breed

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Let Your Trust and Belief Be Automatic Responses

What is it that you are looking for God to do?   Are you looking for Him to help you?   Are you looking for Him to heal you?   Are you looking for Him to deliver you?    God wants to do it all but the one requirement is that you trust Him.    Are you trusting Him?    When you trust someone .... that means you don't question their ability to perform or to do.    Are still asking when God or why God?    If you are still asking questions, that means you are not really trusting Him.   That means you still have doubt in God's ability to do it.   How funny is that .....   How do we question the ability of the one who created the heaven and the earth.   If you question His ability to do the small stuff in your life, then there is an underlying doubt that needs to be dealt with.   The underlying doubt of whether you believe God is who He said He is.    How can you believe He created the world that you live and doubt if He is able to fix your car or to provide food for your household?    If you believe the weightier matter .... then trusting for the small stuff should be easy.   

Re-evaluate your belief system.   Understand the steps of belief.   First you trust and then you believe.   Therefore if you believe ..... you should automatically trust.    That's all God is asking for us to do.   To trust and believe.   To believe and trust.     Let your trust and belief be automatic responses to everything that is going on in your life.  

Worship For Today .....
"There Is A Way"
Ministered By NewWorldson

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Imagination, Creativity, Experience

God have given you an imagination so that you can see what you haven't seen before.   He wants you to dream and to see the things that He has in store for you.   He has placed within you creativity.   Because He wants you to see what you can become and whan become of the things you see around you.    He has also give you experience.   So that you can learn from your past mistakes.    There is so much that God has placed on the inside of you.   You must understand that it all works together.   Your imagination, creativity and experience are all gifts from God.    When things look bad....imagine what God has in store for you.   When you don't know what to do ..... understand that your prayer and your praise are tools that God has given you to create and frame your world.    When you don't know what to do .... just remember from past experience how God saved you, delivered you, and set you free

Worship For Today ....
"God Will Make A Way"
Ministered By Don Moen

Monday, March 26, 2012

Your Dwelling With God Is Can't Be Contingent On How You Feel or What You Want.....

What happens when you step outside of what God has said.   When God has told you something and you simply choose not to obey.    Are you still living in the grace of God?   Or have you actually stepped outside of His covering?   

In life so many of us tends to live our lives in the grace of God but what we have to understand is that there is also a wrath of God.     We have to began to understand that God gave us a choice for a    He told us to choose life.   He told us to choose who we wills serve.   He told us to us to choose Him.    Yes, He told us His mercies are renewed every day but that does not negate the fact that He wants us to make a conscious decision.   He wants to live for Him.   To live in Him.   

When we do things outside of His word and His will.....we are no longer in Him.   Yes we are in His presence because God is omnipresent and there is no where He is not.   But at that point we are no longer dwelling with Him.    So that says there is a difference between dwelling and just being in someones presence.    To dwell means to reside.   One definition for reside is to be vested.   To be vested means to be fixed, absolute, and without contingency.    So your dwelling with God can not be contingent on how you feel or what you want to do at any given moment.    Make God your habitation today.

Worship For Today ....
"In The Presence Of Jehovah"
Ministered By Vicki Yohe

Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's Time To Tear Down The Blockages We Have Built In Our Lives .... The Words "But" and "If" Are Cracks In Your Foundation Of Faith ....

What happens when you listen to God?    What happens when you obey His plan?   When you stop fighting His will for your life.    It is at that point that you begin to live and experience the good of the land.    It is at that point that God can truly move in your life.    So often we hold so much in reserve and our lives are filled with blockages.   God tries to tell us something and His words keep hitting the building blocks that we have set up inside of us.    The biggest building block that we have set up is the word "but" and the word "if".    We say we believe God will do it ..... "but" or "if"   These are the cracks in our faith.   We continue to put these words behind what we say and what we do.   Understand today that there are no options in faith.    Faith says God will.   It doesn't say "if" He doesn't or I believe God 'but".  

It's time to disassemble the things that we have allowed to become so prevalent in our lives, in our hearts and in our minds.    It's time to rebuild our foundation solely based on God and His word.   Solely based on what He has said and what He desires for our lives.  Remember God's word is the sole basis for our foundation.   It is what everything in our lives must be based on.        

We have to base our thoughts on Him and make sure our actions line up with His word and what He has told us to do.     Our lives are not our own.   There is a power within us.   That power is the same power that desires to work on our behalf.   However, we have to understand the power and allow it to have free reign in our lives. 

Worship For Today ....
Ministered By Hillsong

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Testify of God Today ..... Tell Somebody What God Has Done For You .....

Will you be a witness for Him today and post at least one thing that you are thankful for?   Help build someone else's faith .....  What people have to understand is that God is not a respecter of persons .... if He did it for you .... He will do it for them.    Share your testimony and let people see that God is real and that He will come through.   Understand that your testimony is not just for you to look back on and see what He has done .... but it is also so that others can see what He has done so that they can believe that He will do it for them to .... Amen.....  (If you are on Facebook .... leave a comment, if you are on the or click the word comment below the post and testify of God today.   If you are on ..... sign the Guest Book and leave a comment there.)   But let people know how good your God is.   Help build their faith.    Amen.

Friday, March 23, 2012

What Is The Meaning Behind What You Say ......

You see all the time pictures and other things that say "Live, Laugh, Love" and that is what God wants you to do.   He wants you to live, to laugh, and to love.   But understand that He wants you to live in Him, to allow your laughter to be based on His joy which also produces within you strength, and He wants you to have His love working through you.    The question is what is the object of your living, laughter, and love?   Are you living in and for Him?   Is your laughter based on His joy that is working within you?   Are you walking in and experiencing the love of the Father?    What is it about for you?   

We have to get past the point of just saying cliches and understand what we are saying.   Make sure what we are saying relates to who we are in God.    Some people live their own way .... they laugh at people .... they love based on their own motivation.   You have to make sure what you do and say relates to God and His plan for your life.    If it doesn't relate to Him .... don't do it and don't say it no matter how good it sounds.    Always align your life and your words with His word.    Amen.

Worship For Today ....
"I Wanna Be More Like You"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Making It About God Today .....

Take today and make it about pouring out.   Make it about pouring a word into somebody elses life today.   So often we consume.....   Let's make today a day of release.   Releasing the talents, gifts, abilities, and word that God has placed on the inside of you.   Make today a day of pursuit .... where you pursue your purpose and step into God's plan.    Make today a day where you seek God's will and understand the path that He has set forth for you.   

Understand today that you are chosen.   Make today a day where you begin to walk in your God given destiny.     Not just taking in more word .... but flowing in the word that you already have inside of you.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Your Life Speaks A Story ..... and That Story Should Always Lead Back To God and His Word....

So what do you do when your whole world begins to turn?   Do you turn with it or do you stand still?   God wants and needs you to be stationary.   He needs you in a place when everything else around you changes .... you remain unmovable.   Where you still stand on His word no matter what is trying to knock you off.    He wants us to understand that He is the one that controls our world.    Our existence is in Him.   We cannot allow what others say or do to control our stance.    

If you went to work today and was told that your job was in jeopardy .... that the company was experiencing cutbacks .... what would you do?   What would your reaction be?   Would it be one that confuses the enemy and those around you?    Or would it be what they expect?   One where you become distraught and unrecognizable as a child of God because of faith failure.    It is only when the situations of life come against your faith that your faith is truly recognized.    We can say we have faith and we can wear a shirt that says we are vessels of faith.   However, it is only when you are confronted with life that you truly become aware of the level of faith you possess.   

Your life speaks your story aloud.   It tells whether or not you truly believe.    We have to be as it says in I Corinthians 15:58.   We have to be steadfast.   We have to be unmovable.   We have to be at a place where we trust and believe God and His word no matter what.    If man tells you today that your job is gone, your response should be "God knows the plans that He has for me and that includes giving me an expected end".   If the doctor tells you today that you sick, your response should be "by His stripes I am healed".    If your bank account reflects that you don't have enough, your response must be "my God shall supply all of my needs".    Your response should always lead back to God's word.    What the world sees and what the world hears from your life, should always lead back to God and His word.    

Understand today that life cannot control you unless you let it.    You have within your mouth the power to change your world.    God's words are life.  Speak God's life into your life today and command it to line up with His will, His purpose, and His plan.

Worship For Today .....
"Mercy Refused"
Ministered By Alvin Slaughter

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's Time To Take On A "Just Do It" Attitude ..... There Are Lives At Stake On Your Road Called Destiny .....

Have you made it personal yet?   Or are you just saying what everyone else says?   Are you just mimicking  the thoughts of others or are you allowing God to fill YOU and speak through YOU.    The word is in you and it wants to come out.    God uses those around us to inspire us and to stir us.   But you have to understand that He also wants to use us.    He wants the word within us to come out and to produce and inspire someone else who needs to be stirred.    Someone else who needs to be inspired.    Understand today that there are some  people that only "you" were ordained to reach.    They are on your road called destiny.   They are waiting and they are watching because they need a word from YOU.    Ask yourself whose destiny may be hanging in the balance if you delay or fail to obey.    Somebody elses life is connected to yours.   Somebody elses healing is connected to the words in your mouth.   Somebody elses marriage is connected to your ministry.    When you delay .... you are not just delaying you.   You are delaying the word that someone else has been ordained to receive from you.    

It's time to take on a "just do it" attitude.   Where we just do what we are called to do.    It's time to stop delaying.    We consistently tell God the things that we need right now.   Yet we delay in what He is telling us to do.   How is it that we want Him to move for us right now .... yet we delay in our movement for Him?   Understand the order of progression.   Understand divine connection.    On your road called "destiny"  .... there are lives at stake.    There is hope at stake.   There is peace at stake.   On your road called "destiny" .... there are marriages at stake.   Families at stake.    There are people that need you now.    Your obedience is not just about you.    There are divine connections that God has assigned to your life.    The process of their growth is connected the word within YOU.     God has said if you love Him to feed His sheep.   How long will you wait to produce the food that is already within you?

Worship For Today .....
Ministered By Stephen Hurd

Monday, March 19, 2012

It's Time To Check The Reason and Resource For What You Do and Say..... What Is The Cause, Explanation, and Justification Behind Our Actions

Understanding the newness of life.   Understanding who you are in Christ.   Understanding His peace and understanding His power.   That's what God wants you to do.   He wants you to understand who you are in Him and what you are called to do in Him.   Not what you can do on your own.   God did not call you to live alone or even walk alone.   He called to you rest in Him.   To live in Him.   When you live in Him, that means that He is the sole reason and resource for what you say and what you do.    

When you say that God is the reason for what you do, you are saying that He is the cause, explanation, and justification behind what you are saying and what you are doing.    When you say that He is your resource, you are saying that He is the supply that you draw from in order to function.   

So ask yourself....where are you drawing your resources from?   Are you drawing from the well that never runs dry?   When we talk about resources, we are not just speaking financial.   We are speaking of your joy, your peace, your healing, your trust.   Where are you receiving the strength from in order to walk in these areas?    These things can only be obtained through God and His word.   So if you are lacking joy, peace, healing, trust, and provision .... maybe you need to go back and check the source of your resource and see if it is God and His word.    

Another question we need to ask ourselves is why do we do what we do?   What is the cause, explanation, and justification behind our actions.    Are we doing it to please God or to please man?   Or are we doing it to please self?   There is a reason behind everything we do.   We need to make sure that our reasons always lead to God and His plan.  

Take time today and analyze your life.   Understand the new life that God has given you.   The opportunity that has been set before you.   The opportunity to make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you.    Understand who you are in Christ and what God wants you to do.    It is only when you understand these things that you can you walk in the purpose that God has set for your life.

Worship For Today ....
Jesus, The Lover Of My Soul (It's All About You)
Ministered By Shelley Nirider

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Don't Base Your Life On Your Abstract Thoughts ..... Anything That Is Separate From God and His Word ......

What are you practicing and what are you rehearsing?   What is it that you are consistently doing in your life that you are allowing to become a habit to you?    What is it that you are allowing to dictate your motives and your motivation?    What thoughts are you allowing to roll over and over in your mind that are now dictating your response and your responsibility?    The responsibility of a thing is the source or the cause of it.    Where does the responsibility for your actions lay?   What thoughts or actions did you practice and rehearse to bring you to this point in life?

If you don't like where you are at this point in your life, it's time to change your habits.   It's time to practice and rehearse life differently.   It's time to rehearse life based solely on God's words and not your abstract thoughts.   When something is abstract, it is considered to be apart from that which is concrete.   If your thoughts are apart from God's word .... your thoughts have become abstract.    Don't base your decisions in life on anything that is separate and apart from who and what God is.    God and His word are your evidence and faith if your requirement.   

Worship For Today ....
"When I Think About  The Lord"
Ministered By Shane & Shane

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Stop Just Believing God To The Point Of Is .... You Have To Believe Him To The Point That You Believe That He Will Do It For You.....

You have been given a choice today ..... what will you choose?   Will you choose life or death?   Heaven or hell?   Peace or worry?   Joy or sadness?    Every thought that you have .... leads to a decision you will make.   Even if the decision is whether or not you really believe what you are thinking.   

Do you believe that God is?   If you believe that God is ..... do you believe that He is a healer?   If you believe that God is a healer ..... do you believe that He will heal you?    Don't stop at the beginning of the thought.   Don't stop at the point of just believing that He is or believing that He will.   Make it personal .... believe that what He is and what He will do ..... Believe that He is that to you and that He will do it for you.   

God is so good and He loves you so much.    Will you trust Him enough to make it personal?    When something is personal .... it is a that point it belongs to you rather than someone else.    We pray for people and we believe that God will do things for them.   That He will heal them, that He will deliver them, that He will manifest His goodness, His grace, and His mercy in their lives.   It's time we believe for ourselves.   It's time we open up our hearts and our minds to the goodness and grace of God in our own lives.    Choose to believe today.   Choose to believe that God has "you" on His mind.   That God is working out all things for "your" good.   That He is healing "you".   That He is delivering "you".   Choose to believe in His love for "you".     

Worship For Today ....
"Will You Believe"
Ministered By Gary Rea

Friday, March 16, 2012

What It Means To Be Strong and Courageous As You Cross The Threshold Into New Dimensions In God ....

Understand the word that Moses spake unto Joshua at the point of his transition ..... At the point where God was transitioning Joshua into leadership.    God is transitioning you today.  He wants you to lead those around you.    To lead them into covenant with Him.    Moses told Joshua and the children of Israel .... to be strong and courageous.    Understand the word strong means .... solid; tough; not easily broken or injured; able to withstand violence; able to sustain attacks; not easily subdued or taken.    The word courageous means the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.    God has called each of us to be strong and courageous in Him.    You are about to cross a "Jordan" in your life.   A threshold that will take you to new dimensions in your relationship with God.   But understand the enemy will come to try to get you off track.   At that point you must be strong and courageous.   You must be full His word and full of His faith.  

Deuteronomy 31:1-9
Amplified Bible (AMP)
 1AND MOSES went on speaking these words to all Israel:     2And he said to them, I am 120 years old this day; I can no more go out and come in. And the Lord has said to me, You shall not go over this Jordan.
    3The Lord your God will Himself go over before you, and He will destroy these nations from before you, and you shall dispossess them. And Joshua shall go over before you, as the Lord has said.
    4And the Lord will do to them as He did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and to their land, when He destroyed them.
    5And the Lord will give them over to you, and you shall do to them according to all the commandments which I have commanded you.
    6Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.
    7And Moses called to Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, Be strong, courageous, and firm, for you shall go with this people into the land which the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall cause them to possess it.
    8It is the Lord Who goes before you; He will [march] with you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; [let there be no cowardice or flinching, but] fear not, neither become broken [in spirit--depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm].
    9And Moses wrote this law and delivered it to the Levitical priests, who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the elders of Israel.

Worship For Today .....
"You Delivered Me"
Ministered By Joshua Jones & Caron Weeks

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Don't Allow Yourself To Just Be Tickled By The Word .... Let It Permeate Who You Are ....

Be encouraged today.....

Knowing that God works all things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.   Know today that God is a healer.   Jesus took stripes on His back so that you could be healed.   Know that your Father is a provider.   He said in His word that He would provide "all" of your needs (not some) according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.   Know today that you are protected.  For He has promised that He will watch over you and keep you in all your ways.   

The problem we tend to have is that we have the knowledge but we never allow the knowledge that we have to become rooted in us.   When something is rooted ... it is hard for it to be removed.    It is not easily swayed or pulled up ..... when its rooted.   We have to become rooted in God's word so that when the pressures of life come against us, we are not easily moved.    Where our sense realm knowledge becomes our faith based evidence.     We have to base our faith on God's word and in order to do that we have to know it.   It has to be a part of who we are.   

Don't allow yourself to just be tickled by God's word.   Allow it to permeate who you are.    When something permeates, it spreads throughout.   Let God's word spread throughout your being.   Know that you know.   Even more so .... believe what you know.    The word will never work if you don't believe that it will.   

Take A Moment To Pray and Confess God's word with us today .... PRAYER AND CONFESSION FOR TODAY - March 15, 2012 ... posted on

"Because Of Who You Are"
Ministered By Vicki Yohe
Worship For Today ....

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Drink The Water Of God's Word In Your Wilderness and Anchor Your Mind, Your Will, and Your Emotions With Your Faith

What do you do after you have done all that you can do?   The Bible says to stand.    It's hard to stand still when the wind is blowing.   It's hard to stand still when the waves are coming at you.   Yet God has said to stand.    When a boat is in the ocean and the winds come and the waves come, it doesn't float away because it is anchored.    An anchor is an object that is used to secure something firmly in position.   It means to fix firmly and make stable.    God want us to be anchored in Him.    To be fixed in Him.   To be stable in Him.    He wants us to anchor our soul (our mind, our will, and our emotions) on and in Him.   

So often we try to stand alone.   We try to hold on alone.   It is like we are out in the middle of a desert .... all alone.    When will we get the revelation that God said He will never leave us nor forsake us?    When will we understand that He is our water in the middle of the desert?    He is there in our dry places in life.    

Understand that you are not alone.   Understand the power that is within you.   Draw from the water of God's word.    Anchor yourself on who He is.   Allow your faith to be the anchor for your soul.    Faith says that you believe God.   Faith says that all that you are and all that you do is based on what God has promised you.    When the winds blow and the waves come .... allow your mind to be at peace because your soul is anchored on who your Father is and not what you can do on your own.   

God loves you.   He has promised you that He will never leave you nor forsake you.   You can trust that.   You can trust His word to be true in your life.

Worship For Today ....
"The Anchor Holds"
Ministered By Michael Garmon

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

God's Light .... Your Life.... Or Should It Be God's Light ..... God's Life .....

If you ever wonder how you are to live this life..... you are to live your life in God's light.    The light of His word.   The light of His revelation.   The light of who He is.    We tend to want God's light and life.   Not understanding that God is requiring from us a sacrifice.   The sacrifice that He desires is our life.    He wants us to sacrifice our life for His life.    To lay down who we are and to pick up who He is.    So instead of wanting God light to shine through our life, we need to understand that if we lay down our life and pick up His .... we will automatically be walking in His light.   

Make today about a day of sacrifice.   Laying down who you are and what you want to do .... in order to pick up who He is and what He desires for you to do.   God is all you need.   Everything that you need is in Him.    Lay you down and pick up Him today.    

Take A Moment To Confess God's Word With Us Today ..... PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 13, 2012 (Confession of Faith) .... posted on

Worship For Today ....
"Lord I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Hillsong

Monday, March 12, 2012

Trusting, Acknowledging, and Walking In The Victory of God

Today is a day of trust.   A day to tell God that you trust Him to do and be all that He said He would be.    Today is a day to acknowledge God in all that you do.    To acknowledge means to recognize the fact, importance, or quality of something.     Today is a day of victory.     When you are victorious, it means you win.     So today we will trust God, acknowledge God, and walk in the victory of God.   

All that we are and all that we do .... we are and do in Him.    The questions are .....  Are you trusting God to do what He said He would do?   Are you acknowledging God in all that you do and say?  Are you walking in the victory that has already been won for you?   

A battle has been fought and won on your behalf.   It would be senseless not to walk in the victory that has already been won.    It is like having food on your table .... yet dying from starvation.    There is nothing you have to do to get the food or prepare the food .... it is already sitting on your table waiting for you to consume it.    Yet you fail to eat it and die from lack of food.     Your battle is the same way.    There is nothing that you need to do to win it.   It has already been won.   You just have to walk in it.    Yet in many cases we choose not to trust or acknowledge the victor so that we can walk in the victory.    That is all that God wants.   He wants you to trust Him and to acknowledge Him.    Will you do that today .... so that you can be victorious in Him?

Worship For Today ....
"All I Need Is You"
Ministered By Hillsong

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Don't Allow The Distractions In Your Life To Cause You To Derail From The Plan and Purpose Of God In Your Life.....

What will you allow to lead you today?    We have to get to the place where we understand that the enemy is not after our houses, our cars, our jobs, or our money.    He is after our lives.   When will we get to the complete understanding that the sole root of what he does is so that he can rule and reign in our lives.   So that we won't be led by God.   So that we won't follow God's plan.    How hard  is it to see?   How difficult is it to comprehend.    He knows that if he can get you off track.   In a place where your concentration is on what is happening to you .... rather than what God has done for you ..... then he can cause you to derail.  The word derail means to cause something to fail or become deflected from its purpose.   It means to reduce or delay the chances of its success or development.    That's what the enemy wants to do to you.   He wants to reduce your chance of success in God.    That is the whole purpose of the distractions in your life. 

A derailment is never intentional.   There is always a cause behind a derailment.    Either there is something on the tracks.   There may be something broken or misaligned on the tracks.   Maybe the train is going at an excessive speed or there is something faulty in the wheels or maybe there are obstructions on the tracks.   Either way .... a derailment doesn't just happen.   That is why we need to check our lives.   We need to check for obstructions.   We need to check our thoughts to make sure they are aligned properly with God's word.    We need to check our speed and make sure we are going in the right direction.    

God wants to use us.   The devil wants to distract us.    Now it is up to us to choose how we will be aligned.    Will you align yourself with God's word or your worries?   The choice is yours.   Understand that whatever you align yourself with is what you are coming into agreement with.   

Worship For Today .....
"Take All Of Me"
Ministered By Hillsong

Saturday, March 10, 2012

You Are Surrounded By The Presence Of God.... What Are Your Exposing Your God, Your Creator, and Your King To?

Where God is.... you are.   What God is doing .... He wants to do through you.   The question is .... will you let Him?   Will let Him move and manifest in your life?   Will you allow Him to teach you?   Will you open up your heart and receive Him today?    All the questions are for you to answer.    God wants you to acknowledge Him.   To trust Him.  To believe Him.     But if you never allow Him in .... you can never walk in what He has for you.   

You have to understand that God never called you to walk alone.   He said that He will never leave you nor forsake you.   Even when you think you are alone .... you are not based on what He has said.    No matter where you .... God is there.   No matter what you are doing .... God is still there.   The question now is about exposure.   What exactly are you exposing your God, your Creator, and your King to in your life.    Are the things you are watching in line with Him and His word?   How about the things you are doing?    There is nothing that we think, say, or do that God does not know.    Why is it that we fail to understand that God knows our beginning to our end.    He knows every step our feet will take and every situation that we will encounter.   God just wants us to acknowledge His presence while we are walking out His plan for our lives.   

Understand today that you are surrounded by the presence of God.   The air you breathe  .... the house you live in .... the car you drive .... the job you work ..... the children you have .... the family you have .... all of it is a result of the presence and power of God being in your life.   Without God .... nothing (no thing) would exist ..... so everything (all things) are a result of His presence and His power.  

Watch what you say and watch what you do understanding that God is with you no matter where you are and what you are doing.     Make it your goal and your purpose to expose God to things that are like He is.   Holy, Pure, and Right.  

Friday, March 09, 2012

What Are You Allowing To Interfere With Your Walk With God? Are You Weighing Your Life By The Word or The World?

What are you allowing to interfere with your walk with God?   When something interferes it means it prevents something from being carried out properly.    You have been called to walk with God.   You have been called to live your life in a way that is holy and acceptable in the sight of God.    What is it in your life that is causing you to live differently?   Is it people, places, or things?    Are there things in your life that you enjoy so much that you are not willing to let go of them?   How about people?    How about the places you like to go .... do you enjoy them so much that you don't want to let go?    It's time to weigh your life by the word.  

We have two choices .... we either weigh our lives by the word or we weigh our lives by the world.    When you weigh your life by the word .... your load is light.   One requirement of the word is that  you cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.    If you weigh your life by the world, it becomes heavy.   The load becomes unbearable because you are carrying around all those people, places, and things that you "care" about.    Those cares that God has already told you to cast on Him.   Not to mention the other stuff that comes along with it.   

The choice is yours.   Will you live your life to please God or will you live it to please those around you?   Some may not understand your walk but you have to understand that when you choose God .... He is "under" your "stand".    In other words, He is holding you up.  

Take A Moment To Confess God's Word With Us Today .... PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 9, 2012 (Confession For The Day) .... posted on

"You Are God Alone"
Ministered By Phillips, Dean, and Craig

Worship For Today ....

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Are You Being A Mirror Of The Image Of God? What Are Your Words and Actions Reflecting?

What are your words reflecting today?   Are they reflecting who He is?   What are your actions reflecting today?    Are they reflecting who He is?   Reflection means to mirror and show an image of.    When people look at you and hear you .... are you projecting the image of God?   

Psalm 17:15 says ....

Amplified Bible (AMP)
As for me, I will continue beholding Your face in righteousness (rightness, justice, and right standing with You); I shall be fully satisfied, when I awake [to find myself] beholding Your form [and having sweet communion with You].

To behold means to see or observe.    How are you seeing God.     Are you seeing His face in rightness and justice?   Do you understand that the way that you see Him in the beauty of His holiness is the way that He wants you to see yourself?  Be a reflection of God today..... not only so you can see yourself as God sees you .... but so others can see the God in you.    
Take A Moment To Declare God's word over your life today ... PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 8, 2012 (Declaration Of Faith Over Your Life) .... posted on

Worship For Today ....
"Forgive Me"
Ministered By Nicole C. Mullen

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Are You Ingesting and Digesting God's Word? Consuming and Breaking It Down To Where It Is Used In Your Life.....

So what is YOUR plan today?    Do you realize that God's plan is not necessarily our plan?   His ways are not our ways.   However, His way and His plan are what we should be following.    We need to get to the place of truly trusting God.   Trusting that He knows what is best for our lives.   That He knows what to do and how to do it.   So often we set our own agenda.   We create our own plan and when it doesn't come the way we have outlined it to be .... we allow disappointment to set in.    That's not God.    We have to get to a place where we follow the outline of God.   The plan that He established from the foundation of the world.    There is no erasing God's plan.    We can only live out God's plan.

Today read the outline.    The outline is God's word.   In His word He tells us to trust and believe.   Understand the foundation of faith.    God's plan is that you live by faith and not by sight.   If you concentrate on what you see .... fear sets in.   If you concentrate on what God said, faith will be established.   

Make it your determined purpose today to concentrate on God's plan for your life.   Ingest and digest God's word today.    The word ingest means to consume.   We need to consume God's word today.   The word digest means to break down in a way that can be used.   So today let's consume God's word and break it down in a way that can be used in our life.       

Take A Moment To Pray and Confess God's Word In Your Life Today .... PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 7, 2012 (Declaration of Faith) .... posted on
Worship For Today ....
"Great and Mighty"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

What Is Your Desire? Make Sure It Is In Line With What God Desire For Your Life.....

What is it that you are desiring today.   What word?  What wisdom?  What person, place, or thing?   We have to make sure that our desires line up with God's desire.   We have to begin to rest in His word and allow His word to initiate the desires in our life.   A lot of times we tend to desire things that offset the plan of God for our lives.   Things that cause us to be distracted.    The word offset means to counteract.   It is an opposing force.   

Today, make it your determined purpose to seek those things that draw you closer to who God is.   The things that reveal more of His character and His plan and purpose for your life.   Refuse to be distracted.  Refused to be caught off balance.   When you are off balance, you are subject to fall.    There are things in life that lead to failure .... which in essence is you falling.   

God wants you to have His best.    His best is that you prosper and be in health.   His best is that you trust Him in all that you do.   His best is that you walk in faith .... believing and knowing that He has a plan for your life and that He is faithful to complete it in your life.    

Understand today that you are chosen.   When you choose someone .... that means you have a plan for them.   It all works together people of God.    The plan and the purpose.    Take time and make sure that what you desire in life lines up with what God desires for your life.   

Worship For Today .....
"This Is My Desire"
Ministered By Hillsong

Monday, March 05, 2012

God Has Prepared His Word .... God Has Prepared You ..... The Question Is Are You Ready To Be Used.....

The preparation of God's word.    When something is prepared, that means that it is made ready.   God has prepared His word today.   He has made it ready for us.   Not only has He made His word ready for us .... He has made us ready to be used by Him.     Make ready means to equip in advance for a particular purpose or use.    Now that you are ready ... are you willing to step out for God?   Are you willing to let His word penetrate who you are?   To let His word flow through you and minister to those around you.    

God wants to use you.   He wants to flow through you.    His word was prepared before time began.   Now you are prepared.   It is now a matter of your faith and your willingness to step out of your comfort zone.    Look around you today .... somebody needs to hear what you have to say.   Somebody is waiting to hear your testimony.   Your confession of faith.   Your response to what is going on in your life and in the world is what those around you are waiting to hear.   Will you allow God's word to flow through you?   Will you allow His peace to be seen in you?  Will you allow His purpose to be seen in you.    You are ready ..... the question now is ..... are you willing? 

Worship For Today ....
"I Wanna Be More Like You"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Are Your Waiting On God? It's Time To Take His Word As Final Authority and To Wait On Him To Solve Our Problems ....

So how are you going about solving your problems?   The things that are coming up against your life.   The things that hinder your day to to day walk.    Are you trying to handle spiritual things naturally?   In yourself .... in your own comprehension of what you need to do .....     God wants you to let Him handle things for you.    Although sometimes it's hard to wait, we are still called to wait.   The Bible tells us over and over again to wait on the Lord.    It tells us to trust in the Lord.   It tells us to believe the Lord.    Not once does it say to do it in your own strength and your own ability.    

It's time we take the Word as final authority.   When it says wait .... we must wait.   When it says to trust .... we must trust.   When it says to believe .... we need to believe.     No it's not easy .... because our flesh is involved.   Our emotions are involved.   Our thoughts are involved.    But we still must wait.   Doing things in ourselves does not solve the problem .... nor does it help the problem.    It only appeases our emotions.    

Today let's rest in Isaiah 40:31 ..... But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.   Understand today that God is preparing you to run.   He is putting you in a position where you will not get tired.    He is teaching you to walk without fainting.     

Worship For Today ....
"Waiting On You"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Saturday, March 03, 2012

God Wants To Do A New Thing In You .... Will You Allow Him To Refresh You (Reinvigorate, Strengthen, and Energize You)

Every time you look around it is something new happening.   There are new ideas, new inventions, new television shows, new shoes, etc.   But the question is .... are you allowing God to do something new in you?   In your attitude and in your altitude.    Are you allowing God to take you to new levels in Him?   New levels of trust and new areas of provision?    So often we try to hold on to the old.   To the familiar ... but that is not God.    God said for us to let go.   He said behold I do a new thing .... shall you not know it.    Are you allowing God to do a new thing in you.   In your heart and in your attitude.   In order for God to do a new thing, it requires something from you.    It requires that you let go.   It requires that you let Him in.   It requires that you be willing to change.    

Are you willing to change for God?  To let God move in your life?   To allow God to have an inroads into your heart and into your mind?    Allowing Him to come in so that you can make spiritual progress.     So that you can go to new levels in Him.    So that you can receive the new things that He is doing in your life.  

God is not into the old.   He is not trying to make you live off of yesterday's grace and yesterday's power.   He is not trying to make you abide in what He did for you yesterday.   He refreshes your testimony.   He refreshes the power within you.   He refreshes His plan for your life.   When you refresh something ..... you reinvigorate it give new strength or energy to it.    God is consistently refreshing His plan for your life.    He is consistently strengthening you and showing you that you can do it and that you can make it.   

Will you trust what He is doing in your life and allow Him to refresh, renew, and restore YOU?

Worship For Today ....
"Renew Me"
Ministered By Marthat Munizzi

Friday, March 02, 2012

Moving Your Position In God ..... Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

How comfortable are you?   Are you so comfortable that you are afraid of change?    So comfortable that you have become attached to the things you do.   So attached that you don't want to let them go.   You don't want to give them up.     It's time to move out of your comfort zone.   

You have to understand today that God wants us comfortable.   But He wants us comfortable in Him.  For He has told us to rest in Him.   To trust in Him.   To believe in Him.     The only thing that we need to attach ourselves to is His word.    His word of comfort.   His word of peace.   His word that leads, directs, and guides us in the way we should go.     Get comfortable with His word.   Get comfortable in believing what He has said to be true.    Relax in His promises.   Have hope and trust in Him and Him alone.  

Today .... make it your determined purpose to move out of "your" comfort zone and to come up higher in Him.   Do what you have not done.    Tell someone about Him today.    Pray for someone today.    Raise your expectancy today.    Move forward in God.    Don't just be satisfied with the norm.    There are higher heights in God.    God wants to move you to a level where you can see the enemy before he attacks.   That means you have to go higher.   You have to be in a place where you are over the situation and the enemy is under your feet.   

Worship For Today ....
"Comfort Zone"
Ministered By Marvin Sapp

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Are You Modifying Your Belief To Believe What God Has Said or What The Enemy Is Saying?

Today is a new day in Him.   A day of victory and not defeat.  A day of power and supernatural favor.   A day to walk in the grace of God.     How are you seeing Him today?   Are you seeing God as your provider or are you steadily keeping your eyes focused on the need.   Are you seeing God as your healer or are you allowing the pain to consume you.     We have to learn how to shift our focus.    Focus means to adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly.    Understand what this is saying.   When you adapt .... it means you that you modify and you change.   You become adjusted to what is there.    The question is .... what are you adjusting to.   Are you allowing God and His word to be the prevailing light in your life.     Don't modify your belief to adapt to what the enemy is saying.    Make sure that any change that you are making ..... any modification to who you are and what you believe is being made to take you closer to who God is. 

Make your day about Him today.   Line up your thoughts .... line up your actions .... and line up your reactions to reflect who He is.   

Worship For Today ..... 
"I Smile"
Ministered By Kirk Frankin

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...