Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Are You Trusting What God Said? Do You Know That Your Situation Is Not Permanent?

God has given you the power to overcome the challenges that seem to keep arising in your life.   You are not defeated.   No matter how it feels or what it looks like, you are not defeated.   You are an overcomer.   The battle against life and death has ALREADY been won on your behalf.   Jesus has fought the battle, won it, and given us the victory. 

Whatever your situation is ... KNOW THAT IT IS NOT PERMANENT.   Learn how to trust God for change.   Trust what He has said.  Trust that He has told you that He is working things together for your good.  Trust that He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Trust that He is God and His Word is true.  

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By Mandisa

Monday, July 28, 2014

Are You Worshipping, Praising, and Preparing For Your Season To Change?

Sometimes life gets hard.   Sometimes we don't know what to do.  Sometimes it seems as though the pain is overtaking every good feeling and thought we have.  But we have to press past what is happening sometimes.  The word sometimes means occasionally or from time time to time.   We have to know and understand that there are times and seasons.  A season is a period of time where things take place or are permitted.    We have to know that seasons end.  

Think about what we do when seasons change.   When Winter turns into Spring.   When Spring Turns into Summer.  When Summer turns into Fall.   The different season require different clothes.   We prepare.    We prepare for the change.   That is what you need to do in life.   Start preparing for this season of your life to change.  

Ministered By Donald Lawrence

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Are You Seeking A Temporary Fix By Releasing Your Birthright In Order To Pacify Your Flesh

Another word for prerogative is "birthright".    A birthright is a basic entitlement.   It is that which comes along with birth.   Understand the birthright that has been bestowed upon you.   When something is bestowed, it is given even when it is undeserved.    There is nothing we could have done to earn the eternal life that we have been given through the sacrifice of Jesus.    Eternal life is a gift that has been given to us by God.   When we are born again, we receive the birthright of eternal life.

A birthright is a right, possession or privilege.   In the Bible Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for something to eat.   Eating appeases the flesh.  To appease means to pacify or to satisfy a need or desire for something.    Don't sell your birthright by appeasing your flesh.    Understand the rights that you have been given through salvation.    Learn how to wait on God to give you what you need and what you desire that lines up with His Word and will.    Don't let go of God's promises for a "temporary" fix to your situation.  

Worship For Today ...
"You Are All I Need"
Ministered By The Planetshakers

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Are You Casting Your Cares On God and Putting Your Faith, Hope, and Trust In Him?

What's the difference?  What is the difference in how you are handling your situations now in comparison to what you would have done in the past.   What is the difference?    What has changed?   Are you giving them over to God or are you still trying to figure them out and work them out?   What is different?

What is the difference in how you relate to others?   When others let you down, what do you do?   Do you walk in unforgiveness, hurt, and pain?   Or do you release them and what they have done to God?  

We have to get to a place of releasing everything to God.   Where we cast our cares on Him and put our faith, hope, and trust in Him.    We have to learn how to let people go while trusting God for their deliverance.    We have to know, see, recognize, and remember that God is real.

Worship For Today ...
"We Could Change The World"
Ministered By Matt Redman

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Understand God Will Keep You When People Let You Down ...

Don't lose your faith or your hope.   Sometimes we put our faith, hope, and trust in people and they let us down.    However, you cannot determine the faithfulness of God based on what people do or do not do.    We want to believe and we want to trust, but we have to remember that people may let us down.    We can't judge the faithfulness of God based on what people do and don't do.    

We have to begin to understand that people change.    God does not change.   People may lie.   God cannot lie.    People will take away life.  God is the giver of life.    Therefore we know that our faith and our hope MUST be in God.   It is God who is faithful and who will keep us when people let us down.  

"Faithful God"
Ministered By Gateway Worship

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Have You Come To A Point Of Surrender?

Are you taking on a battle that God has already told you that He would fight for you?  Are you trying to figure it out and work it out.   God has a plan.   You have to trust it.   He said that He knows the plans that He has for you.   Now He just wants you to know.    To know means to be certain about something.   God wants you to be certain about the fact that He has a plan and that He will take care of you. 

So right now come to a point of surrender.   Where you surrender your all to Him.   Where you trust Him.  Where you believe Him.   Where you are walking in faith concerning His promises that He has given you in His Word.    Let Him fight the battle.   Understand right now that the battle has already been won.   Stop fighting and start walking in victory.

Worship For Today ... 
"The Battle Is The Lords"
Ministered By Yolanda Adams

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

It's Time To Let Go Of The "Just In Case" Mindset ...

Why not now?  Why not trust God now?  Why not believe God now?   Why not make a move for God now?   It's time to stop procrastinating.   It's time to move forward.   It's time to trust God and to step out in faith.    

What is it that God has told you to do?   Have you taken the steps necessary to make it happen?   Have you moved out on faith showing God that you trust and believe Him?    You belong to God and He has said if you delight in Him, He will give you the desires of your heart.   (Psalm 37:4)

In order for you to completely surrender to God, you must trust Him completely.   You must also believe Him.    If you don't trust Him or believe Him, you will always hold a part of life in reserve.   Your thought process will always be one that says "just in case God doesn't do it ... I will do this or that".    It's time to truly let go and let God.  

Worship For Today ...
"Let Go"
Ministered By Dewayne Woods

Monday, July 21, 2014

Are You Letting The Foundation Of God’s Word Override The Appearance Of Your Situation?

Knowing, trusting, believing.   It’s easy to say I know God, I trust God, and I believe God.  But, is your faith backing up what you say.    Awareness, fear, and doubt all counteract faith.    Being aware of who God is … is not knowing God.    Fearing what the enemy will try to do to you … is not faith.   Doubting if God will bring you through … is not faith.    It’s time to walk fully in faith.   Knowing that God will bring you through your situation.   Knowing that He is not a man that He should lie.   Knowing that He is all knowing and all powerful.   Knowing that He has promised to work everything together for your good.
It’s time to put your trust in God.   Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord and to lean NOT to our own understanding.   It tells us to acknowledge Him in ALL our ways and He will direct our path.    So trusting God goes beyond just saying I trust you Lord.  Trusting God means you still stand when pressure is applied to your faith.

So no matter what comes against your faith or tries to counteract what your faith, let your hope, trust, and belief remain in God.    When the enemy tries to inject situations to cause you to doubt, always let the foundation of God’s Word override the appearance of your situation.   God and His Word are one.  The Bible says that God is not a man that He should lie.  Therefore we know that His Word does not lie.  What He has said that He will do, HE WILL DO.  

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Are You Walking In The Dark While God's Light Is Abiding Within You?

Dark places are meant to cause you to stumble.   But understand, God has given us light through His Word.   When we turn on the light of His Word, it enables us to see clearly.   It enables us to avoid the pitfalls of life.   It enables us to be strengthened and it helps us to overcome.    We have to start turning on the light of God's Word through reading, meditation, and prayer.  

When we walk in a well lit room, we can see everything that is set before us.   We can see the distractions and recognize them for what they are.   What good does it do to have a light or lamp in a room and still walk in the dark trying to find your way around.    You are God's room ... His dwelling place.   His Holy Spirit dwells in you.  Turn on the lamp of His Word and let Him lead, guide, and direct you.

Worship For Today  ...
"In Your Light"
Ministered By Bethel

Thursday, July 17, 2014

When You Get A Grip ... Make Sure Your Grip Is On God

How are you handling your season of pain?  Are you quitting?  Are you giving up?   Are you
standing?   Are you moving forward in spite of?   You have to stand strong through it all.   Understand where you feel weak, God is strong.   He is holding you.   He has promised to deliver you.  He has said that He will never leave you nor forsake you.   

Understand to handle means to grip.    What are you gripping to?  Is your grip on God or are you trying to hold tight to your situation in hopes that you can bring about a change in it. Understand, only God can change it.   So instead of trying to get a grip ... learn how to release.   Learn how to let go.   Learn how to let God be God in your life.   

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By Sanctus Real

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Do You Trust God Enough To Let It All Go?

What is stopping you now?  Stopping you from surrendering?  Stop you from stepping out on faith?  Stopping you from believing?  Stopping you from obeying?   What is it in  your life that is hindering you from resting and receiving God's blessings.

Do you trust God "enough"?   Do you trust Him enough to let everything else go.  To give up your status to make a statement about the realness and reality of God.     Lack of trust will cause you to hold on to people, places, and things.    Do you trust God enough to let it all go?  To believe that He has a plan and to know that His plan is better.

Worship For Today ...
"Letting Go"
Ministered By Steffany Frizzel Gretzinger & Bethel

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Are You Ready To Honor Your Word To God ... Just As He Honors His Word To You?

You said.    Do you remember what you told God the last time you were going through?   Do you remember when you said God if you deliver me, I will serve you?   Are you doing what you said?  Are you giving God your all or are you walking on the borderline.   When you walk on the borderline, you are uncertain, not quite there, and undecided.  

Have you made the decision to serve God completely?   To give Him your all.  To lay everything else down.  Are you ready to fully commit?   God is going to take care of you.  He hears your voice and His ears are open to your cry.   Make sure you honor your word to Him as He honors His Word to you. 

Worship For Today ...
"We Cry Out"
Ministered By Kim Walker & Jesus Culture

Monday, July 14, 2014

Understanding God Is All Sufficient and Knowing That His Love Is Enough ...

All Sufficient.   The word all means completely, totally, and entirely.   Sufficient means necessary, adequate, and enough.   Understand, God is all sufficient.   We are complete in Him.   Everything we need can be found totally and entirely in Him.    Whatever is necessary to walk out our day to day lives, is in Him.   He is adequate and His love is enough.    God is all sufficient.  

The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 9 that God is able to make all grace "abound" towards us, so that we can "abound" in all things.   When we abound in God, we thrive, we flourish, we prosper, and we overflow.    For to abound means to thrive, flourish, prosper, and overflow.   

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By Israel & New Breed

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Learning How To Live Moment by Moment, Step by Step, and Day by Day For God

Moment by moment.  Step by step.   Day by day.   God has not changed.   He is still there.   He has not left us nor forsaken us.    He hears all, sees all, and knows all.   He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.  Our situations do not dictate His ability.   Whether we need healing, finances, peace, joy, or whatever else, it's not to hard for God.    All He wants is our surrender.    One definition of surrender means to give a seat, office, or position to someone.   God wants us to surrender our need for control to Him.   He wants us to allow Him to have full reign in our lives.  

We have to learn how to let go.   To let go and to allow Him to have the position of authority in our lives.   When someone has the authority, they have the "right to command".   They have the "power to act" on your behalf.    It is time to allow God to move on our behalf so that the command of His Word can move in our lives freely and cause things to change.    Learning to let go is a moment by moment, step by step, and day by day process.    But understand, as you surrender it all to God, you will see the changes that only God can make in your life.  

Worship For Today ...
"I Give Myself Away"
Ministered By William McDowell

Saturday, July 12, 2014

What Is The Central Point Of Your Attraction, Attention, and Activity?

What is your motivation?   What motivates you to move?   Are you motivated by people?   Are you motivated by money?   Are you motivated by opportunity?   What is it that motivates you?   We should be motivated by God and His Word.  

When someone is motivated, they feel as though they have a reason or incentive.    Is your motivation based on how you feel or what you feel you will get out of it?   What is it?   Whatever your motivation is, it is also what your primary focus is.    It's time to focus in on God and His Word.   It's time to let God have the fullness of our focus.   Our focus is our central point of attraction, attention, and activity.    What is it that you are drawn to?   What is it that that has captivated your attention?  What is it that you are putting your maximum effort towards?    If it is not God, then it is time to make a change.  To shift.   To refocus and to make sure our motivation for what we do is based on God and His Word.   

Worship For Today ... 
Ministered By Clint Brown

Friday, July 11, 2014

Are You Allowing Your Frustration To Cause You To Be Disappointed?

How do you handle disappointment?   Disappointment comes when you feel let down.   Sometimes we feel let down by people, by situations, or even by God.   Disappointment comes when our hope is frustrated.  When we are dissatisfied or discontent.  

We first have to understand the plan of God for our lives.   We have to understand that He has promised to give us a  hope, future, and an expected end.    So when things don't work out the way you thought they would, you still know that God is in control and that His plan is still in place.   

Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for the good of those who are called according to God's purpose.    You have been purposed by God.  You have been chosen by God.    Romans 5:5 says that our hope does not put us to shame.   So let your hope be in God and His plan for your life and don't be disappointed when things don't work according to your plan because God has a plan.  

Worship For Today ...
"All My Hope"
Ministered By Hillsong

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Are You Basing and Living Your Life According To How You Feel or What Someone Else Has Said?

What makes it right?  What makes you right?   Is it the way you feel?   Is it based on what someone else has deemed to be right?   What exactly makes your motives and your actions right?   

The word "right" means to be in accordance with what is good, proper, or just.    It means to conform to facts or truth.   To be right, we have to be in line with God's Word.   There is no right apart from who He is and what He has said.   So being right cannot be based on how you feel or what someone else has deemed to right.   Being right has to be based on God's Word.   Live your life to please God.   Let His Word and His will be the justification for the way you walk, talk, and for the things you do.

Worship For Today ...
"Pleasing To You"
Ministered By Desperation Band  

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Have You Given God The Right To Have His Way In Your Life?

Are you exerting all your energy trying to do what God has told you that He would do?    Or are you allowing Him to lead you into what He wants you to do?   Understand, when you allow someone to lead, it means you have to yield.   When you yield, you give the right-of-way.   So in essence, you are allowing God the right to have His way in your life.  

It is time to stop exerting so much energy trying to do it on your own.   It's time to yield and let God move in your life.    It's time to let God be God.  It's time to stop wearing yourself out trying to do it all and figure it all out.   Understand and know that God has a plan and that plan has been perfected for your life.   When something is perfected, it is complete and whole and it is without flaw and error.  Understand, God's plan is perfect.  

Worship For Today ... 
"I Know The Plans"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Are You Trying To Be Assured In What You Can Do or What God Has Done?

The word confident means self-assured.    God's wants us to be confident, but He wants our confidence to be in Him.  He wants us to be confident in His promises that He has given us through His word.   A lot of people lack confidence.   They lack self-assurance.  Could it be because they are trying to be assured in what "they" can do?   We have to understand that it is not about what we can do, it is all about what God has done.  

When you are confident, you are convinced, you are bold, and you are assured.   So make it a point to be convinced that God is who He said He is and He will do what He has promised.    Be bold in your belief.   God wants you fearless and walking fully in faith.   Rest assured.   That means you are to rest in the assurance that God has given you in His Word.  

In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge.

"I Trust You"
Ministered By James Fortune & FIYA

Monday, July 07, 2014

Understanding God Is Well Able ... Nothing Is Too Hard For God

Where is your hope?   Is your hope in God or in what you can do?   Do you believe that God is able?  Or are you trusting your own ability?    You have to learn how to put your trust totally in God.   You have to learn how to wait on Him.   You have to believe that He is more than able to bring you out.   

So often we say we believe God and we trust Him, however, our actions show that our faith, hope, love, and trust are not fully in Him.    What do you do when it doesn't work the way you expect it to?  Are  you ready to give up on God or are you willing to wait on God?  You have to learn how to stand in expectation and not be moved by your situation.     Understand, your situation is NOT to hard for God.  He is well able!  

Worship For Today ...
"God Is Able"
Ministered By Hillsong

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Are You Laying Aside Your Emotions and Opinions In Order To Base Your Stand On God's Word?

It's not what you think.  To think means to use your "mind" to consider and to make judgments.   The question is, what are you "considering" and what are your "judgments" based on?   Are you considering the fact that God is all powerful and all knowing.    Are you basing your  judgments on the fact that He created all things and is able to do whatever He needs to in order to bring about the necessary changes in your life?   Or are you basing it on how "you" feel?

It's time to lay aside your emotions.   It's time to lay aside personal opinions.   It's time to base it all on His Word.   What He has said that He will do.   It's time to trust God completely.   Not giving it over to Him and then taking it back.   It's time to let go and let God.  

Worship For Today ...
"Let Go"
Ministered By Dwayne Woods

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Are You Desiring To See God Move In Your Life While Failing To Seek Him? Seek Him So That You Can See Him ...

Seeing and seeking God.    We want to see God but are we truly willing to seek God?   Are we willing to do what it takes to seek out His will, purpose, and plan.  We are very quick to say God where are You?  God will you move now?   God I need you now?   But are we seeking Him?  Are we delving into His Word and pulling out the truths of His Word?   Are we learning His character and shaping our lives after His characteristics of truth, faithfulness, and love?

It's time to put more into our walk with God.   It's time to seek Him and to live according to His Word.   Don't just have a desire to see Him move in your life, let your desire be to seek Him as well.  

Worship For Today ... 
"The More I Seek You"
Ministered By Kari Jobe

Friday, July 04, 2014

Are You Seeing God In The Midst?

Nothing is to hard for God.  We tend to get caught up in what we are going through instead of realizing that God is with us no matter what we are experiencing in life.  Our experiences do not limit God's ability.  Our weaknesses do not lessen God's strength.  Our inadequacies do not change God's love.

We have to learn how to see God in the midst.  In the midst of the pain and the suffering.  In the midst of the struggle.  In the midst of the hurt and anxiety.  He is there.  He has not left you alone.  When you learn how to see Him, you will know He us taking you through.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

WORD FOR THE DAY - July 3, 2014 (Are You Trusting In The Fact That God Is Still God)

When it's all said and done ... what are you going to do?  Are you going to give up?  Are you going to quit?   Are you going to stop?   Are you going to stand still?   You have been praying and you have been asking God to move in your situation and you can't see it.  What now?  No, you don't understand why He is not answering but You still have to trust Him.   You have to trust in the fact that He created you.   He created everything in this world.   Everything you need and don't need.    You have to trust in the fact that He preordained where you would be at this point in your life and He has a plan to bring you out.    TRUST HIM.

No, it's not easy.   Yes, it may get even harder.   BUT HE IS STILL GOD.  

"You Are God Alone"
Ministered By Phillips, Craig & Dean

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...