Friday, December 20, 2013

Celebrate The Birth and Not The Date ...

Instead of debating about what day Jesus was actually born ... we need to be celebrating the fact that He was born. Be aware of what tactic the enemy will use to bring confusion within the body. It's the same subtle attack that he used in the Garden of Eden. A question of confusion. We have to stop debating ... we don't know the exact date. The fact is ... HE WAS BORN. Yes the date that we celebrate Christmas was originally a celebration of things that was not of God. But historically speaking ... that is how history happens. Things happened on today in the past that was not of God. Divorces happened ...but that does not stop new marriages from taking place on this date. That's called history. Even though December 25th is not the actual date that Jesus was born ... It is the date that the world has chosen to celebrate the birth. Honestly speaking the celebration should be a lifestyle. We should celebrate every day. But if this day is the day where everyone is more sensitive to receive and accept the miraculous birth of Christ. Use this day to minister life and to bring others into an understanding of the gift of Christ instead of a time of debate between fellow believers on whether He was actually born on this day. There is enough confusion with bringing "Santa Claus" into the picture and redirecting children's attention to santa. It's not by chance that the letters in santa when switched around spell satan. The enemy's whole tactic is to bring confusion and to redirect the attention that is supposed to be on God and Jesus ... to something else. Take this time to celebrate the birth of Christ and not debate. Amen.

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