Thursday, January 31, 2013

Although People Around You May Be Devil Orchestrated ... You Have To Be God Acclimated ....

Understand some people may be devil orchestrated but you have to be God acclimated.    The word orchestrate means to compose or to arrange the elements in order to produce a specific result.    The word acclimate means to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation.   No matter what others are trying to orchestrate or cause to happen in your life ... you have to rise up.   You have to take your heart and your mind out of that situation and rise up above everything they are trying to do in and to your life and understand that God is God and He is in control of your destiny.  

So rise up today.   The Bible tell us to rise and shine for our light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon us.   So don't worry about what the enemy is trying to orchestrate.   Just acclimate yourself to the environment that God has set in place for you to rest in.  

Worship For Today ....
"Arise Shine"
Ministered By Ryan and Jami Smith

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Do You Understand That God Will Wipe Out Your Enemies In A Moment Of Time?

What is it that the enemy is trying to use against you?   What is it that he is saying and what is it that he is doing?    Are you being moved by the enemy’s actions or are you causing the enemy to move by your words.     So often we just line up with whatever it is the enemy is saying and we let go of what God has said.   We have to stop doing that.   We have to learn to take God at His word.    We cannot doubt based on what someone else does.     When you look at how God delivered the children of Israel, you see where Pharaoh consistently tried to inflict pain and suffering upon the children of Israel even though he knew God had said let his people go.    Why do you think God hardened his heart.     Understand, God needed to show Pharaoh, Pharaoh’s servants, and the children of Israel that His power and His deliverance.    The trials and the afflictions got greater as Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh but there came a “moment in time” when the enemy was completely wiped out.   
So don’t be afraid when the enemy afflicts you and continuously comes up against you.   Know that your deliverance is nigh and know that God has promised you … “a moment in time” where your enemies will all be wiped out. 
Worship For Today ... 
"Deliver Me"
Ministered By Sera

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Are You Being Apprehensive or Are You Walking In Faith Based On God's Decree?

What is causing you to be apprehensive?   To worry or doubt what God has told you to do.   Understand today.   When God tells you to do something that means He will honor it and He will bless it.    God does not tell us to move based on appearance.    He instructs us to move based on His word.    So stop  being apprehensive.   When you apprehend, you anticipate anxiety or fear.    God's word requires you walk it out in faith and not fear.    

Understand today that there are things that God is telling you to do.   Not only is He telling you things to do, He has ordained you to do them.    The word ordained means  to establish or order by appointment, decree, or law.   It means to enact.    So don't be apprehensive.   God has established the way that He wants you to go.    Everyone may not understand it ... but God has established it.    Will you move based on peoples understanding or God's decree?

Worship For Today . . .
"Where You Go I Go"
Ministered By Kim Walker and Jesus Culture

Monday, January 28, 2013

What Is Leading You? Make Sure You Are Not Being Moved Based On Someone Else's Discontentment . . .

Who is it that is leading you?   Who is influencing your decisions and causing you to shift or change?   What is their relationship with God?   Are they following Him or are they trying to find their own way?   Be careful who you follow and be careful what you give your ear to.   Some things are only meant to distract you.   To get you off track and to cause you to go in a different direction.   
Always weigh everything in your life by the word of God.    Follow those who follow God.    If you follow someone who is lost … you too will end up lost.    Let the word lead you.      So you too can lead someone else.    Check your walk and check your talk and make sure … all that you do is in line with God’s will, purpose, and plan.    Make sure you are not following seeds of discord.   Discord is defined as tension or strife based on a lack of agreement.    So if someone or something is encouraging you to different from what you have been doing based on discontentment … then maybe you should not follow.     Always let your leading be based on God and His word and not someone else’s discontentment.   
Worship For Today ...
Ministered By John P Kee

Sunday, January 27, 2013

It's Time To Conquer The Enemy and Not Just Push Past Him...

What happens when it comes back up again?   What happens when it comes back around again?   Do you give up?   Do you quit?   Do you push past it?   Do you knock it over and out of your way?    

It's time to start making satan's kingdom fall.    So often we give up or we quit.   Sometimes we push past it. But what we have to understand is .... when you push past a think ... that means it is still standing.    We have to begin to knock it over ... to conquer it ... so that it is less likely to come back up in our lives.  

Use the weapon of words that you have been given.    Command everything that is coming against your life to be removed right now in Jesus name.    It's time for the past to be just that.    It is time for the past to stay in the past.   It's time for you to move forward in God ....   and in order to do that you have to use the power that God has placed within you to conquer the enemy of your soul (your mind, will, and emotions).

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By Donald Lawrence & Tri-City Singers

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Have You Taken Time To Self Evaluate and To Get Into A Place Where You Can See God and His Word Clearly?

What is keeping you from seeing and achieving?    God has given you vision … what is blocking you from fully seeing what God has told you to do?   It’s time to step out on faith and to believe God.   God has a plan.   He established His plan before the foundation of the earth.    He reiterates in His word that He has a plan for us and that plan is to give us a hope, a future, and an expected end.    But for some reason we are still trying to work it out on our own.   We are still trying to create our own future and come to our own expected in.     We were not created to work that way.   We were created to put our hope, our trust, and our belief in God and not our own ability.      Get into a place where you can see God and His word clearly.   If there are people, places, and things that are hindering your view of who God is in your life … put those  things in their proper place.   There is a proper order to the things of God.   No matter which way you look at it … God must always be first.    
Take time to self evaluate.   Take time to let go of those things that are not causing your life to excel in God.  Take time to position yourself in prayer and praise.    Take time to allow God to be God in you, for you and through you.  
Worship For Today . . .
"I Want To Know You More"
Ministered By Don Moen

Friday, January 25, 2013

Are You Allowing God To Fill The Void Places In Your Life?

It's time to eliminate.   When you eliminate something ... you put an end to it.    What is it in your life that you  need to eliminate?    To give up and to get rid of ...   We try so hard to hold on to stuff in hope.    Hope is a feeling that something desirable will happen.    But what we have to understand is ... our hope must be in God and the things of God.   Sometimes we are placing our hope in things that are outside of the will and the word of God.   

Take time today to evaluate your life.   To look at it and see what needs to be removed.   What needs to be eliminated in your life.   Take time to evaluate and begin to let go of any and all things that are not in line with His word or will for your life.   Allow God to fill the void places in your life.   Those places that feel empty ... allow God to fill your heart and life with who He is.  

Worship For Today ....
"Moving Forward"
Ministered By Gateway Worship - Ricardo Sanchez

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Are You Living Your Life For Momentary Satisfaction or Eternal Glory?

Are you looking at your life as fun and games?   Where is the reality in your life?   Are you taking the call upon your life serious?   Or are you just living for the pleasure of the moment?

Understand today ... God has a plan.   That plan includes  you.   But it is up to you to fulfill the plan that He has for you.    It's time out for BAU .... business as usual.   It's time to walk in and worth with the plan that God has designed and stop living for the moment.    You life was designed to live for eternity.   That is why momentary satisfaction is never fulfilling.   You can only be fulfilled by walking out the plan and purpose of God for your life.   

Take a minute.   Step back and let God be God.   Listen to His voice and live according to His word and His will.    Be a vessel for the Master's use.    Keep your vessel clean ... for God cannot use a dirty vessel.     Let your life be filled with the new wine of His word and let your testimony tell the story of how good your God is.    

Worship For Today ....
"You Are Good"
Ministered By Gateway Worship - Kari Jobe

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Are You Leaning To Your Own Interpretation or Are You Allowing God To Have Supremacy In Your Life?

The Bible tells us to trust in the Lord with all of our heart and to lean "not" to our own understanding ... in all our ways to acknowledge God and He will direct our paths.    Understand ... if God feels the need to tell us that ... that must mean we will have the tendency to do it.    We will have the tendency to trust in what we think is right.   We will have the tendency to lean on our own interpretation of the situation.   We will have the tendency to try to figure out our own direction.    Don't do that.   Follow the leading of God's word.     But we have to first of all acknowledge who God is in our lives.

To acknowledge means to admit to be real or true.    If you have not acknowledge who God is and His authority ... it will be difficult for you to trust Him and lean on Him.    It's time to settle the supremacy of God in your life.    The word supreme means greatest in power, authority, and rank.    It means the dominant one.     Take a moment to confess God's supremacy in your life so that you can begin to trust, lean on, and acknowledge who He is ... so that He can truly direct your paths. 

Worship For Today...
"I Can Play The Background"
Ministered By Lecrae

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Are You Allowing Your Faith To Be Braced By The Word Of God?

Are you standing for what you believe?   Are you believing what you say you stand for?  It's two fold.    We have to stand for what we believe and if we are standing ... we should believe what we say we are standing for.    Something has to brace your stand.     A brace is defined as something that holds parts together or in one place.    What is bracing what you say you believe.   It should be the word of God.    If you are believing God for financial deliverance.   Find the word in the Bible that confirms that God will supply your need.   If your body needs to be healed .... find the word that says by Jesus stripes we are healed.      You have to begin to brace your belief with the word of God.    If you don't brace your belief, when things get hard you will fall.   When the wind blows ... you will fall.   God did not create you to fall ... He created you to stand on His word and in His word.   

Take time today to find the word that applies to the situations in your life.   Write it down and anytime the wind of trials come against your life ... use the word as your anchor and brace.   Speak it over your situation.   Confirm it within your heart and give God control by speaking what He has said to be so.   

Worship For Today ...
"Word Of God Speak"
Ministered By Mercy Me

Monday, January 21, 2013

Are You Living To The Extreme For God? It's Time To Let Your Life Line Up With Your Words ...

Extreme ...
The word extreme means to go far beyond what is reasonable.   God went to the extreme and gave His Son for you.   Now He wants you to go to the extreme for Him.   He wants you to go beyond your norm and to live your life for Him.     He wants you!

When we become saved ... we tell God ... "Lord I give my life to you".   However, in most instances we make a confession but still try to hold on to our own lives.   It is time to truly let go.   It is time to truly yield.   It is time to truly give it all over to God.    

Let your life line up with your words.    When you say I give it to you Lord ... let it go and truly give it.   When you say I trust you Lord ... let it go and trust Him to do it.   When you ask God to move and to manifest ... let it go and allow Him to have free reign in your situation.   The key to it all is letting go.   Letting go and letting God.   

Make it a point to start living your life to the extreme for God.   He has a plan and He needs you to be completely focused on Him in order for Him to fulfill that plan in you. 

Worship For Today ...
"Let Go Let God"
Ministered By Dwayne Woods 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Are You Allowing The Pressures Of Life To Push You Into Murmuring and Complaining?

Seeing that God just delivered you ... why are your murmuring and complaining?   That was the story of the children of Israel.    God had just delivered them and they still were murmuring and complaining.    Is that you?   Are you murmuring and complaining to God because it is not happening when you think it should happen?    Are you failing to trust God even though He just brought you out of something else.    Why are you not letting your past testimony undergird your trust in God for what you still need Him to do?   

Stop allowing the enemy to trap you through the words of your mouth.   When you know that God is a  deliverer.   When you know what He did for you in the past.   When you know He has given you a promise.   Stop allowing the enemy to come in and steal your hope, your trust, and your belief.  It's time to go all the way with God.   No matter what is coming against your life ... go all the way.     Don't be deterred and don't be pushed to the point of murmuring and complaining.   

Worship For Today ...
"Let My Words Be Few"
Ministered By Phillips, Craig & Dean

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Have You Settled It In Your Mind, Your Will, and Your Emotions That God Is God?

Are you still trying to figure out the plan God has for you?   What He wants you to do and how He wants you to accomplish it.   Understand today that God is a God of faith.   His requirement from us is for us to have faith in Him.   In His ability and in His word.   His word says that He has prepared a way.   Do you trust that word?    His word says He knows the plans He has for us.   Do you believe that word?  When you are saved it doesn't mean you will automatically live a problem free life.   But it does mean that you have the answer to every problem in life.   Understand God is the answer and He has already set in place the manifestation of what you need.   You just have to trust Him to get you to it.   

It is time we do what the Bible says for us to do in Matthew 6:25 ... we need to stop thinking so much.   Stop trying so hard to figure it all out.    We have to settle it in our "soul" ... which is our mind, our will, and our emotions .... that God is God.    That He has already worked it out.   That He is faithful and that He does not change.    Take time to meditate on God's word and know you have the ability to place everything in your life under God's control.   However, you must yield it to Him.  

Worship For Today . . .
"Lord I Surrender"
Ministered By Jermaine Gordon and Nicolleen Brown

Friday, January 18, 2013

Why Are You Still Trying To Hold Things In Reserve? It's Time To Walk Out Your Life Completely In Him ....

If God said give it all ... why are you still trying to hold things in reserve?   What is it in your life that you are still trying so hard to hold on to that are not in line with God's word or His will?    It's time to completely surrender.    Understand ... it is only when we completely surrender that we can experience the fullness of God's word.     God's plan doesn't include our mess.    We try to take our old stuff with us into the future God has planned for us.   However, the baggage is not allowed.    

We have to begin to understand that the baggage we are carrying is not usable where God is taking us.   So we have to stop and unload the baggage.   Get into a position of prayer and begin to cast your cares on God.   Unload the load.   Give the people, the places, and the things that you are trying to carry with you to God so that you can run faster in Him.   So that you can get to where you are going quicker in Him.   So that you won't be dragged down trying to get to your destination.  

Worship For Today ...
"I Give Myself Away"
Ministered By William McDowell

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's Time To Stop Laying Down In Your Problem and Understand God Has A Plan ....

It's time to get up.   It's time to stop laying down in your situation and in your problem.   God has a plan for you.   His plan is to prosper you and to give you peace.   Don't allow your circumstance to cause you to lay prostrate in pity and in pain.   Allow God to move you.   Allow Him to change you.   Understand today that change is a choice.   You can either stay the same or you can surrender to God and say "use me Lord" .... "change me Lord".   It's all up to you.  

We have to begint o understand that our trials are just opportunities for us to trust God and for God to show up and show out.    It's not about what was.   It's not even about what is.   It's about what will be.    About where we will be.   It's about the end that God has established.   Understand today that He has established you to win in the end.   So no matter what it looks like or how it sounds.   The fact is ... YOU WIN.

Worship For Today ...
"I Know The Plans"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi   

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's Time To Flip The Script and Take The Things The Enemy Is Trying To Plant In Your Mind and Use Them To Go Higher With God . . .

Do you ever feel like giving up?   Quitting?   Are your asking yourself ... what's the use?    Or even why?    We all get there.   We all get to the point of asking why Lord.    But understand today that there is a purpose "beyond" your pain.   One definition of the word beyond is .... to a degree that is past the understanding, reach, or scope.    So understand today .... there is a purpose that goes beyond what you understand right now.   Beyond what you can see right now.   Beyond what you feel right now.     The thing is ... you can't quit or give up if you ever want to see the purpose beyond your pain.    

Take time today to empty the load.   To let go of everything you have been holding on to.     Take time to give it all over to God.   Instead of giving up, learn how to give it over.    Instead of quitting, learn how to stand in spite of.     Instead of saying what's the use, allow yourself to be used by God through your testimony.   Instead of asking why, begin to tell others why Jesus died for us.    Flip the script.   Take the things that the enemy is trying to plant in your mind and use them to go higher with God.   To trust Him more and to believe Him more.   

Worship For Today ....
"I Want To Be More Like You, Jesus"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Are People Being Encouraged By Your Walk of Faith or Discouraged By Your Murmuring and Complaining?

Are you using your life as a tool of encouragement or discouragement?   Are you leading people closer to God or are you causing people to run away from God?   Understand your actions lead.   Whether they lead in a positive or negative way is the question.    Are you allowing people to be encouraged by your walk of faith or are you murmuring and complaining about what you are going through.     You have to begin to realize and take notice of what you are doing in the presence of people.   It is your actions in their presence that is causing them to make a choice for God or not.  When people leave your presence, they should always feel built up and not torn down.   Even as you deal with strongholds in peoples lives ... you must learn how to encourage them in the midst of revealing God's truth to them regarding their situation.  

You are a vessel and you are a tool.   Allow God to use  you for His glory.    Be a tool that is used for building and not tearing down.   Be a tool that strengthens and encourages and not one that murmurs and complains.   Be who and what God has created you to be.   Amen.  

Worship For Today ... 
"I Wanna Be More Like You"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Monday, January 14, 2013

Are You Allowing Life To Cause You To Be Derailed From God's Plan and Purpose?

What changed your mind?   Or should I say who has changed your mind?   What has caused you to get off track with God?   You had picked up momentum and you were going full steam ahead and then suddenly something happened.   What happened to cause you to become derailed?  When a train gets derailed ... it is unintentional.   It is an accident.   What unintentional thing happened in your life to get you off the track and the pace that you were going for God?

It's time to recognize the occurrences in  our lives.   The things that are happening unexpectedly.   Those things that are bring pressure to your life and causing you to question the faithfulness of God.   Understand ... there is a course that God has set you on ... Don't allow anyone or anything to cause you to deviate from that course.   There are blessings prepared for you on your course of life.   Stay connected to God ... so that He can empower you to prosper in every area of your life.   When you disconnect from Him ... you disconnect from the power and the authority that He has given you.  

Worship For Today ... 
"The More I Seek You"
Ministered By Kari Job

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Did You Know Obedience Begins With You Making A Decision To Obey?

Are you doing what God is telling you to do or are your procrastinating based on what you think others should be doing.    Remember ... God's plan is specific for your life.   It is not dependent on another persons obedience.   Yes there are divine connections ... but the ultimate goal that God has for your life is salvation.    He wants to bless you as you honor Him.   We honor God through our obedience to His word.    Obedience is not an outward display but an inward action.   Obedience starts internally and is manifested externally.    The word obedence means to comply with and be submissive to authority.    Obedience begins with you making a decision to obey.    If you never decide in your mind you are going to obey ... it will never be displayed through your actions.     Obedience is a matter of choice.    Will your choice be God and His plan for your life.   

Take time to meditate on God's word today and make up your mind to serve Him.   To be  willing and to be obedient ... so that YOU can eat the good of the land. 

Joshua 24:15

King James Version (KJV)
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Isiah 1:19

King James Version (KJV)
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land

Worship For Today...
"Victory Chant"
Ministered By Donnie McClurkin


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Are You Living A Life Of Procrastination ... If So You Need To Know That God Wants You To "Just Do It" .... Be Obedient To His Will ...

Where are you going and what are you doing today?    Are you going in places that God wants you?   Are you doing the things that God told you to do?   It’s time to stop procrastinating.     Procrastination is a tool that the enemy uses to deter you from fulfilling God’s plan for life.   It’s time for us to stop saying “maybe tomorrow” or  “I will do it later”.    It’s time to “just do it”.   
We have to begin to realize that “everything” that God tells us to do requires faith and obedience.    You may not understand it and it may not look like the “common sense” thing to do in the natural but it is all about getting you in position.   Getting you in the position where God’s favor and God’s light can be seen upon your life.   
So make it about “just doing what God has said”.   About stepping out on faith and believing that God is who He said He is and knowing that He will do what He said He would do.    Abraham stepped out in faith and walked in obedience.    Do as He did …   Have faith in God and be quick to obey.   Don’t allow the enemy to use the tool of procrastination to hinder you from fulfilling what God has told you to do.   
Worship For Today ...
"Where You Go I Go"
Ministered By Jesus Culture

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Are You Causing God To Appear As Insignificant In Your Life?

Did you realize that it’s not about you?   It’s not about your problems or even your achievements.   It’s not about your struggles or even your pain.    It’s all about being a reflection of who God is.   It’s about carrying a flame … a torch for Him.    About showing the world who He is and what He wants to do in your life.     It’s time we revamp our thoughts and cause our lives to be in line with God’s will … His purpose … and His plan.    As long as we consider our lives to be of significance, we are causing God to appear as insignificant.    The word significance means  the “importance, weight, and meaning” of a thing.    We have to understand the importance of our lives should always reflect back to our Father.   

It’s time to revamp.   It’s time for our lives to be a reflection of who He is … so that when people see us … they see a reflection of God’s goodness, God’s grace, and God’s mercy through us.   Amen.   

Worship For Today ....
"The  Power Of The Cross"
Ministered By Ricardo Sanchez

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

The Body of Christ and The Kingdom of The Lord

We need to be ready and equipped to minister to those around us. Understand that God has put people in this season of your life for a reason. Allow God to use you as a vessel to speak His Word to those in need. Sometimes it is not always the person we expect to minister to, and sometimes it is a person we have never even met. The important part is that you try to never miss an opportunity to tell or show someone the love of Christ. We have to be careful of the assumption that the love of God is just for us, it is for others as well. Remember today that there are people hurting and struggling and they need to know someone cares for them. Also remember that we are the body of Christ, meaning a group of Christians. A body functions best when all its parts are working together to complete one task. Remember that we need each other to reach the world, so do not try and do it alone. Jesus had twelve disciples in whom he taught, and those disciples became a part of him and together they did a lot for him. 1 Corinthians 12:14 For the body is not one member, but many.
Worship For Today ...
"I Need You To Survive"
Ministered By Hezekiah Walker

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Are You Allowing Your Words of Faith To Dictate What You Believe or Is Fear Dictating Unbelief?

Do you believe that God is real?  Do you believe that He is watching over you?   Do you believe that He heals?   Do you believe that He is a provider?   Do you believe that time and seasons are in His hand?   Do you believe that His word is true?    What exactly is it that you believe?    

Understand your words dictate  your belief.   You can't say you believe if you are constantly living in doubt and fear.    Doubt and fear says you don't trust and you don't believe something about what God said.    Let God's word have authority in your life.   Trust and believe that He is working in your life and for your behalf.  

Worship For Today ...
"So Many Reasons To Trust You Lord"
Ministered By Vicki Yohe and Canton Jones

Monday, January 07, 2013

Know Who You Are and Know What God Is Doing . . .

You are a child of God.   Created in His image and formed after His likeness.   The battles that are coming against your life are just because the enemy knows who you are.   Understand today ... he is defeated.  He knows his defeat.   Now its time for you to put him in his proper place in your life.   Under your feet.   God has given you power.   He has given you ability.   He said you shall speak a thing and so shall it be.   He has said that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.   He has said you win ... You overcome ... and that you are a more than a conqueror.    Know who you are today.   Know whose you are today.   Recognize your position and put the devil in his place.    Don't allow your thoughts to roam on what others have said about you.   Trust what God has said about you   It's time for you to declare and to decree over YOUR life that you are FREE.   You have been bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus.    Take your rightful place and live in the position that God has placed you.   Don't be less than what you Father has called you to be.   In Jesus name.   Amen.....

Worship For Today ...
"I Am What You See"
Ministered By Pastor William Murphy from Bishop Morton CD

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Are You Focusing On The Promise or Dwelling on The Problem?

Are you looking at everything that you consider wrong and not understanding that it is all working together for your good?   Think about it.   Think about the mixture of God's word.    God's word works together.    The Bible says though faith and patience you shall receive the promise.    It says we are to get wisdom and understanding.    It says for us trust and believe.    So understand today that it is everything in your life combined together that will bring your life to fullness in God.   

We have to get to a place where we refuse to lose focus when we are going through.   When we are going through pain, lack, sickness, loneliness ... we have to understand that God has promised us deliverance, provision, healing, and love.    Stay focused on the promise and stop dwelling on the problem.     God's promises are true and "He" shall surely bring them to  pass.   

Worship For Today ...
"Our God Is Greater"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin

Saturday, January 05, 2013

As You Are Making Choices Today ... CHOOSE GOD ... He Has A Plan and His Plan Is Perfect, Entire, and Complete ...

Life is about choices.   The Bible says to "choose this day" who you will serve.   It's time we get to the place where we choose God over everything else.   We need to choose His love over our loneliness.   We need to choose His joy over our sadness.   We need o choose His peace over our worry and stress.   When it comes to the things of life ... we have to learn how to choose Him.   To choose His plan and to choose His life.    We hae to stop holding on to the hurt and the pain.   Those things are just meant to destroy us.   It's time to let go of the destructive forces and pick up those things that heal us, set us free, and deliver us.   

God's plan is that we prosper and be in health.   His plan is that we rejoice in Him.   His plan is that we have peace that goes beyond our understanding.    His plan is that we walk fully in the knowledge of who He is and know without a shadow of doubt that He is God and that He is watching over us, keeping us, shielding us, protecting us, and providing for us.    So as you make your choices today .... CHOOSE GOD.   God has a plan for your life and His plan is .... PERFECT, ENTIRE, AND COMPLETE.  

Worship For Today ....
"I Choose To Worship"
Ministered By Wes Morgan

Friday, January 04, 2013

Are Your Desires Creating Unnecessary Attachments To Your Life?

What is the cry of your heart?   The thing that you want and the thing that you desire.   Is it something that will draw you closer to God or something that will pull you away from God?   God's desire is that you come closer to Him.    You have to understand the law of gravitational force.    Gravitational force is defined as the "force of attraction".    What is the thing that you are attracted to?   Is your attraction leading to attachment?    Remember when something is attached, it is added on.   It is not essential.    It is in addition to.     So often in life we add things to our life that are not essential to our well being.    Are you allowing your desire to cause you to add unnecessary attachments to your life?

The other thing about attachments ... they are added to exterior of a thing.    When you think about a vacuum cleaner.   It comes with various attachments.    The vacuum cleaner works with or without them because it is ran by the motor that is housed internally.    That is how we are.   We have the Holy Spirit working on the inside of us.    All the external stuff ... the people, the places, the things ... are attachments.    Some God given and some self generated.    It's time to make sure the things we are attaching to our lives are from the heart of God and not from selfish desire.  

Worship For Today ....
"Create In Me A Clean Heart"
Ministered By Pastor Donnie McClurkin

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Do You Understand That God Has Given You The Power To Master The Sin That Is Trying To Enter Your Life?

Genesis 4:7
Amplified Version
If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, but you must master it.

The Bible says if you do well, you will be accepted.   However if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door.    It says that sin desires you ... but you must master it.    The definition for crouch means to bend low with the limbs pulled up close together, esp (of an animal) in readiness to pounce.   Understand sin is in a position of preparedness.   It is prepared to overtake you.    The word goes on to say that it has a desire for you.    When you desire something ... you want it.    Whether it wants you or not ... you want it.   That how sin is.   It wants you.   You are the focus of sins desire but God's word says that you must MASTER it.    One definition of the word master means to overcome, control, overpower, manage, and to dominate.

Understand today that you have the power within you to overpower and dominate sin.    It is sins desire to have you and it is in a crouching position in hopes to overtake you ... but God has given you the power to master it.   

Worship For Today ...
"Strong Enough"
Ministered By Matthew West

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Do You Understand That Someone Is Dependent On The Word Flow In You For Nourishment?

Were you really ready?   Were you really ready for the thing that you stepped out to do?   Were  you really ready for the thing that God gave to you?   How did you handle it?   Were you committed or did you lay it down?  So often we ask God for things because we want them now or someone else has encouraged us to go for it now.    If you are not ready for a thing, you will mishandle it.   You will abuse it.   You will not care for it.    

It's time to get prepared and to make ourselves ready.   There are things that God is calling us to do ... but He wants us to be ready and committed to the things He is telling us.    We have to begin to realize that our commitment not only affects us ... it also affects those attached to our lives.    If a person is dependent on the word flow that is coming out of your life and you stop midstream and cut off their source of nourishment ... they end up malnourished.   It's time to make sure your commitment is strong.  It's time to flow without stopping.   It's time to feed God's sheep.   Make sure you are ready to complete the work that you have been called to.  

Worship For Today . . .
"Show Me Your Ways"
Ministered By Hillsong

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

A Word To Our Daily Moments With God Family As We Enter Into 2013 ...

As you define the things you want to do and accomplish for the new year ... undergird them with faith and commitment. Be faithful to what you say and be committed to what you say. Don't allow the enemy to step in and cause you to shift or fluctuate based on appearance. Let your focus always remain on God and His word. ...For God does not change ... nor does His word. Although the situation may tend to change ... it doesn't change who God is. Remember your faith and your commitment are to God and His word and not to the goal that you are trying to achieve. The goal is what you want to do and God's word is what will help you do it. Stay committed to God and He will help you accomplish the goal. Amen.
Worship For Today ...
"God Of This City"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...