Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are You Considering Your Life To Be Your Own or Borrowed?

Are you considering your life to be your own or borrowed?   The thing about borrowing something, we tend to take better care of it because we know it doesn't belong to us.    The word borrow means to take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it.   Do you understand that God has granted us the use of this body?   It does not belong to us.   We have to stop living like we have no owner.   

One definition for owner is one with an interest in and often dominion over property.    We are God's property.    However, He has delegated us the authority to live this life and to make choices concerning our lives.    Somewhat like an owner of a store.   He hires a manager to make decisions concerning the store but the manager does not own the store.     It's time we start living our lives as though we know we belong to God.   When we truly recognize that ... things will change because we tend to honor and respect things that belong to others more than we honor and respect those things that are our own.    

Remember you have been purchased by God with the price that could only be paid by the blood of Jesus.    Live like you know.   

Worship For Today ...
"Simply Redeemed"
Ministered By Brian Courtney Wilson

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dream ... If You Have Collided With Some Obstacle In Your Life ... Know That God Is Ready To Rebuild You...

So I woke up to a very interesting dream this morning.   In my dream me and my daughter had just gotten up.  I went to the door and when I opened the door there were cars that had stopped and crashed right in front my house.   I was astonished.   My first impulse was "oh no ... somebody had hit my daughters car because there were crashed cars all around her car and in front of the house".    But as we proceeded to go outside, her car was fine.   However, there were crashed cars all around the house.   On every side.    Nothing hit the house ... nothing touched the house ... they were just surrounding the house.   

Throughout the morning, God has been opening up this dream to me and explaining to me the meaning.    The word that was sticking in my mind was "crash".   To crash means to collide violently with another obstacle.    It is a sudden loud noise as of something breaking.    God said that He is bringing broken people to Daily Moments With God.  Those who have collided with some obstacle in their life.   They are coming from every side.  Every part of the earth.   Looking for a place where they can receive a word that can cause them to be refreshed, renewed, and restored.    

So right now I just lift up this Daily Moments With God family.  Those whom God has sent to the website, the blog sites, and the Facebook page.   Those whom He is touching through the devotional.   I lift them all up to you right now Father and I ask that you heal the brokenness in their lives.    Do what only you can do.  Refresh them, renew them, and restore them Father.   In Jesus name I do pray.   Amen.  

Worship For Today ...
"Rebuild Me"
Ministered By J Moss


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Are You Being The Gift That God Created You To Be?

Do you understand that you are God's gift?  God's gift to your parents.   God's gift to your family.   God's gift to your friends.   God's gift to your job.   A gift is something that his given.   Now the question is ... what kind of gift are your turning out to be?  When God gave you as a gift you were in perfect condition.   You were clean, holy, and pure.  That's how most gifts are when they are given.  They are new.   However, the way a person cares for a gift will determine how or even if it can be used later.   

So how are you caring for the temple that God has given you?  What are you using it for?   Are you keeping it clean from the debris of life?   Are you keeping it shiny with the oil of the anointing?   What are you storing in the temple you have been given?  You see what is in you, will eventually reflect in your attitude and your actions.    Which in turn will be seen and felt by those around you and those things (your attitude and actions) will in turn determine the type of gift you are turning out to be.    Be a dependable gift.   Be a gift that people will love and enjoy being around.   Be a useful gift.   Be a gift that people will cherish.   Be the gift of love that God created you to be.  
Worship For Today ...
"The Corinthian Song"
Ministered By Micah Stampley

Friday, October 25, 2013

Are You Wondering How You Are Going To Make It When You Should Be Remembering How God Has Already Brought You Through?

Do you remember?   To remember means to recall something to mind or become aware of something that had been forgotten.   It's not that we have forgotten.  Sometimes we get so caught up in what is going on right now that we fail to be aware of what God has already done.   Take a moment to reminisce on what God has already done for you.  The small things and the big things.   The times He delivered you.  The times He brought you out.  The times He healed your body.  The times He made a way when there seemed to be no way out.   Take time to recollect.   The word recollect means to bring back to the level of conscious awareness.  

Be aware of what God has done in order for you to know what God will do.   He hasn't changed.   What He has done ... He will do again if needed.   Stop wondering how you are going to make it and start recalling how you have already made it.    

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By James Fortune & FIYA

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Are You Allowing Your Past To Pre-Judge Your Future?

Are you still basing it on what "you" thought?    What you thought they would do?   How you thought they should act?   What you thought was right and/or wrong?    Your thoughts.   

Many times in life we tend to judge people, places, and things on what we think.   Our thoughts come from past experience, what we have been told, or common knowledge.   But is it really right to pre-judge your situation.  Especially if God has given you a word that is contrary to what you think it will be.    If God says you will succeed, why are  you allowing past experience to tell you differently?  If they say they have changed, why are you not allowing them the opportunity to show you that they have changed?    We have to get to a place where we allow the past to give us knowledge and understanding without causing us to pre-judge the future.  We have to understand that our past does not override our faith.   It is just a launching pad of knowledge.   Our faith in what "God has said" should always override our past.    It should always give us hope for the future and an expected end.  

Worship For Today ...
"My Destiny"
Ministered By Stephen Hurd

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Are You Still Walking In The Realm Of Doubt, Fear, and Disbelief? It's Time For You To Trust, Believe, & KNOW ...

Do you believe God will do the impossible for you?   Or are you walking in the realm of doubt, fear, and disbelief?   So often we trust God for others and yet we fail to trust and believe God for ourselves.   It's time to believe God is God.   That means He is God to our friends, families, strangers, and to US.    Stop living in the outer court.  The court where you just can't see God doing it.   Stop living in the inner court.   The court where you know God can do it "but" ...     It's time to move into the realm of possibility.  The realm where you know that nothing is impossible for God and you know that what He has done for someone else ... He will surely do for you.   

Step into the place where you trust, believe, and know.    Where you trust God to do it.   Where you believe God will do it.   Where you KNOW God will do it.   

Worship For Today ...
"I Believe"
Ministered By James Fortune & FIYA

Monday, October 21, 2013

Are You Living On The Track That God Has Set Before You?

Are you finding it hard to let go?  To give up?  To quit?  To stop doing it the way you have been doing it?   The way you have been living this life.   What happens when you find out it was all for nothing?  When you realize the life that you have been living that is not pleasing to God is actually the life that is a lie?    When something is a lie ... it does hold within it the truth.    You see God has already declared who you are.   Who has already set you in place.   He has already predestined you destiny.   So when you are living "off track" ... off the track that He has set before you ... you are living a lie. 

It's time to live inside your purpose.   Your purpose is a part of God's plan.   God's plan is what leads you into your destiny.    Your destiny is what is true.   

Worship For Today ...
"Moving Forward"
Ministered By Freddie Rodriguez

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Are You Staying Connected To The Word Of God?

Are you connected or disconnected to God's word?   When something is connected, it is united, joined, or linked together.   It has cohesiveness.   When something is cohesive, it works together as a whole.     However, when something is disconnected, it is separate, divided, and disengaged.    How are you with God's word?   Are you connected to His word.   Are you attached to it and allowing it to work in  your life or are you disengaged and disconnected from God and His word.  

If you want the word to work for you ... you have to be attached.   You attach yourself to  God's word through belief.   By believing what He said is true.   If you don't believe it ... you can't receive it because you are disconnected from the revelation and the truth of what God is saying.   

Let God's word be truth to you.   Let it be the final authority in your life.   Let it bring life to your situation by trusting and believing what God has said is true.   Don't disconnect.   Don't disengage.   Stay connected, united, joined, and linked together with the promises of God.  

Worship For Today ...
"I Have Decided To Follow Jesus"
Ministered By Third Day

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Are You Still Looking At The People's Response? Whether They Support You or Not? Or Are You Waiting On The God Response?

It's time to be still and know that He is God.   You may not understand everything that is going on in your life right now.    You may feel like no one is there and no one is showing you support.   Even after you have followed God's plan and done everything that He has told you to do.   You still question why Lord.   Why after all I have given has no one showed me support.    Understand, your obedience is not based on whether people support you.   It is based on you doing what God has said ... no matter what other people do.   No matter how other people respond.  

I know it hurts and I know you thought they would be more supportive.    But they weren't and they didn't.    You have to understand the general nature of people is selfishness.  But as long as you are doing what God told you to do, God will take care of you.   His blessings will flow upon your life.   Understand, your blessings are not based on whether you are supported by others.   They are based on whether you follow God .... your obedience .... NO MATTER WHAT.     The God response is that you will be blessed in the end for following His direction and His plan ... NO MATTER WHAT.  

Worship For Today ...
"I Will Obey"
Ministered By Shekinah Glory

Friday, October 18, 2013

Are You Allowing Your Life To Run Out Of Gas Through Failure To Fill Up On His Word?

What happens when you run out of gas in your car?   What happens if you fail to change the oil?    What happens if you never clean your windshield?   What happens if you fail to rotate your tires?    What happens if the engine fails?   

Understand you are God's car.   But you have to be well maintained.   You have to fill up on God's word.   You have to receive the "fresh oil" that God is pouring out.   You have keep your vision clear from distractions.   You have to move when God says move so that you won't become worn out.   You have to keep the engine of your faith running so that you won't quit and give up.   

Understand as a vehicle for God ... your purpose is to help transport others into God's presence through the word of your testimony.   Let your faith and your lifestyle be a roadmap that others can Father to help them get into the presence of God.   Amen.

Worship For Today.....
"I Will Run To You"
Ministered By Alvin Slaughter


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Every Day Is A New Opportunity To Give God Praise ... Question Is ... Are You Praising Him No Matter What?

Every Day.  Every day is a new opportunity.   The word opportunity means an appropriate or favorable time or occasion.   Every day is favorable for us to praise the Lord.   To give Him honor and to exalt His name.   To lift him above whatever it is that is going on in our lives.  

Above our hurts and above our pains.   Above our bills and above the sickness that is trying to attack our body.   None of those things should cause us to lessen our praise.   God deserves the praise.   When you deserve something ... that means you should get it "no matter what".   So "no matter what" is going on in your life ... GIVE GOD PRAISE.   If you just begin to thank Him for what He has done ... you could never thank Him enough.   He deserves our praise.  

Worship For Today ...
"Praise Him In Advance"
Ministered By Marvin Sapp

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

God Is Rounding Up His People .... We Have To Understand That Although We Live In The Grace and Mercy Of God, We Are Still Accountable.

The word that I am hearing in my spirit is "round-up".   When I looked up the word, one definition says "the bringing together of something for inspection and branding".    Understand ... God is rounding up His people.   The word inspection is means to look at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings.   Understand ... God is looking at the condition of our lives.    Our shortcomings are covered in the blood ... but He is not overlooking "willful" disobedience.     The word of God says that we are to be willing and obedient so that we can eat the good of the land.     Joshua 1:8 talks about meditating on the word and doing what is written in the word.    We have to know the importance of obedience.    We are to be thankful for the mercy of God.   For it is His grace and His mercy that keeps us.   But we also have to be aware that there will be a time when we have to go to God and answer for our life stewardship.     We will have to give an account for the deeds we have done.  For 2 Corinthians 5:10 says that we all will have to appear before the judgment seat.    So don't just overlook the fact that we are called to be obedient.    Understand we are accountable for all we do ... even when it falls up under the blood covenant.  

Worship For Today ...
"I Will Obey"
Ministered By Shekinah Glory

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

God's Side Is Not Always What Is Popular ... But It Is The Only Side That Shall Stand In The End ...

Everybody wants to know what you believe.   What  you support.   Who you stand for.   Are you letting them see and know you stand for God?   You have to include the God factor in everything you do.   The reason being ... you can't support yourself.   So whatever you support, needs to be backed with God's support.     Weigh your decisions by the word.   Ask yourself if what you say you believe and what you are trying to support is conducive with God and His word.    If it's not, let it go.    You have to realize, know, and understand that it is ONLY God's word that is going to stand in these last days.    If it is not backed by God and His word ... it shall, will, and must fail.    So make your decisions and show your support based on God and the word of God.  

Your decision may not be a decision that is popular.   But understand, when you look at the Bible, no decisions that were based on God and His word were backed by popular demand.   So if it is not what is popular to those around you ... then it is usually the right decision.    We are coming to the end, know the importance of being on the right side.  Victory is only on God's side.  

Worship For Today ...
"My Heart Will Trust"
Ministered By Hillsong

Monday, October 14, 2013

Are You Looking Through The Window Of Faith or Stopping At The Reflection You Currently See Of Yourself?

Are you looking at your life through the window of faith?   If faith were a window ... what would you see?   How would you see your life?    Would you see yourself the way God sees you?   Or would you see the scars and the pain of your past.   The thing about a window is ... you can see through it to what is  on the other side and you can also see a reflection when you look into it.    Are you stopping at the reflection of where you life is right now or are you seeing the promises of God that are awaiting you as you walk in faith?

With faith, you have to look through the window.   You can't stop at the reflection of who you are.   You have to look through and see who God created you to be.   

Worship For Today ...
"I Am What You See"
Ministered By Pastor William Murphy on Bishop Paul Murphy CD

Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's Time To Re-Program and Dare To Be Different !!! (Ministered By Tara Moore)

How do you define relationship? Is it a connection due to a marriage or by blood; is it a mutual dealing with another party; is it a romantic involvement with someone or a special/emotional connection.... Relationship is all of the above. God is desiring relationship from us that combines all of these attributes. Often times we begin this "new life" chasing God and pursuing a relationship. We long for the fruit of a long term connection. Then, we begin to get caught up in/absorbed in the rituals of our Christian religion; and, these rituals and/or programs become the basis, if not the mere existence, of our relationship with God. However, it is time to deprogram that program! We have to live out our relationship daily. Being fully involved with God and granting Him total access into our daily lives. We have become so absorbed with the "program" of church instead of absorbing the Word that is given to live out our lives and to enhance our relationship with God.

God is speaking and saying it is time to deprogram. It is time to do something different and our relationship with Him will be the determinate of us hearing Him and knowing what He is calling us to do. It's ok to be different! It is time for that person who has not ever fit in, who is always out of the box to STAND UP! God made your thinking different for His purpose. Because at that point where we can stand and be Noah and build and arc and prepare for rain without a cloud in the sky because God has given us an assignment that doesn't make sense to others and we are unashamed to live it that point, we are putting the relationship before the religious rituals of our lives. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!

(Ministered By Tara Moore)

Worship For Today ...
"Never Be The Same"
Ministered By Shana Wilson


Friday, October 11, 2013

Take What The Enemy Is Trying To Do and Make It A Message To Help Someone Else....

It's not about what everybody else wants or what everybody else needs.   It's about doing what God told "you" to do.   So often we get caught up on pleasing people.   Not wanting to disappoint people.   Not letting people down.   When in essence it should be about not wanting to let God down.  

It's time to go all the way for God.   All the way ... no matter what.   No matter what happens.   No matter who likes it.   No matter how difficult it is.   We have to press.   Press past the pain.   Press past the previous failures.   Press past the attitudes.   Press past the hindrances.   

It's time to do what God told YOU to do without hesitation.    Understanding the enemy is going to try to  place blockades in your way.    Things to hinder your progress and even your belief.   Recognize it for what it is.   Take what the enemy is doing and make it a message to help someone else.    That's what I just did.   Amen.   

Worship For Today ...
Ministered By Hillsong

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Are You Basing Your Trust On What You See and How You Feel?

Will you trust Him?   Will you take the time to believe what He said is true?  So often we immediately go into a panic attack because things don't look like we expect them to look.   We don't feel the way we think we should be feeling.   We get anxious.   We get distraught.   We run.   We get weary.   We do everything but be still and trust God.    It's time we trust Him.   It's time we trust His word and it's time we wait on His word to work.    

To trust means when you see the appearance of a thing, you don't allow the appearance to change what you  "said" you believed.    To trust means to surrender what you thought about it and believe what God said about it.   To trust.    Understand ... all God is asking is that you trust Him.  

Worship For Today ...
"My Heart Will Trust In You"
Ministered By Hillsong

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Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Are You Staying In Faith or Fluctuating With Fear and Doubt While You Are Waiting?

Standing still can be the hardest part.   Waiting.   Sometimes it feels as though you don't even know what you are waiting on.   But you are waiting.    That's faith.   Standing still and waiting.   Waiting on God to give you the answer.    The answer to your healing.   The answer to how to get things done.   The answer to what to do next.    Waiting.    

The word waiting means the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or until something else happens.    The question is ... what are you doing in the "waiting".    Are you being still or are you trying to devise a plan?   Are you staying in faith or are you fluctuating with fear and doubt while you are waiting?   

It's time we be still.   It's time we understand that God has a plan.   It's time to trust that not only is God well able to do what He said He would do ... He will do it if we learn to be still, have faith, and trust in Him.    So today ... make it a point to be still and wait on God.  

Worship For Today ...
"In The Waiting"
Ministered By Vicki Yohe

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Are You Still Trying To Have Recess With The Enemy?

Who are you having recess with?    Recess is a temporary break from what you would normally do.     So when you are not praying and not reading your word ... what are you doing?    Are you having recess with the devil.   Understand ... God is not out playing with the devil ... why should you.   

Just think about it.   How often do kids go out to play (have recess) and come back in injured.   Bruised.   Crying and worn out.    Is that what you are doing?   Are you taking interment breaks from God and His word so that you can go out and play.    If so ... stop.   Stay focused.  Stay strengthened.   Stay in the safe place where God has positioned you.    It's time to stop playing kick ball with the devil ... where he kicks and you are the ball.    It is time to get off the see-saw where one moment you are up and the next you are down.     It's time to stop playing tag.    It's time to grow up in God and understand recess is over.   

Worship For Today ...
"Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord"
Ministered By Eddie James

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Are You Getting Lost In The Midst Of The Trial Instead Of Standing Still In The Presence Of God?

Are you letting God use you or are you still trying to do things your way?   Are you moving based on how you feel instead of what God said?   Are you stressing based on what you have instead of trusting God to take care of what you need?   Who are you truly leaning on ... God or yourself?

It's time we get the proper perspective.   The perspective that says that God knows what I need and He is faithful and just to provide me with it.   Don't get confused.   Don't get lost in the midst of it all.   In the midst of the trial that is trying to produce worry, hurt, and want.    Stand still in presence of God and start reminding Him of what He said.   He said He would never leave you nor forsake you.   He said that He would watch over you and keep you.   He said that He would strengthen you when you are week.    He said that He would heal you.   He said that He would provide for you.   

Recognize who the Father was in the word.   He displayed Himself as Jehovah Jireh ... the Lord God who provides.   Jehovah Shalom ... the Lord God our peace.   Jehovah Nissi ... our banner of protection.   Jehovah Rapha ... our Healer.   He said He doesn't change.   Rest in that.   Amen.  

Worship For Today ...
"Because Of Who You Are"
Ministered By Vicki Yohe

Friday, October 04, 2013

Don't Be Distracted By What God Is Doing Through Others ... Stay In Tact With The Vision ...

What happened to what you said you would do yesterday?   How you told them you would be their for them?  How you said you would help them?   To all the encouragement that you gave them?   What happened?   Now that God is moving them ... where are you?   Are you stuck in a place of not understanding?   Are you saying ... why them?   Are you failing to do what you said you would do?   Where is the support, the love, the kindness that "you said" you would always give them?  

That is how we do people.   We talk and we say what we will do and when God begins to move in their lives and they begin to act on what God is telling them to do, we abandon them based on our lack of understanding.    Not realizing ... God is watching.    Don't be like the children of Israel.   They came out with Moses but when God begin to call Moses up to a higher place to commune with Him ... the people began to murmur and complain.   They begin to lessen their support and confidence in Moses.  Now understand ... Moses was in a place of communing and getting direction from God and the people began to get jealous and decided to no longer support the direction God was giving through Moses and decided to do things their own way.   The thing is ... the only thing that came out of that was and idol.   Stop getting distracted by what God is doing through a person and maintain your word and support them until God tells you what to do next.  

Worship For Today...
"I Will Follow"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Stop Allowing Fear To Settle Your Situations ... Settle It Based On Faith in God's Word!!!

Are you allowing fear to step in and interfere with the plan that God has for your life?   Understand, what God wants to do for you and in you requires faith.   It requires you to trust Him and to believe that He will honor His word.   It requires you to look past what is happening and to "still" believe what God has said.    I say "still" because we sometimes start out believing ... but based on the course of actions we move from belief to fear.    We have to stay in belief throughout the process.    In many cases we tend to give up right at the end of the process.  

It's time to stop allowing our fear to set the standard in our lives.   The level by which we live.   We have to live by what God has said and understand that He is our "set standard".    We have to stop allowing fear to be the settling point of our situations and start settling our situations based on our faith in God's word.   

Worship For Today ...
"It's Not Over"
Ministered By Israel & New Breed

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Are You Allowing The Enemy To Come Into Your Heart and Mind and Cause Chaos?

Every day we enter into a spiritual battle.   This battle is not against flesh and blood.  The things we can see and we can summarize and we can determine our ability to overcome.   This battle is in our mind and in our heart.   We battle with belief.    We battle with worry, stress, and doubt.   We battle with overcoming and with trusting.    But we have to get to the point of settling it.    Settling it based on God's word.    We have to make up in our mind that we believe what God has said and not only do we believe what He has said ... we believe that it is TRUE.    

It's time to stop allowing the enemy to come into our hearts and mind and cause chaos.    Chaos is complete disorder and confusion.   It's time to settle the struggle.    By saying if it doesn't line up with what God said ... it is not so.     Let God and His word be your reality.    Let God and His word be your enforcers.    An enforcer causes things to line up and to obey.   Trust God to bring the things that are coming against your life into alignment with His word.    Trust God.     For He said that the battle is not yours .... so stop trying to fight what has already been won for you at Calvary.    Just trust God to bring forth the manifestation of it.   

Worship For Today....
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
Ministered By Israel & New Breed

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...