Friday, August 31, 2012

Are You Living Your Life Out Of Biblical Duty or Are You Real About The Things You Do?

Understand that people can tell the difference between something real and something fake.   You can't fake the love of God.    Have you ever had someone hug you and they come up and just pat your shoulders or tap you on the back versus someone who comes and embraces you.   There is a difference in what people consider to be hugs. The thing is ... a person can tell when someone hugs them with sincerity and when someone hugs them just because it's the thing to do.    When you look at the definition of hug, it means to hold tightly in ones arms.  To embrace.   To hold securely and firmly.    We have to stop trying to do things out of Biblical duty and be real about the things we do.   

When you say you love someone .... it should be real.    People should walk away from you knowing that your truly care.   When you say that you want to help someone ... it should be real.   So when they come to you and need help, there should be no "buts" in what you do for them.    Even if it is not as much as you would like to do or as much as they need.   Don't turn your back ... do something to let them know you truly care.   

We have to become the life that we talk about.   We have to become the love that we talk about.   If we don't ever become it ... we are living a lie.   Understand the Holy Spirit that dwells within you "wills" to do what is right.   Now you have to subject your flesh to His will.   Amen.

Worship For Today .....
"Wrap Me In Your Arms"
Ministered By Freddy Rodriguez

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Are You Intentionally Holding Up The Plan Of God In The Earth By Failing To Do What He Has Told You To Do?

Why are you still running?   Why are you running from your purpose and God's plan?   Why are you running in a different direction than what you know God told you to go?    God is not into opposites.   He expects you to do what He told you to do.   God is not into procrastination.    To procrastinate means to put off doing something intentionally.    When we put off doing what God has told us to do .... we are intentionally delaying the plan of God in the earth.    Isn't it funny how we say come Lord.  Move for us now Lord.   We need you now Lord.   Yet we intentionally delay doing what He has told us to do.   Whether it is based on fear or past experience .... it does not give us the right to delay God's plan in the earth.   

We have to begin to understand the connecting factors.   What God has called us to do is ultimately a connecting force for someone else.   Remember our destiny is not about us.   It is about being in place for God's use.   So that He can use us to help someone else.     We have to move out of the place where we are operating in fear of failure.   Or operating in the "what ifs" of life.   What if this happens or what if it doesn't work.    Understanding that there is no failure in God.   There are learning experiences in God ... but there is no failure in Him.   

Step out today.  Believe God.   Obey God.   Do what God has called you to do.   Don't intentionally hold up the plan of God in the earth.    When you need God you want Him to move immediately.   Give Him the same respect and move when He tells you to move.   Understand that God is saying that He needs you now.    Amen.   

Worship For Today ....
"I Need You Now"
Ministered By Smokie Norful

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are You "Really" Willing To Sacrifice It All For God? It's Time To Let Your Past Be Your Past....

God is trying to take you somewhere.   He is trying to move you to another position in Him.   Will you be distracted?   Will you be pulled back?   Will allow your passion for other things to override your compassion and love for Him and His people.    How often do we begin to gain momentum towards Him just to hit a bump in the road that causes us to go backwards.    It's time to be aware.   Did you think that the enemy was just going to let you go freely?   Did you think that he would just allow your past to be your past without enticing you once more?   Understand he is your "enemy" not your "friend".   A friend doesn't hold stuff against you.  A friend doesn't bring it back up.    A friend leads you in the right direction.    God is your friend.   

Understand when God is taking you somewhere, He is not telling you to take your past with you.   Especially if your past is going to keep you out of His will.    Our sole purpose is to be in the will of God.   To walk like Him, to talk like Him, and to reflect who He is.   When you move closer to God ... everything unlike Him has to drop off.    Remember sin can not dwell in the presence of God.    So analyze the people, places, and things that you are trying to take with you as you move closer to God.    This is where sacrifice comes in.   Where "the rubber meets the road".    This is where you truly have to decide if you are really willing to let it all go for God.   We say we will and that sounds good.   But the question is .... will we really?   If there is something or someone in your past that you believe God has for your future .... then move on with God and let God reveal them or it in your future .... "IN IT'S CHANGED STATE".    God will never tell us to take sin with us as we move forward with Him.  

Worship For Today ....
"I Give Myself Away"
Ministered By William McDowell

Worship For Today.....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are You Walking In Flawed Faith? What Is Your Attitude Towards God?

What is your attitude towards God?   What is that you are thinking?   What is it that you are feeling?   Are you thinking and feeling as though God has let you down?   Are you disappointed based on the fact that what you wanted or what you thought you needed didn't come at the exact time that you expected it?    How can we expect to receive from God if we don't have the right attitude towards Him?   

It is time to look internally.   To look at what is going on within ourselves.   We are quick to judge our situations based on outward appearance.   What we want and when we want it.   However, there are times we need to begin to judge the things that are happening within our lives based on our inward attitudes.   We need to begin to filter our faith to see if there are spots and blemishes in what we "say" we believe.    Understand a blemish is a flaw.   Are you walking in flawed faith?  

God loves you and God wants to move on your behalf.   However, you must understand that God's plan is already written.   He has a "set time" for everything.   We tend to get upset because God's set time is not our time.   If you trust God .... trust His timing.   If you believe God .... receive His plan.   Understand that He knows whats best for you even better than you do.   

Worship For Today ....
"Trust God"
Ministered By Saddleback Church

Monday, August 27, 2012

So What Is Next On Your Agenda Of Life ... Be Careful Not To Overlook Your Source and Your Strength When Setting Your Goals

What’s next?   What do you have next on your agenda of life?   We all tend to plan what it is we want to do and what it is we want to accomplish in life.   So what is it that  you have set your mind and your desire on?   Is it for a new car?   How about a new house?    Is it to get a degree?   Or to accomplish a new task?   
There are many things that we can do and that God wants us to do …   However, we need to make sure that we keep Him in whatever it is we are trying to accomplish.   We also have to understand what He wants to accomplish in us as well.    Sometimes we can get so goal oriented that we forget about the fact that we can’t accomplish anything without His help.   We end up trying to do it all in our own strength.   We look at what we are able to do and not what God wants to do through us.   Every accomplishment in life should always lead back to Him.   What He allowed us to do and how He allowed us to do it.    We have to be careful not to overlook our source and our strength.    For without Him we could do nothing and we could be nothing.   
So go ahead and set your goals.   However, before you set them …. make sure it is what God wants you to do.    Ask Him for help prior to getting in a stressful situation and be sure that He is still your number one priority in everything you do.  
Worship For Today ....
"Total Praise"
Ministered By Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Is It That You Are Bartering Your Life For? Nothing Is Valuable Enough To Trade The Blood Of Jesus For......

Are you sacrificing the life that God has given you in order to please other people?   Understand today that your life is a tool.    A tool is something that is used in order to carry out a particular function.    God is using your life to carry out what He wants to do in the earth.    The question is .... are you bartering your life?   The word barter means to exchange for other goods and services.  

So often we see things we want or want to do.   Whether it be people, places, or things.    The question is .... why are we so quick to sacrifice this life God has given us for those things.    We are constantly bartering our lives.     Trading our righteousness for sin.   Trading our right standing to do what we know is totally against the word and will of God.   We allow the temptations of life to cause us to trade in the blessings that God has given us.    Why is that so?   Why are we so quick to give away what God saw as so precious?

It's time to stop making trades with our lives based on temptation.   It's time to keep this life together the way that God created it to be.   It's time to resist temptation and learn how to live the life that God has ordained for us without yielding to the temptations around us.    Count your life as precious understanding that the ultimate price was paid for it.   There is nothing on earth valuable enough to barter the blood of Jesus for.   Understand that YOUR life is covered with the blood.   

Worship For Today .....
"I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Hillsong

Saturday, August 25, 2012

What Are You Quenching Your Thirst With? Are You Adding Additives To Your Life?

What are you thirsty for?  The Bible says ... O taste and see that the Lord is good.....   But my question to you is .... what are YOU thirsty for.   Better yet ... what are you quenching your thirst with.  Are you quenching your thirst with what is available or are your waiting on what is beneficial.    Are you drinking the water of life or the kool-aid of life.    They both quench your thirst ... however, one contains additives.   Understand that certain additives have proven to be harmful for your body.    Therefore when you add unnecessary things to your life ... they too could prove to be harmful to your walk with God.   

We have to get to a place in life where we quench our thirst with what is pure, what is just, and what is right.   Not just what appears to be good.     An apple can look good on the outside .... yet it can be rotten at the core.   We have to stop living our lives based on appearance and begin to live our lives based on God's word.   His word say .... taste and see.    Every part of who God is .... is good.     Drink the water of life and allow your life to flourish in His word.   

Worship For Today ....
"O Taste and See"
Ministered By Misty Edwards

Friday, August 24, 2012

Are You Living Your Life Knowing "God Will" .... By Doing So .... You Are Living In The "Will of God"

Have you lost your focus?   The word focus means the center of interest.   It means to concentrate.    Is God still the center of your interest or have you been encompassed by people, places, and things.    We have to make sure that our lives are centered around God.  Around His purpose and around His plan.   He should be the core of everything we believe, everything we do, and everything we say.    It should all unfold to reveal God.    Even when you cry .... your tears should reveal your trust, belief, and release to God.

The things is ... if you begin to lose focus ... you will begin to concentrate on the problem instead of God the solution.   You will begin to concentrate on the sickness ... instead of God the healer.    You will begin to focus on the need ... rather than God the provider.    You have to get to the place of knowing that "God Will".   He will do what He said He would do.   He will heal you.   He will deliver you.   He will provide for you.   If you live as though "God Will" .... you will live in the "Will of God".    Amen.....

Worship For Today ...
"Staying In Your Will"
Ministered By Men of Standard

Thursday, August 23, 2012

You Cannot Express Joy and Grief At The Same Time .... They Are Both Emotions .... Will You Do As God Said and Rejoice In Him or Be Consumed By Your Situation?

Why are you crying?   Do you not realize that your Daddy owns it all?   Do you not realize that your Daddy is the producer of love ... the producer of peace .... the producer of joy?    Everything that you are going through right now ... your Daddy knows.    For He has said that He is an ever present help in your times of trouble.   He said that He knows what you need and He is faithful and just to provide you with it.   He has said that He will never leave you ... nor will He forsake you .... nor will He leave your seed begging for bread.   So again I ask why are you crying?   

Crying is a sign of grief.   Grief is brought on by sadness, distress, pain, and sorrow.    Don't forget your Daddy is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.    He has already said for you to have joy in Him for He is your strength.   The Bible says in Philippians 4:4 to rejoice in the Lord always.   You cannot express joy and grief at the same time.    They are both emotions ....   You will either express one or express the other.   Which will it be?   Will you do as God said or be consumed by what is going on in your life?    Allow God's power ... His love .... His joy to overtake you now in Jesus name.   

Worship For Today ....
"I Will Rejoice"
Ministered By William Murphy

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Are You Trying To Use Yesterday's Answers To Resolve Today's Situation?

Are yesterday's answers today's expectations?   Are you expecting what God said to you yesterday to still be your answer for today or are you seeking Him regarding the new thing that He is doing in your life?   God is ever speaking.   The question is ... are we listening?    Are we hearing the path that He is telling us to take?   Are we stepping in the right direction?    Understand that yesterday's answers are not meant to resolve today's situation.

God said that He would lead us and He would guide us.    He said for us to have faith in Him.   The thing is .... if we are still trying to use the answer He gave us yesterday .... How can we truly walk in the new thing He is doing?   How can we know His word is true?   How can live out the fullness of what He is trying to do in our lives if we are still trying to live by the answer He gave us regarding what we went through yesterday.

God said to seek Him and He shall be found.    He said to trust Him and He would direct our path.   There is a path in which the final destination is Him.   You have not arrived to where He wants you to be.    The path is already paved but you have to seek Him in order to know whether you should go left or right.    

Yesterday's answers was for the things you went through yesterday.   Seek Him for direction today.   He has a plan for you ..... but it is only unveiled as you seek to follow Him.   Amen.  

Worship For Today .....
"Where You Go I Go"
Ministered By Kim Walker and Jesus Culture

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What Is Dwelling In The Residence Of Your Life and Are Others Able To Drink From The River That Flows Through You?

What is your body holding residence to?   What  thoughts are residing in your mind?   What words are at the door of your mouth?   What motives are being seen through the windows of your heart?   Understand today that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.  Have you allowed something else to invade that space?   The word invade means to enter and to occupy.   It means to come in with hostile intent.    Have you allowed the enemy to have room in your life?   Have you been deceived into thinking that his intents were just and honorable?    Understand today that there are no honorable intents in the mind of the enemy.    Every intent leads to the same result.   His intent is to subdue you.   In other words ... he wants to come in and lower your intensity and your strength in and for the things of God.   

Remember the purpose of your body.   It is a dwelling place for God.    God has already told you what to think.   Did He not say to think on what was just, pure, and of a good report.    God wants you to say what He says about you.   If you begin to line up your thoughts .... your thoughts will generate words from your mouth that are in line with what God says about you.   How about your heart?   God said to guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life.   Understand that the love of God must flow from your heart.     You should not allow anyone or anything to penetrate that place with evil.   Don't allow hatred and strife to overtake your heart.   For these things are considered issues.    An issue is something that is put out or sent forth (distributed) in any form.    What are you putting out from your heart?   Are you sending forth love?

Take time to clean your house today ... your temple for God.   Make sure that there is nothing taking up residence there that should not be.    Make sure that the river that flows from your dwelling (the inside of  you) is a river where others can come drink and be refreshed in the things of God.    Remember the river of God not only flows to you ... it is designed to flow through you.   Amen.

Worship For Today .....
"Flow To You"
Ministered by Pastor William Murphy

Monday, August 20, 2012

Do You Think It's All Been By Chance ... Your Trial and Your Test Have Been Set In Place To Give You A Testimony To Help Someone Else .....

Do you think it's all been by chance?   The route you have taken.   The path that God brought you on.    Understand today .... nothing is by chance.   Every trial and every struggle has been engineered by design.  In other words ... nothing that you go through is a surprise to God.    He knows what it is and when it is coming.  Now whether you made it through it or not .... was a matter of choice.   The choices you made on how to handle what you were going through established the end result of your battle.    We all have choices when faced with trials.   The two primary choices are either to trust God or to trust ourselves ....     Have you learned yet that it is always better to trust Him.   To allow Him to lead.   To put it in His hands .... understanding that that is what you were designed to do.

You are a vessel chosen and you are vessel that is protected.    There is a hedge that has been placed around your life.   Like Job .... there is only so far that the enemy can come.    What happens is .... when we see things coming towards us .... our immediate reaction is to run or change positions.   Not realizing that there is a shield that the enemy cannot penetrate.    An example would be someone throwing something at your face ... the immediate reaction would be to get out of the way and take cover.    Understand .... if you stay under of God ... when attacks come .... you don't have to move.   It is only when we are outside of His will (His covering) that we become exposed.

We have to understand that the test and the trial is only meant to strengthen us.   To put us in a place where we can help someone else.   Where we have the testimony that says that God did it for me and He is not a respecter of people.   Where we can say ... what He did for me ... He will do for you.   Amen....

Worship For Today .....
"I Am Your Child"
Ministered By Brian Kim

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Are You Invoking The Presence Of God In Your Life So That Others Can See His Inexplicable Goodness?

Are you invoking the presence of God.  
Psalm 75:1 says ….
We give praise and thanks to You, O God, we praise and give thanks; Your wondrous works declare that Your Name is near and they who invoke Your Name rehearse Your wonders.
The word invoke means to cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument.  It means to call on in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration.
Again I ask, are you invoking the presence of God in prayer.   Is He the authority in your life and the source of your inspiration?
The scripture says if you invoke or call on God’s name …. You rehearse His wonders.    To rehearse means to practice in preparation for a public performance or display.    The word wonders means a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.    That’s God.   Understand it is all in His name.   It is all based on His name.   
We have to call on His name in order to rehearse who He is in our lives.    In order for people to see the unexpected, unfamiliar, and inexplicable.    When something is inexplicable … it cannot be explained by ordinary means.    When people begin to see you call upon the Name of God and they see how God moves in your life, they will begin to know and understand that the only explanation for what is going on in your life will be that God did it.   

Worship For Today .... "You Are God Alone"Ministered By Marvin Sapp

Saturday, August 18, 2012

What Is Causing You To Be Distracted and Pulling You Outside Of God's Joy, Peace, Love and Power?

What is it in your life that is trying to distract you or keep you from what God wants you to do?   Are there things that are weighing on you that have your heart and your mind all bound up?   Are they hindering you from moving into the next level that God has prepared for your life?   Understand .... everything and everyone can't go.    So often we try to take people, places, and things into our next level when they weren't designed to be there.    Everyone can't handle where God is taking you.    They may not have the faith to believe what God is telling you to do.    The place may change .... where you are now .... may not be where God wants you to be in order to walk out His plan for your life.     Then there is "stuff"  .... the things we just don't want to let go of.    We have to learn how to let go of the stuff.   We have to learn how to let go of the things we desire in order to receive the things that God desires to give us in our lives.   

Trust God for your next level and be ready to release any and all things that God has not ordained for the next level of your walk with Him.    Remember ... if there is something that is pulling you out of God's presence ... out of His peace, out of His love, out of joy,  and out of the position where you can hear clearly from Him .... that means it is not ordained to come where you are.   Understand ... it is pulling you "out" of where you are.

Worship For Today....
"I Just Want To Be Where You Are"
Ministered By Don Moen


Friday, August 17, 2012

Do You Realize That God's Love For You Goes Deeper Than An Outward Act Or Action.... Have You Learned That It Is Not Just About What You Want When You Want It?

Have  you ever been at a place where you knew what you wanted and that was all that mattered?    Even with God .... where you know you want God and that's all that matters.    Is that the best place to be in?   Even in you knowing that you just want God .... there is still something missing.   You have to know that God's desire is that you go deeper than just wanting Him.   He wants you to let Him in.    To let Him into your thoughts.   Into your actions.   Into your desires.   God's desire is that you be intimate with Him.   

Have you ever been in a relationship or friendship where you knew what you wanted.   For whatever reason you set up a guard and you said that you would only go this far.   You would go in and get what you wanted and walk away.   Never allowing yourself to become intimate with the other person.  (Keeping in mind that this is an analogy and there are various levels of intimacy and some intimacy is to be reserved for marriage only.)   Intimacy requires that someone sees deeper into you and you see deeper into them.   It requires that you stay and allow yourself to be held.   It requires that you trust someone else. It requires that you go beyond the surface or the act into a place of communication.     God does not want us to just "act" with Him.    Where we come into His presence to get what we feel that we need at that time and leave.    God wants to hold us and to commune with us.     He wants you to know that His love goes deeper than an outward act or action.   Where He gives you what you need when you need it.   His love is there to hold you and care for you at all times ... not just your time of need.   

Worship For Today ....
"This Is My Desire"
Ministered By Hillsong

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Are You Taking Time To Make Sure Your Actions and Your Life Are In Alignment With God's Word?

Are you being strong in the Lord  or are you giving up?   It's easy to let go.   It's easy to quit and give up?   But is that what God would have you to do?    God says that your strength is in Him.   Therefore you can handle whatever is coming up against your life.   Understanding that the Father is all powerful and all knowing.   There is nothing that can conquer who He is.    

It's time to realign.    When a car is out of alignment, your car tends to drift to one side.   That is how life is.   When our lives are out of alignment .... the weight of life shifts on us rather than on God.   God has told us to cast our cares on Him for He cares for us.   But you can't do that if you are not in proper alignment with His plan, His purpose, and His will.    

Always take time to make sure your actions and your life are in alignment with what God is telling you to do.     It's easy to drift away from what God is telling you to do if you fail to do the proper checks and balances in your life.     As long as you stay in line with His word ... you will always find the strength and power to accomplish what He is telling you to do.   

Worship For Today ....
"The Words I Would Say"
Ministered By The Sidewalk Prophets

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Are You Ready and Willing To Let God Use YOU?

Are you letting God use you?   Are you ready?   Are you willing?    Or are you being hindered by what you are going through?   Understand that God wants to use you.   He wants your mouth to be as the pen of a ready writer.    When you are ready ... it means that you are completely prepared and fit for use.     Again I ask .... are you ready to be used by God?     Understand what you see as fit ...may not be what God sees.   When you understand that it is your trial, your test, and your testimony that  God is looking to use ... you will understand that you are ready.     God wants you to tell others what you have been through.   He wants you to tell others what you are going through.   He wants you to tell others that He will take them through just as He delivered you.   

Sometimes we think that we have to be so philosophical or should I say concerned with the deep things in life in order to be used by God.    Sometimes all a person needs to hear is that God loves them or that God is there.    It's not about how deep you can be .... it's about how real you can be.   People are looking for realness.   For truth.   For love.    That's what God is.   He is real.   He is truth and He is love.   Those are the qualities of God that He wants to display through you.   So again I ask .... Are you ready and willing to let God use YOU?

Worship For Today ...
"If You Can Use Anything Lord .... You Can Use Me"
Ministered By Ron Kenoly

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Are You At The Place Where You Are Ready To Give It ALL To God ... Realizing He Doesn't Need Your Help...

Do you feel like you are at a place where you just don't know what to do next?   Which way to go or how to handle your situation or circumstance?    If so ... you are right where God wants you to be.   He wants you to be in a place where He is in control.    He wants you to step out of the way so that He can have His way.    This life is not about what you can do or how you can handle your own situations.    It is about you giving God the reigns.   About you allowing Him to move and manifest.   About you trusting Him to be who He said He is.   

What we have to understand is .... God doesn't need our help.   He doesn't need us to make a way.   He's already made it.   He doesn't need us to figure it out.   He's already wrote it out.    The book is finished .... we are just living it.   

So today ... THIS DAY ...  step out of God's way.   Yield to His word and His wisdom.    Take upon you the attitude of letting go and letting God.   Let Him be who He said He is.   Let Him do what He said He would do (without your interference).    Understand that your Daddy is all seeing, all knowing, ALL GOD.    He is Alpha, Omega, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Ropha, Jehovah Shalom, Elohim ..... AND MUCH MUCH MORE ..... ALL BY HIMSELF.    

"Because Of Who You Are"
Ministered By Vicki Yohe

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Evidence of Faith

In Hebrews 11, the Bible says now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The definition of evidence is "The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid". The definition states that it is the available body of facts meaning, you may not know everything or see the whole picture only part. We must grasp the realization that faith needs to happen before you can see the whole picture. For we lean not on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge Him for He will direct our paths Proverbs 3:5-6 . Sometimes you may not know why and in those times you must step back and say God you take control. I heard someone say today to stop focusing on what you see and begin to focus on what is eternal and you cannot see. Today I choose to focus and follow the Will of God with Faith even though I cannot see the whole picture I am thankful to know someone who can.

Worship For Today ....
Ministered By Kirk Franklin

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Are You Allowing The Sediments Of Life To Become Blockages To Where God Wants You To Be?

Are the sediments of your life now becoming blockages in your life?    A sediment is defined as a solid fragment of a rock or material that goes through weathering and is carried by wind, water or ice.   Doesn't that sound like life?    How it gets altered by the process of weathering or should I say exposure to the atmosphere.     But what we try to do is ... instead of letting those things wash away from our lives ... we try to pick everything back up and reattach it to our lives not realizing that it no longer fits.   It is no longer appropriate and we have to begin to understand that God has washed it away for a reason.

Life is a process of weathering.   We are exposed daily to people, places, and things.   There are things that God is adding to our lives and there are things that He is taking away.    Every level of life has different needs.    As you grow ... there are things you outgrow ... inclusive of  attitudes and actions.    Understand the process of life.    I said earlier that in weathering things are carried by wind, water, and ice.    Understand that the breadth of God (wind) will blow upon your life and the anointing of God (water) will flow through your life and cause things to be moved out of your life.    When this happens ... you have to realize that God is shaping you and forming you into the vessel HE wants you to be.   

Worship For Today ....
"Renew Me"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Are You Walking Randomly?

Are your steps in order with God's plan or are you walking randomly?   The word random means something that occurs without a purpose or a plan.    Are you walking without purpose?   If so that should not be.   God has given us each a common purpose to fulfill in the earth.   That purpose is to fulfill His plan in the earth.    However, we must stop walking randomly.   Stop trying this and that with hopes of getting to where He wants us to be.    His steps are clear.   Our steps are ordered in Him.   Psalm 37:23 talks about the steps of the righteous being ordered by God.   In other words ... they are ordained and established by Him.   

Understand the key words ....     The Bible does not say that everyone's steps are ordered by God.   It says the steps of the righteous.   To be righteous means you are in right standing with God.    It means your actions are right and justifiable.    You are not willfully walking in sin.  God does not order our steps to walk into sin.    So if you are willfully walking in sin ... your steps are random steps you are taking and not the steps that God has ordained.    When something is ordained ... it is ordered and decreed.    Anything that God orders and decrees ... ALWAYS leads to Him

Worship For Today ....
"Order My Steps In Your Word"
Ministered By GMWA Women Of Worship

Friday, August 10, 2012

Do You Really Believe God?

Do you really believe God?  Do you believe His word?  Do you believe He has a plan for you?  You say you do....but are you truly trusting Him?  His word....His will....His wisdom.....  If you really believe Him, you will move from the place of worry to a place of rest.  From a place of fear to a place of hope.  If you really trust Him.  

Trusting goes beyond just words.  It means you understand that no matter how the situation looks or feels ...God is still in control.  It means you know that your help and your hope are in Him.  It means you stop trying to figure it out and truly walk in the knowledge of knowing God has already worked it out.

Will you trust Him today?

Letting Go of The Hurt

Hurt is defined as causing physical pain or to injure, or to cause mental or emotional suffering or distress. The enemy seeks to hurt us. He wants to injure us because he knows if he cuts deep enough he may get a reaction. More than that if we walk around with open wounds from being hurt we risk that wound being infected. It is time to learn to forgive and let go of hurt. I know this is easier said than done but if we truly seek to be like our Father we must follow his example of forgiveness. He forgave those who betrayed him, even when those closest to him hurt him. He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities and by his stripes we are healed. We are healed from hurt, from infected wounds that have held us back. Experience freedom today as you finally let go of your hurt turn it over to the Lord.  "Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully." 1 Peter 5:7 I am ready to forgive and let go, I am ready to show the love of Christ and I encourage you to do the same. Experience freedom and let it go today.

Worship For Today ...
"A Heart That Forgives"
Ministered By Kevin Levar

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Are You Allowing God To Be Your Covering .... Or Are You Busy Trying To Cover Up Yourself?

What is it that you are looking for God to do?    Have you told Him.   Yes He knows .... because He knows all things.   But that doesn't stop Him from wanting you to commune with Him.   Think about it ... even in the Bible He called for Adam.   Yes, He knew where Adam was .... but He wanted Adam to acknowledge Him and His presence.    

Are you acknowledging His presence in your life?   Are you communing with Him?   Or are you being like Adam and trying to hide "certain" things from Him?   Whether it be attitudes or actions .... remember God sees it all.   You can't run from Him or hide from Him.   God wants to be your covering.    Where you can come before Him without shame.   Where you are not trying to cover yourself .... your attitudes or your actions up.    But you have to let Him.   You have to stay under the covering of the blood.    

So back to my original question .... what is it that you are looking for God to do?   The word looking means something is lost.    Understand that if you dwell in the presence of God  ... you won't be looking.   You will just know that God will do it.   You won't be moved based on timeframe.   You will know from being in constant communion with Him .... that He is FAITHFUL.  

Worship For Today ....
"Faithful Is Our God"
Ministered By Hezekiah Walker

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

In The Will of God

When we make up our mind to follow the will of God, we guarantee safety. It is when we step out of the will of God that struggle comes. I encourage you to observe where you are... are you in the will of God or your own will. Faith is stepping in His will and out of your own. We cannot try to hold ourselves back from the will of God in fear of hurt. We have to be open to change, even when it may not be what we want.

The safest place in the whole world is in the will of God. We have to trust Him and believe His word. Psalms 9:10 says "And they who know Your name [who have experience and acquaintance with Your mercy] will lean on and confidently put their trust in You, for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek (inquire of and for) You [on the authority of God’s Word and the right of their necessity]."

Remember you are a King's kid so that means He has royal plans for you. You are an heir, and heir means one who inherits or is entitled to inherit.   Step in the will of God so that your steps can be ordered by Him, when you do this you will become worry free.

Worship For Today ...
"The Will of God"
Ministered By Karen Clark Sheard

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

What Is The One Word In You That God Is Trying To Get Out?

What is the word that is stirring in you?   It may be one word .... but you have to understand that one word has meaning.     Is it "peace".   Is God trying to use you to tell someone that their life is free from disturbance in Him.   How about "holiness"?   Is God trying to use you to tell someone to go deeper ... to become sanctified and separated in order to be used for His purpose.    How about "strength"?   Is God trying to use you to tell someone that their power, their force, and their might are all found in Him?  

What is it that God is saying to you?  That He wants you to get out.    A friend taught me a long time ago that words have meaning.   Of course I knew that.   But he encouraged me to begin to look up words .... to go deeper.   In many cases we are so accustomed to surface living.   We even read things on the surface and never take the time to go deeper.   When we talk to people ...  we practice surface listening.   Which causes us in many cases to not truly hear the heart of what is being said.  

It's time to go deeper.   It's time to draw out the word that is within you.   The word that God wants you to share.   Remember one word can change a persons life.   Just think about it.   LOVE is one word and "God Is Love".   

Worship For Today ...
"This Is My Desire"
Ministered By Hillsong

Monday, August 06, 2012

Understand You Have To Shift and Transfer Everything That Is Out Of Alignment With God's Will, Purpose, and Plan For Your Life

Are you feeling pressed on every side?   Do you feel as though you don't know where to go or what to do?   How do you get out of that?   How do you get that feeling off of you?   Do you pray?   To you praise?   Or do you sit still?   

Understand today .... you have to shift.    Shift means to move, change, or transfer.    The key word here is transfer.   You need to transfer whatever is on you that is causing you to feel pressed from you back to the enemy.    Some packages you just can't accept.    Understand your agreement with your situation is your seal of approval.    When you say .... "oh well, that's just the way it is".   You are agreeing.   You are accepting.    You need to begin to uproot and cast down the appearance of evil.   You need to say .... "this is not my portion" or "I thank you Lord that this state that I am in is only temporary and you are turning it around for my good".   The only time you should be agreeing is when your situation is in line with God's word.    Don't be quick to agree.

It's time for a transference to take place.   Everything that has been holding you or locking you into a thought process that you are not who God created you to be .... we bind up and cast down now.    Understand .... you have the authority to bind and you have the authority to cast down.    When you operate that principle .... heaven aligns with your words.    After you bind it up and cast it down ... you must release God's will, purpose, plan and provision in your life.   Again utilize your words and let the world know what God has said about you and your situation.   

Always understand who you are and what God has called you to do.  Never accept anything that goes against the knowledge He has given you.   

Worship For Today .....
"I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Hillsong

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Are You Being Hypnotized By Stuff or The Word and Will Of God? Do You Understand That Hypnosis Is An Altered State Of Consciousness Where Your Mind Is Receptive To Suggestion .....

Why are you looking around when everything you need is set before you?    We tend to look around for something different.   Why?   Something new?  Why?   Most of the time we want to be intrigued.    The word intrigue means to arouse the curiosity or to fascinate.    Our curiosity is based on a strong desire to learn or to know something.    Whereas fascination is based on attraction.   What are you being attracted to?   What is it that is magnetizing you?   One definition of magnetize is mesmerize.   When you are mesmerized ... it is a though you are hypnotized.    Understand that hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness where your mind is receptive to suggestion.    

We have to be careful about the things we allow to intrigue and fascinate us.   What we are doing is putting ourselves in a place where our mind and our will are open to things that are connected to those things that arouse our curiosity.     Understand that "things" can suggest.   That is the whole point of advertising.   Think about it.   You look at a picture of cake ... and you get the desire to want it.    You look at a video of a car ... and you get the unction to buy it.    Let your focus and your passion be God.    Let it be based on the things of God.   Let your mind and your will be open to His word and His will.    Get curious about Him and His plan.   So that your mind will be influenced by His word and your actions will line up with His will.   

Worship For Today ....
"The More I Seek You"
Ministered By Kari Jobe

Saturday, August 04, 2012

What Tools Are You Using to Reach Those You Love Today?

What would you do if today was the last day that you were able to get a message to the ones you love?   What would you say?   Would you say I love you?  Would you tell them about your God and your Savior? Out of all the tools you have to use .... phones, internet, word of mouth .... what would you use?   How are you using those tools today?   Are you calling those that you love?   Are you sending them messages to just say you care?    Take time today to tell them you love them.   You may not see them as you like or even as often as you should ... but don't allow opportunity to pass you by.   The word opportunity means the circumstances are right in order for you to do something.   

Today is an opportunity that God has made.   He has set everything in order for you to do what you need to do.   Even if it is just sending a message .... take time for those you love today.    Let them know that through your businesses ... you still care.   Through your stresses ... you still care.    Through time and distance ... you still care.   Sometimes that is all someone else needs to hear.   Amen.....

Worship For Today ....
"Through It All"
Ministered By Hillsong

Friday, August 03, 2012

Are You Letting God's Love Lead You, Shield You, and Protect You?

Why do you think said to stand still and know that he is God?   When you stand still you are in one place.   You are not shifting or changing positions.    God wants you to be still.   When you stand still it shows that you are not afraid.    Have you ever seen people who run from bees.   Most of the time the bee still follows them around.    No matter where they run ... the bee is still following.   We have to get to a place where fear and running are no longer options.     The Bible says that perfect love casts out all fear.   That is where God wants us walking.   He wants us walking in His perfect love.   The love that says ... I trust you Lord and I believe you Lord.    The love that says I will not move .... so the situation has to move.  

Get into position.   Get into the position where God can bless you.   Stop shifting your thoughts and your beliefs.   Stop shifting your trust.   Let God be the final authority in every situation concerning your life.   Let His love lead you, shield you, and protect you.   Let His love cast out all the fear that is trying to arise in you.   Let His love be the driving force in your life.  

Worship For Today ....
"Lead Me"
Ministered By Sanctus Real

Thursday, August 02, 2012

It's Time To Let Go Of Your Yesterday So That You Can Walk Out God's Plan For You Today .....

Why are you still living in your yesterday?    What happened ....  What they said ..... What they did .....    How can you walk out God's plan for you if you are still living in yesterday's outcome and yesterday's results?    When someone writes a plan .... the plan is based on expectation .... not history.     A plan is not about what occurred historically.   It is about the new design and the new expected outcome.     God has a plan for you.    Did He not declare in Jeremiah 29:11 that He knows the plans that He has for you  and that they were to give you a hope, a future, and an expected end.   

You have to start living according to the plan.   You have to stop living your life based on history.    In Isaiah 43:19 .... God said that He would do a new thing .... shall YOU not know it.    Start living in the newness of life and stop being led by your past.    

It's time to watch, wait, and expect God to move for you, in you, and through you.     Today is a new day.   Yesterday is gone.    Let the results of yesterday go with it.    You can never truly walk out your future as long as you are living in your past.   

Worship For Today ....
"Already Here"
Ministered By Brian Courtney Wilson

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

You Have Enough Faith To Move More Than A Mountain .... You Just Have To Believe....

How much faith do you think you need?   The Bible says in Matthew 17:20 that if you have faith as small as a grain of mustard seed ... you can move mountains.    Imagine what great faith moves.     We try so hard.   We pray so hard.   Yet we feel that we have to try harder and pray harder .... when God is saying just have faith.   To believe Him.   To trust in Him and to wait on Him.   It's not about prayer harder or in a certain position or like someone else.    It's about knowing that God is who He said He is and resting in the waiting.     Just because you don't immediately see the answer or because the answer looks a little different than you expectation .... doesn't mean God hasn't answered.    What you have to understand is that God's plan is already established.    You have to learn how to trust His plan. 

You also have to understand that God's sovereignty and power are also established and there is nothing the devil can do to change that.   So no matter what your situation appears to be .... it is established that you win.   

Worship For Today ....
"I Win"
Ministered By Clint Brown

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...