Sunday, July 29, 2012

Are You Releasing The Sound In You That Is Meant To Resonate In Those Around You?

What is the message turning over inside of you today?   The word that God is trying to get out through you?   The thing that God is stirring through your heart and your mind?   It's time to let it out.   It's time to share it.    Understand that there is a word that God is trying to release through you.   A word that will minister to those around you.    There are some people that God has ordained to be reached through your destiny.    Many others may talk to them .... but they will truly be touched by the word that is inside of you.  

You are a point in God's kingdom connection.   Understand that there are people connected to your line of destiny.   They are searching and they are seeking.    Understand people respond to sound differently.    I can hear a sound and it may affect me differently than it affects you.   There is a sound that can come from only you.   A sound that will resonate in the hearts and the minds of those whom God has placed in your life.   It's time to release the sound.   It's time to blow the trumpet within you.   You have a sound within you that will set off a sound like a trumpet does.   A trumpet initially was used as a signaling device.   Used to announce and proclaim something relevant.   It's time for you to be as the trumpet .... to set off a sound that announces and proclaims your Father and King.   

Worship For Today ....
"War Cry"
Ministered By Micah Stampley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome message

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