Saturday, June 15, 2013

Are You Living With A Kingdom Mentality?

Is your lifestyle lining up with the life you say you live?   When we get saved, we are saying God ... live in me.   Live through me.   My life is not my own ...   We have to get to a place where we are truly representing the Father.  Truly living for Him.  Truly trying to live lives that are holy and pure.    Understanding that we are a reflection of who He is.   We have to begin to understand that there are people that are looking at what we do just because we say that we belong to God.   Be a child that reflects their Father.   Let the attributes people see be attributes that reflect who God is.   
Let your lifestyle be one that people can look at and see the difference between how you were then and how you are now.    Don't live in a way that is opposite of what God has said.   

Live like you know that your Father is the King of kings.   Live like you have a kingdom mentality.   It's not okay for a kingdom child to live any kind of way.   You have to live in a way that represents the Father.    
Worship For Today ...
"Take Me To The King"
Ministered By Tamela Mann

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