Friday, August 07, 2015

Understanding That God Is Not Limited To What We Think ... Understanding That He Has Not Changed for What He Did For His People In The Bible, He Will Still Do For You ...

It's not about what you thought.   It's all about what God said.   So often in life we "think" we know what our outcome will be and then we get disappointed when we don't see what we thought.   We have to understand that God is not limited to doing things the way we think they should be done.   God is not limited to our timetable nor our way of doing things.   He is an all powerful, supernatural God.   He specializes in doing the unexpected in our lives.   He makes a point of going beyond our thoughts and our expectations.    So we have to stop limiting our limitless God.  

Take time to expand your perception of who God is.   Meditate on His Word.   Grab hold of the scriptures that reveal His supernatural ability.   Scriptures that show that He can do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can think or ask.   Understanding that our thoughts are limited.   We can only think on what we know.   Knowledge is developed through observation and information.  Take time to observe who God is.  Take time in His Word to learn more about what He has done so that you can have an understanding for what He can and will do.    Meditate on the scriptures where He healed, set free, delivered, and provided for His people.  Understand, God has NOT changed.    What He did for His people in the Bible, He will still do for you.   He is not a respecter of persons.  He loves us all and He specializes in deliverance.    Trust Him, Believe Him, and walk in obedience to His Word.    

"How He Loves Us"
Ministered By Kim Walker-Smith Jesus Culture 

How He Loves Us - Jesus Culture & Kim Walker Smith w/ Lyrics. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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