Wednesday, September 09, 2015

How are You Handling Rejection? Are You Still Walking In The Word, Will, and Plan of God?

So often in life we say we won't get mad, we won't get upset, and it won't bother us and yet it does.   Deep inside the wheels are still turning.  We still feel the hurt, the pain, and the disappointment.   We still feel the rejection.   No matter how hard we try not to feel it, the feeling is still there and we have to learn how to deal with rejection from others.    None of us want to be rejected because we are God's vessels of love.  So often we do our best to allow God's love to flow through us to all people and yet there are times when others reject the love of God.  They feel as though they are rejecting us personally and in essence they are rejecting the love of God.  

It is at those times that we have to remember what Romans 8:28 says about knowing that all things work together for our good.  We have to "know" that even though we experience rejection while doing the word, will, and work of God, that rejection is working for our good in our lives.   To be rejected means to be refused, declined, or turned down.  It's hard to believe that people will refuse God's love, turn down God's love, and decline God's love but they do.  Jesus experienced rejection throughout His life here on earth and so shall we.   The thing is, Jesus knew how to respond when He was rejected.    The Bible says in John 1:11 that He came to His own, and yet they rejected Him.   So we shouldn't be surprised when we experience rejection.   The rejection Jesus experienced did not cause Him to stop walking in and fulfilling the will of God.  So just because you experience rejection, it is not an excuse for you to stop doing what God has told you to do.  

Worship For Today ... 
"I Will Run"
Ministered By Freddy Rodriguez
I Will Run - Freddy Rodriguez. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Anonymous said...

I was feeling this way last week about a job opportunity. I had got the job an was very happy thanking god,an then got a call say they couldn't hire me due to my background check. I have made mistakes in the past an have been carry the guilt, I am a single mom with 4 kids an I feel as if I'm letting them down. I have given my life to god an have faith but for some reason I really let that situation put me back in a bad mind set. I was so hurt an of course I resort back to beating myself up about the things I done in my past.

Daily Moments With God said...

Don't feel that way. Understand, God has a plan for your life. We may not know every detail of that plan but God does. His promises are true and He will honor His Word in your life. Father she has made a choice to live her life for You. So right now Father we bind up and we cast out every hindrance that is standing between her and the job that you have blessed her with. Father she is Your child and You said that her past is forgiven. Because her past is forgiven, I ask that you bless her now. Father bless her with the job she needs and give her double in her salary for her shame in Jesus name. Amen

Anonymous said...

Sorry it took so long for me to respond. But I just want to thank you for your prayer. It was really needed it. I know I shouldn't feel that way an at time I don't know why I let things get me down . knowing the God I serve is an awesome God. An he has brought me throw a lot. An I know that he has a great plan for me. I am praying to be released from guilty doubt an fear. An also trusting God will believer me from these things.a again thank an God bless you.

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...