Friday, October 23, 2015


God was talking to me this morning about detoxifying.    Then when I opened up my Facebook, one of my friends who is a worshipper was talking about the same thing.    Detoxification means to remove toxic substances or qualities.    When your remove something, you take something away or off of the position that it has occupied.    We have to understand, there are times when we have to detoxify physically and spiritually.   Physically, there are things we have put in our bodies that we know are not healthy for us and spiritually there are thoughts and actions that we have been ruled and reigned by that we know are not right for us.   So we need to detoxify both physically and spiritually.  

Detoxification is a cleansing.   To cleanse means to wash something thoroughly and to disinfect.    One synonym for disinfect is the word purify.    We have to disinfect our lives.    When you break down the word disinfect, you see that “dis” means to take away or to negate.    Then you have the word infect.   When something is infected, it is contaminated and contamination spreads.  So the word disinfect means to take away the contamination.    

The thing we must understand is that infection comes from exposure to something.  What are you exposing your life to?   What are you consuming physically and spiritually?   In other words, what are you allowing to come through the gate of your mouth physically and what are you allowing to come through your eye and ear gates spiritually?   You have to make sure you are exposing your life to the right things.    Don’t allow your life to breakdown based on what you are eating physically or spiritually.    Make sure you are consuming what is healthy for you.  To consume means to eat, drink, or ingest.   Make sure you are eating, drinking, and ingesting the right foods physically and make sure you are drinking from the water of God’s Word spiritually.

"Renew Me"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi
Martha Munizzi - Renew Me - LIVE (@marthamunizzi). (n.d.). Retrieved from

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