Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Are You Living Your Life According To God's Plan and Adapting To His Vision?

What is it that God has called you to do?   Are you doing it?    Are you writing the book?   Are you feeding the hungry?   Are you ministering to the homeless?    Are you living your life in line with what God has asked you to do and not just what others are asking you to do?    

God has a plan and He has a vision for our lives but it is up to us to live our lives according to His plan and to adapt to His vision.    In Jeremiah God said in His Word that He knows the plans He has for us and those plans will give us hope and a future.    We have to understand that God's plans fail not.   He takes everything that is good in our lives and everything that we consider to be bad in our lives and He works it all together for our good.   He builds us up and He makes us stronger.   He undergirds us and He keeps us even at our weakest moments.    

God gives us His Word to live by.   We are strong in Him.   Everything we need is found in Him.    So we have to seek to know His will and once we know His will, He will then reveal His plan.   God has a plan and included in His Master plan is His will for your life.    As you seek Him, trust Him to reveal and to unveil all that He would have you to do for Him as you live out your life here on the earth.     


 Jeremiah 1:5 

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

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