Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Your Life Speaks A Story ..... and That Story Should Always Lead Back To God and His Word....

So what do you do when your whole world begins to turn?   Do you turn with it or do you stand still?   God wants and needs you to be stationary.   He needs you in a place when everything else around you changes .... you remain unmovable.   Where you still stand on His word no matter what is trying to knock you off.    He wants us to understand that He is the one that controls our world.    Our existence is in Him.   We cannot allow what others say or do to control our stance.    

If you went to work today and was told that your job was in jeopardy .... that the company was experiencing cutbacks .... what would you do?   What would your reaction be?   Would it be one that confuses the enemy and those around you?    Or would it be what they expect?   One where you become distraught and unrecognizable as a child of God because of faith failure.    It is only when the situations of life come against your faith that your faith is truly recognized.    We can say we have faith and we can wear a shirt that says we are vessels of faith.   However, it is only when you are confronted with life that you truly become aware of the level of faith you possess.   

Your life speaks your story aloud.   It tells whether or not you truly believe.    We have to be as it says in I Corinthians 15:58.   We have to be steadfast.   We have to be unmovable.   We have to be at a place where we trust and believe God and His word no matter what.    If man tells you today that your job is gone, your response should be "God knows the plans that He has for me and that includes giving me an expected end".   If the doctor tells you today that you sick, your response should be "by His stripes I am healed".    If your bank account reflects that you don't have enough, your response must be "my God shall supply all of my needs".    Your response should always lead back to God's word.    What the world sees and what the world hears from your life, should always lead back to God and His word.    

Understand today that life cannot control you unless you let it.    You have within your mouth the power to change your world.    God's words are life.  Speak God's life into your life today and command it to line up with His will, His purpose, and His plan.

Worship For Today .....
"Mercy Refused"
Ministered By Alvin Slaughter

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