Sunday, April 15, 2012

Benefiting From The Benefits Of The Father .... What You Can't See, Know, or Do .... God Sees, Knows, and Does ....

Are you still trying to figure it out?  Trying to understand who you are and what you are created to do?   You were created to worship.   To live for Him and in Him.   To magnify and to praise Him.   To give your Father, your Creator, your King glory.   That is what you were created to do.   

You were divinely and uniquely created.   You were shaped by His hands and formed after His likeness.   You are beautiful.   The beauty of the Lord shines through you.   You are a vessel of His goodness and His glory.    Again I say you are beautiful in Him.

All the trials and all the struggles ... they too are to give Him glory.   As you go through .... yes I said go through .... you come out purified and cleansed.   You come out stronger and more determined.   You come out showing forth the glory and the praise of your Father, Your Creator, and your King.    When you are in the midst of your problem or your struggle .... you can't see the glory.   You can't see the outcome.   But when it is all said and done .... you win.   You are victorious.   You benefit from the benefits of the Father.   

Understand today .... not only were you created by Him .... out of all of His creations .... He chose you.   You are created and then chosen by your Father to receive His best.    For He saw something special in you.   He saw something different in you.   So what you don't see ... God sees.   What you don't know ... God knows.   What you can't do ... God does.    You are well taken care of by the one who created and chose you.   

Take A Moment To Pray With Us Today .... PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 15, 2012 (That God Provide Peace and Strength To Overtake Every Abnormality In Life) .... posted on

Worship For Today ....
"Sacrifice Of Praise"
Ministered By Eugene Brown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen and Amen!!!

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...