Sunday, September 29, 2013

How Long Will You Tolerate The Enemy? You Have Been Given Light ... Yet You Sit In Darkness When You Fail To Apply The Authority You Have Been Given ...

What's your tolerance level?   How long are you going to tolerate the enemy messing in your life?    It's time for you to stand up in the Spirit and use the authority you have been given.   Don't just sit back passively.   A person who is passive tends to sit and obey without resistance.  Is that what you are doing?   Are you just submitting to whatever and obeying to whatever?  

God has given you power and He has given you authority.   He has told you to utilize the name of Jesus and to apply the blood of Jesus to your situation.   Yet you are still sitting still.    You are losing based on your failure to apply the tools He has given you.   Get up.   Stop tolerating the enemy.   Stop allowing him to walk in and to cause havoc in your life while you sit there and fail to pray.  Fail to apply the blood.   Fail to use the name.     What good does it do to have electricity ... yet never turn on your lights so that you can see?   When you fail to use the power that you have been given ... that is what you are doing?   You have light ... yet you are comfortable sitting in darkness.    It's time for you to get up.   It's time for you to begin to use the authority that God has given you.   Right here and right now.
Worship For Today...
"Something About The Name Jesus"
Ministered By Rance Allen


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