Monday, September 02, 2013

What Are You Reflecting Through The Windows Of Your Soul?

So what are people seeing when they look through the windows of your soul?    Your soul is comprised of your mind, your will, and your emotions.   What is it that you are thinking on?   What is it that you desire to do?   How are you acting?    Are they seeing God as the author and finisher in your life?    Where your mind is stayed on Him?   Where your thoughts and your imaginations revolve around Him and His word?   Where your actions are dictated by what He has told you to do?   Do they see you basing your emotions on what God has said and not just what is going on around you?   

Understand your life is what people are looking at in order to get direction.   What is that you are reflecting through the windows of your soul.   Remember that you are a spiritual being.   Learn how to live by the spirit so that you won't fulfill the lusts of your flesh.   Your flesh is fed by what you feed your soul.   What you let in your mind.   What you allow your will be to led by and how you feel.   So you need to be conscious of what you allow to enter into your eye gates and your ear gates.    Learn how to feed yourself God's word and how to base your emotions on what God said and not what you feel.  

Worship For Today ...
"Lead Me"
Ministered By Sanctus Real

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