Thursday, December 12, 2019


What is your greatest desire?   Is it to know and please God more than anything?   Is it to give God your all and to live in obedience to Him?    Understand, what we desire does matter because whatever it is we desire, it will dictate our actions.    Have you ever desired something so bad that you did whatever you could to get it?  Whether it be you worked longer hours or you stayed up late to accomplish tasks.   Whatever it took, you did it to get whatever it was you wanted.   Maybe it was a degree, maybe it was a job, maybe it was a house, or maybe a car.  No matter what it was, you went above and beyond to get it.   

That is how God wants our desire to be towards Him.   He wants us to want Him more than anything.    He wants us to seek Him and to commune with Him.   He wants us to trust Him and to believe in Him.   He wants us to follow Him and to obey Him.    He wants to be what we desire the most.   

What we have to understand is that we cultivate desires.   To cultivate means that we nurture something and we cause it to grow.   What are you nurturing in your life?  What are you cultivating?   We have to cultivate our desire for God and we do that by reading His Word and by staying in constant communion with Him.     Make sure you are taking time today and every day for God so that He will be your greatest desire. 

Galatians 5:16 - KJV
This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

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