Monday, April 09, 2012

It Is Time To Let It Go and Understand That "That They Just Didn't Know" .....

Do you realize that you have been getting upset over the wrong thing.   All the people that hurt you and those who didn't live up to "your" standards.   They just didn't know.  They didn't know that you were chosen.   They didn't know that you were called.  They didn't know the power and the presence of God that is within you.   That didn't know the gift that God had given them by allowing you to be a part of their lives.  If they knew .... they chose not to believe.   But it's okay .... they can't stop the plan that God has for your life.    Only you can hinder it by not forgiving them .....   

It's time to let it go and understand that they "just didn't know".    Trust and believe God when He says that He "knows" the plans that He has for you.   Plans to give you a hope and a future and an expected end.  God never designed you to react to a man's actions.   He designed you to react to His word.   When you dwell on what someone else did to you ..... you are reacting to another man's actions.   When you react to your hurt and your pain .... in many cases you are allowing someone else's actions to become the determining factor for how you feel and what you do.     Let it all go.   Stop allowing someone else's perception to become your reality.    Live "in" the life of God.   The one that He has designated and designed for you.    Step into His will and listen to His word concerning your life.    Release those who have hurt you and move forward in the plan God has for you.  

Worship For Today ....

"Let Go Let God"
Ministered By Dwayne Woods

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...