Thursday, January 09, 2014

At What Point Is Your View Changing?

Who moved you?  What moved  you?  Why did you move?   To move means to change position, to change residence, or to take action.   What is it that is causing you to change your position?  Position means location, posture, or point of view.   At what point is your view changing?   Is your view changing based on God and His word or is God and His word changing your view.    When you look at things from God's view, you begin to see that you are an overcomer.    

Understand the tactic of the enemy.  The enemy understands the gates to your soul.   What you see and what you hear impact your mind, your will, and emotions.    So if he can get you to see from his point of view ... he can make you feel as though you are defeated rather than an overcomer.   So don't be moved.   Keep your view on God.  Always see from His point of view.  

Worship For Today ...
"The More I Seek You"
Ministered By Kari Jobe

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