Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Are You Willing To Do What It Takes In Order To Please God? Are You Committed To What You Say You Believe?

Are you really ready?   Are you ready to be used by God?   We always say that we want God to use our lives.   The question is, are you willing to do what it takes to do what God wants?   In other words, are you willing to walk where He tells you to walk?   Are you willing to talk the way He tells you to talk?   Are you willing to let go of what He tells you to let go of?   Are you willing to sacrifice the desires of your flesh in order to fulfill God's perfect plan for your life?

God is ready to use your life, the question is, are you ready to be used by God.

God never told us that it would be easy to serve Him.    He never said that commitment would be easy.   We have to understand that commitment brings with it restrictions.    Commitment restricts our freedom of actions.   It takes away the ability to just do anything any time you want to.    Think about a marriage.   When you are married and truly committed, you restrict the actions and desires of your flesh.   There is a boundary that you don't cross over when you are truly committed.    Your boundary is drawn based on your on your responsibility, obligation, and duty.   Your commitment always considers the fact that you are liable for your actions.  

So when we say we are ready to serve God, we have to be committed.   We have to take responsibility for our actions.   We have to be obligated and we have to know that it is our duty to serve God without compromise.


Psalms 37:5 
Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring [it] to pass.

Proverbs 16:3 
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

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