Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Are You Allowing The World To Put You On Display ... Or Are You Putting God On Display?

Are you allowing the world to put you on display?    It is the worlds desire to make you think it is all about you.   What you can do ... how you look ... and what you have to say.   But it's not.   That is a deception.   Take a look at how the world does things.   Advertising is key.   Advertising is built around making you think you need something that they have.    It is a tool that is used to peak your interest and draw your attention.   Eventually pulling you towards your desires and not necessarily your needs.     It is a tool that causes you to want to reshape, reconfigure, and reconstruct your life based on what they see is the way you should dress and the things they think you should do and partake of.    In many cases it draws on your physical qualities and not your spiritual well being.   Eventually bringing you to a point where it makes you think about what you think about you and not what God has said about you.  

Be careful of how you are being enticed and what you are being lured to.   Always remember it is not about you.   Understand that God works from the inside out.    It does no good to beautify yourself on the outside if you are all messed up on the inside.   If you never deal with your spirit man ... you can be the most beautiful person on the outside and totally lost and overwhelmed on the inside.    Make it a point to always let God be the one who is on display.    As He builds you up internally ... He will be the one who is seen externally.   

Worship For Today ....
"From The Inside Out"
Ministered By Hillsong

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