Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Understand The Enemy Uses Bait According To Your Desire ... Are You Being Drawn?

What are you being drawn by?   When a person is drawn, they are caused to move in a particular direction through a particular force.   What force is causing you to move that way?   What force is causing you to think that way?   What force is causing you to say what you are saying or to do what you are doing?   Isn't it interesting that two of the synonyms for the word force are compel and coerce.  What is compelling you?  What is coercing you?  

Think about when a man goes fishing.   Different fisherman use different types of bait.   That is because not all fish are attracted to the same type of bait.   Understand ... we are fishers of men and women and we use the bait of God's word to attract people into the Kingdom.   However there are others who are also fishing men and women and their bait is to keep men in the world.   To them them out of the will of God.   Are you being caught on the enemies hook?   What thoughts are you "hanging" on to?   What bait are you "test tasting"?    What is drawing you from God or keeping you in a place of complacency?   Are you trying to avoid a specific kind of bait and yet being caught by another?    In fishing there is a term that is used called "game fish" ... which means any fish that is regularly caught for sport.   The word sport is defined as a competition which is governed by a set of rules and is often engaged in competitively.    Understand the enemy looks at you as his game fish.   When he sees you ... he is actively participating in a "sport" or should I say "competition" for your life.   However, you have the choice as to whether or not you will be drawn by his bait.   

Worship For Today .....
"Where You Go I Go"
Ministered By Kim Walker / Jesus Culture

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