Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Somebody Is Watching You....

There are so many things that are happening in the world today.   The world or should I say our lives are not standing still.   We are ever changing.   As we change, we need to understand that we need to be growing in our love and affection for God and those around us.      

What is your reaction when you see trajedy around you?   Better yet, what is your action when you see trajedy around you?  Are you praying?   Or are you like most...saying that is sad....and continuing with life as usual?   

The bible talks about calamity.   Calamity is events that bring terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction.    There are people all around us who suffer calamity every day.   What are we doing to help them?   Are we praying for them, are we ministering to them, or are we about business as usual?   

We have to begin to become more sensitive to the afflictions of those around us every day.   Where you are (your job, your community, your family, etc.) is your battle ground.   We have to step out of our comfort zone and begin to speak life to a dying world.   We have to let people know that there is hope.   You may be the only light that someone else can see.  In saying that, I will also say that you need to be careful and make sure that the illumination that they see is real.   False light will make you believe you know where you are going and in the end it will lead you to danger and eventually destruction. 

There are paths in the forest that shine forth light just to end up being a thicket.   You think that its a way out, but in essence it is another closed in place.  A harder place to get out of.  Although it shines forth temporary light....or a ray of light.   We have to make sure that what we are shining forth is real.   We have to make sure that our lives can be used as lanterns to light the path for someone else.   We have to be sure that we are not showing forth a "false sense of light".   Where someone looks at us and they see hope but in the end it has lead them to death and destruction.  People will use your life as a guide book or a map to help get them to their destination.  

You have to make up in your mind that this thing is real.   That your relationship with God is real.  You can't be "wishy washy".   Going back and forth on what you believe and back and forth on doing it God's way and doing it the world's way.    Did not the Bible say that you are to be hot or cold?   There is no in between.    It's time to take a stand and decide which side you are standing on.   Draw your line in the sand.   You never know whose life is being impacted by your actions.   Whether they be good or bad, someone around you is looking at you today.   They are learning from you today.  They are making decisions based on your actions today.

What do you want them to see and what decision do you want them to make?   What impression or impact will you make to send them in the diection of God?

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