Sunday, June 17, 2012

Are You Living In The Flesh or The Flow Of The Blood?

Two questions for today ....   Where are you going to and what is it that you are seeking?   What are your goals and what are your objectives?   Are your goals in line with who God is and what He wants for your life?   Or are your goals centered around you?   Are they based on how you feel or where you at or are they strictly based on God and who He is and what He has designated for your life?

We have to make life about Him.    About fulfilling His plan, His purpose, and His desire in our life.   We tend to make it all about us.   How we feel and what we want to do.     Understand today that God has set before you the prize of eternal life and it is His desire that you run the race and obtain the prize.   Most runners in a race have their mind set on obtaining the prize.   That is their goal.    My question is ... what is your goal in life?   Is it to be an achiever on your job or in the things of God?   Is your mind set on Him as your prize or man made things?    We have to get to a place where our ultimate goal is to obtain eternal life and be pleasing to the Father.    In most cases we make choices based on our outward flesh.    How things will affect us outwardly.   What we can see, feel, and touch.    Did you realize that the marrow  inside of your bones is also a soft fatty tissue.   The difference is .... the marrow is where the blood cells are produced and where the blood flows.   It is the place where strength and vitality are produced.    Understand it can't be seen ... but that is where your physical strength comes from.   From the flow of the blood.  

When you look at your life and you follow your goals ... do so based on the flow of the blood of Jesus.   Your strength, your vitality, and your power to achieve are all found in the flow of the blood.   Let your mind stay on the prize of eternal life.   

Worship For Today .....
"Nothing But The Blood"
Ministered By Matt Redman

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