Saturday, June 02, 2012

We Hear God .... But Are We Hearkening?

We hear God but are we hearkening to what we hear Him say?   To hearken means to listen attentively and to obey.    We hear things continuously all day long.   We hear people talk all around us.   However, there must be a distinction when you hear the voice of God.   The distinguishing factor must be obedience.   It must be that you act on what you hear God say to you.   

How often do we shake off what God is saying and make an excuse when we really want to do something.    Understand those questions that you "ask yourself" when you are getting ready to do something .... are sometimes God talking to you.    We have to begin to check what we do and what we say with God's word.    Sometimes it requires just asking ourselves is this of God or would God be pleased with what I am doing.   If the answer is no .... we have to be strong enough to walk away from it or to let it go.   

It's not always easy to hearken to the plan of God for your life.   However, there is strength, power, and blessings that come through your obedience.   If you begin to practice the presence of God in your life ... hearkening will become a automatic and natural reaction.    You will begin to know His word and trust His plan for your life.   

Worship For Today ....
"I Came To Worship You"
Ministered By Terry MacAlmon

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