Friday, June 15, 2012

Go Before Me God

Do you pray before you leave your house in the morning? What about when you are in your car or at work? As Christians we have an amazing incentive and that is prayer. We can pray for favor. We can pray for peace, and we have the kingdom of heaven on our side working to provide just what we need. So before you start your day you should pray that it be blessed, pray for your peace, and pray that God and his angels would go before you. Pray when you get in the car, and if need be, pray at work. Do not only pray for yourself but pray for others as well. Pray for your children, family, friends, coworkers, and even church members. We are to be intercessors, which is someone who prays or petitions for another. Pray blessings over yourself and others. Remember the Bible says ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you in Matthew 7:7.

Worship For Today...
"I Need You to Survive"
Ministered by: Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship Choir 

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