Friday, June 01, 2012

Are You Taking The Time To Digest God's Word?

Sometimes we are all about consuming.   We say God ....we want more of you.    We need more of you.   We have to have more of you.   My question to you today is .... are you taking the time to digest the word of God that you already have?  To digest means to break down into substances that can be used properly by the body.    Are you breaking God's word down in a way that you can properly walk it out?   Believe it?   Understand it?    Or are you just consuming it?   Filling yourself up on it .... but not truly understanding what it is you are consuming.   

Yes God wants you to want more of Him.   To desire more of Him.   To learn more about Him.   But He also wants you to walk out the word He gives you.   To believe the word He gives you.   To have faith in the word that He gives you.    If you continue to get more of Him and never truly walk in what you have already gotten ... you have to ask yourself are you properly digesting the word of God in your life?    Are you getting the vital necessities out of the word?   Or are you just consuming the totality of God word and never breaking it down to where it is applicable to your life?  

Fill yourself up on His word .... but break it down in a way to which you can easily apply it to the situations in  your life.    Amen.

Worship For Today ....
"Lead Me"
Ministered By Sanctus Real

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