Thursday, May 30, 2013

Are You Praying For The People God Used In Your Life To Help You Grow In Him?

Have you grown so much that you don't feel as though you need people anymore?   Remember those people that God used to help bring you out of darkness.   Those people who helped you when times were hard.   Those people who prayed for you and who comforted you when you were lonely.   Those people who fed you the word when you were hungry and couldn't feed yourself.    Have you placed yourself on a pedestal and exalted yourself above those whom God used to help you?

We have to be careful as we grow in God.   Have you ever noticed a child that gets older and acts as though he doesn't need his parents anymore.   No their parents are not God ... but they are the ones whom God chose to raise them and to teach them.    There are people in our lives that God used to help us to get to this point.   Where we are today.   The point of trusting and the point of believing.   It may be a parent, a pastor, or even a friend.   But either way God used them to impart something into us so that we could get to a place of believing and trust.    Don't forget about those that God used along the way.   Pray for them and respect them.   Let them know that you are thankful for what God did "through" them.    Remember it was God using them ...   Always remember there was a process that brought you to the place you are today.  

Worship For Today ...
"Somebody Prayed For Me"
Ministered By Georgia Mass Choir

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