Saturday, May 11, 2013

You Are A Living Epistle Called To Live In A Way That Testifies Of God's Goodness, Grace, Love & Mercy ... Is That The Story That People Around You are Receiving When They Look At Your Life?

Are your words hindering what someone else believes?   You have to begin to understand that there are people looking at you.   They are looking to you.  They are getting their direction from you.   What direction are you sending them in.   If they were to move based on what they heard you say yesterday ... in what direction would they go?   Would they move forward or go backwards.   Would they stand strong or give in?   Would they believe or be doubtful of whether or not God is real?   Would they be convinced of God's love and desire to live their lives committed and sold out for Him?    If you were the only person they saw and they had to make a determination on which direction they want to live their lives based on what they see in you  ... would they be able to see a path of love, joy, peace, and happiness that leads them to a life in God?

Understand today ... you are a living epistle.  A living book that is being read by all the people around you.    Live in a way that testifies of God's goodness, grace, love and mercy.   Understand the book of your life is what people are reading because it is relevant to them today.   

Worship For Today ...
"You Are Good"
Ministered By Kari Jobe & Gateway Worship

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