Sunday, November 24, 2013

Learning How To Let Go and Not Hoarding The Issues Of Life...

Why is it so hard to surrender?   To let go?  To move forward?   Why is it that we want to hold to people, places, and things that are no longer good for us?   What is it in us that has to have that attachment?    Why do we appear to be hoarding things that we know are no good for us.  

We have to learn to let go.   One definition of hoarder is a person who keeps things hidden or private.   Are there things in your life that you know are not according to God's standard that you are trying to hide or keep to yourself?   Are there things that you are refusing to let go of?    Why?

It's time we take a serious look at our lives.   The thing about hoarding things ... it become a danger zone and a trap.   Think of the shows you have seen about hoarding.   How the things begin to take over the home and the people's actions and reactions.   That is what happens even when we hoard (refuse to let go of) relationships, addictions, lust, etc.     Although they may be kept private and others don't know about them.  Eventually they become out of control and take us over.   Learn how to let it all go. 

Worship For Today...
"I Give You My Heart"
Ministered By Hillsong

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