Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Do You Think God Chose You?

Of all the people that God could have chose....He chose you!  It wasn't because you were popular, it wasn't because you were beautiful, it wasn't because you could talk eloquently, it wasn't because you had it all going on.   It wasn't even because you were there.  To be honest there were times that He probably was calling your name and  you were refusing to answer.   But that didn't stop Him from choosing you.  

What an awesome thing to be hand picked by God.   Even though you weren't the one who looked the best or dressed the best....He chose you.   He looked beyond all the faults and fears and still chose YOU.  

Know today that you are chosen.   To be chosen means that you have been given preferential treatment.   To be chosen means you have been selected and not only have been favored.  

Isn't it good to know that you are a chosen child of God.

Worship For Today
I'm Praying For You
(Lyrics Below Video Clip)
Ministered By The Katinas 

Seems like today is just like yesterday
You can't escape this pure insanity
Sweet memories, they fade away
The hurt inside just seems to multiply

Those tears you're crying won't last forever
Lean on my shoulder
Oh, it's not over

Tonight I'm prayin' for you
Down on my knees for you
Heaven can hear your name
Tonight, I'm prayin'
I'll keep on prayin' for you

She was young and innocent, full of aspirations
Till a choice she made went wrong,
Seemed to devastate and steal her song
Life lost its meaning
Voices are screaming
Will the chaos ever end
Can her soul recover once again


I hope you find rest
Sleep till tomorrow
Lean on my shoulder
Oh, it's not over


Oh-Whoa, yea, yeah-ohh
Hold on
Be strong
Hold on
(I'll keep on prayin' for you)
Hold on
Hold on
Be strong
Hold on

Heaven can hear your name
Tonight I'm prayin'
I'll keep on prayin' for you

1 comment:

Toni said...

Love the Katinas! It is always encouraging to know that others are praying for me! Let's me sensitive to the needs of others and pray for others! It's not about me--it's about them!!

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