Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reflections....What Do I See When I See You?

Everything we do and everything we say is a reflection of our life and our lifestyle.    A reflection of our relationships and our beliefs.   Just as you can see yourself if you stand in the mirror....always remember that those around you can see you.   Not only can they see you, they can hear you.   

They see and hear your beliefs everyday.   Sometimes without you saying a word.   They see and hear your commitments everyday.   They watch to see if truth really lies within you.   They want to see if you really believe what you are saying.   They want to see if it's "real".  

Imagine you carried a mirror and a recorder everywhere you went.   Reflect means to "cast back" light, heat, or sound, etc. from a surface.    What would you hear and what  would you see in yourself?

What light are you casting back?   Is it the revelation of God?   For the word brings light.   What heat are you producing?   Is it the love of God?   To provide warmth and comfort for someone in distress.   What sound is coming out of you?   Is it the words and nature of God?   To provide insight to someone who is lost.

Stand in the mirror today and ask yourself.....what do people see when they see me.   What do people hear when they hear me?   What do people feel when they are around me?   If it's not God and God's love, then ask yourself what is it that you need to change.

Worship For Today
"Give Me Your Eyes"
Ministered By Brandon Heath



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn - I read your blog this morning and was able to delve deeper within to reflect upon the reason for the Kingdom tasks we [Believers] put our hands to and what we deliberately set our minds upon that honors Christ for conquering the cross. We are, after all, resurrected with Him and by His Spirit He moves within us to affect a world ministry with purpose. God has given you grace to share the expressions of His Word and wisdom. Thanks for your daily encouragement as we exhalt the Lord with you! Deidre

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