Monday, April 11, 2011

You've Been Delivered....So Take A Stand!

Isn't it nice to know that you have been delivered.   Delivered from the hand of the enemy.  Not only delivered but set free.   Once you were delivered, you were set free.   Set free from everything that had control of your life.   Jesus not only brought you deliverance, He also brought you freedom.

So if you are delivered and set free....why walk in bondage?   Why walk in bondage to people, places or things?   If you were set free, why walk like you are still bound?   Freedom means you are not longer under the restraints of the enemy.   You are free to serve God with all that you are.   Yet when we walk as though we are ashamed of Him, it says we are still bound.   Bound by what others think or feel.   When we stand silent, we walk in fear of what others will say.

It's time we take a stand.   Take a stand for God.  It really doesn't matter what others think, feel, or have to say about your salvation.   Salvation is a gift to you from God.   Salvation is paid for.   It is defined as the act of saving from harm, risk, loss, or destruction.   When you understand exactly what it will understand why it really doesn't matter what someone else has to say about. it.....Salvation in itself is your protection.

So remember today that you were brought with a price....that price was paid for in blood.   So with it comes a blood covenant of protection.    All God is asking in return is that we stand for Him.   So take a stand today and let someone know who God is in your life.   

"Your testimony is a testament of who God is...."

Worship For Today
Ignite My Fire Lord
Ministered By William Murphy III

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