Friday, April 29, 2011

What Are You Willing To Die For?

What kind of love is this that a man would lay down His life?   What kind of love does it take for us to die for what we believe?   Have you ever thought about how the disciples died?   Those that was closest to the death, burial and resurrection of they died.   They not only experienced the death of Christ, they experienced the burial and the resurrection of Christ.   They experienced the greatest love that has ever and will ever take place on the earth.  

It is believed that almost every disciple of Jesus died a horrible and cruel death.   Some were crucified, some were beheaded.    All because they refused to deny Christ.    Their refusal to deny was not at the point of the cross (when Jesus was being scorned and crucified).   It was however, after the resurrection.   After the point of death.   After that point....after that experience....their faith became unshakable.   Undeniable.  

What would it take for your faith to be unshakable and undeniable?   Hasn't the price already been paid.   When you believe a thing, you live your life according to what  you believe.   Do we need to ask God to help our unbelief?   God is not asking us to die physically for what we believe.   He does. however, want us to die spiritually.    Die to our will, our purpose, and our plan.   When we die spiritually, it is no longer us that lives but Christ that lives within us.    To be a living sacrifice for Him.  For He was the death sacrifice for us.      

Think on this today.....what is it that the disciples experienced that caused them to live an unshakable life and to have an undeniable faith?   To die for what they believed.    Christ laid down His life for all of us.   Not just the disciples.    Not only His physical life, but his deity.   His divine status....His nature.   He did this all so that we could live.....or should I say ..... so that He could live through us.   But in order for His life to be seen through us, we must die.  Lay down our nature (our inherent character) so that the only life that is seen through us is the life of Christ.   

Worship For Today
"Lay Down My Life"
Ministered By Sidewalk Prophets

1 comment:

Toni said...

Great timing! I sent this to our Radical Small Group! We were just talking about this topic last night! Dying to Live! There is a great book by Clayton King entitled Dying to Life that is really convicting and encouraging!

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