Sunday, July 10, 2011

After You Have Done All You Can Do.....Stand Still!

After you have done all that you know how to do....."TRUST GOD".

We try so hard to figure it out.   To do the right things.   To get things to work in our favor.   But that's not what God has told us to do.   He has told us to trust Him.   To wait on Him.   To believe Him.

So what do you do while you are waiting?  What do you do while you are trusting?   What do you do while you are believing?

It's hard to sit still.   To wait patiently.   Patiently means with calmness.   The only way you can endure with calmness is by giving everything over to God.   By letting Him have control.   By filling your thoughts with His thoughts.   It is only when we try to figure it out that we become entangled in our emotions.   Understanding this.....we have to understand that God did not call us to live our lives based on our emotions.   We are to live it based on His words.   

So today....instead of trying to figure it out.   Give it over to God.   Meditate on what He has said.   He has already told us to "trust in Him with all our lean not to our own all our ways to acknowledge Him.....and He will direct our paths".  

Emotions are not the key to your you get things to work.   Faith and trust are the only keys you need to access God's kingdom here on earth.   His kingdom of peace, joy, love, and understanding.   Understanding that He is in total control.....there is nothing that you can do to change who He is and what He has said concerning your life.     There is no emotion that can expedite your destiny.   Stillness in God.   When you are still.....God can move and manifest without any hindrances from you.  

Make up in your mind that you will not hinder the plan, purpose, and vision that God has for your life.    Rest in Him today....knowing that He is God all by Himself and has "already" created everything needed for your life.   For God is not locked into time.   He just wants to escort you into what He  has already created for your life.


Worship For Today....
Ministered By Marvin Winans and Donnie McClurkin


Anonymous said...

Lynn, your words of encouragement get better and better everyday. This one really speaks to my heart(all of them do). I believe and trust God for everthing!!! If I am obedient all I have to do is STAND. Keep on doing what you are doing. I think that you are gifted in this area.

R. Lynn Moore said...

I thank God for what He is doing and saying. His words are ministering to me to. And I thank you for your words of encouragement. My prayer is that this blog will always be the voice of God speaking and that it will always be uplifting and encouraging. Please pray for the site and that it will be a blessing to everyone that God send to it.

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