Sunday, September 18, 2011

Are You Empty & Void? If So, How Did You Get That Way?

Favored of God.   Full of God.    Yet empty.
How?   How can that be?

How can you be full of who God is and yet still be spiritually empty?  

God is enough.   Actually, God is more than enough....yet you act as though you don't have enough.   What is that?   What is causing that reaction to who God is?   To what God is?   To what God has done in your life?  

Jesus died for that you could be filled with Him.    The Holy Spirit.   Yet you are empty.    Why?

What is draining your life?   What is draining who you are in God?   What is keeping you from being full to the overflow with who God is and what He has done?    What is redirecting you and causing you to malfunction?    When something fails to meet the standard.  

There is a standard in God.   Are you living your life based on that standard?   Or are you walking in spiritual impotence?    Helpless, powerless, and unable to function properly in the  things of God.

It's time to rise up.   It's time to run again.   It's time to move from the place of emptiness to the place of pouring out.     It's time you recognize who you are and who you belong to.    God fills.   He doesn't drain.    So if there is anything or anyone that is draining your may need to perform spiritual surgery.   You may need to remove whatever is causing you to be spiritually dysfunctional.  

God is real.   You just have to realize the "reality of God".    Move from where you are to where He wants you to be.    Fix the areas in your life that leak.   When something means it has a breach or a flaw.   Take hold of Isaiah 58 today.....for God "is" .... the "Repairer of the Breach".    

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(The worship song talks about asking God to renew, remake, restore, transform, and create in us a clean heart.    Take time to worship Him today)

Worship For Today....
"Renew Me"
Ministered By Martha Munizzi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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