Sunday, September 18, 2011

Your Decision Determines Your Placement.....Will You Repent? True Repentance Affects Your Reality ... It Is Not Just Based On Appearance.....

2nd Post Today....

When will you get to the place of understanding?   The place of repentance?   The place where you understand that there is a point beyond salvation.   There is a point where you have to decide and be determined to live holy.

So many people stop at the point of salvation.   They stop at the point of saying they believe in God.   They believe in Jesus.   Yes at that point you are saved.   But there is a point where you have to choose to live holy.  

Adam knew God.   He dwelt with God.   He communed with God.    But He chose to disobey God.   He chose to go against what God had said.    At that point he no longer could dwell in the presence of God.  

That's how so many people are.....we know God.   We pray and believe that God is.   But we disobey Him.   We choose to make decisions that go against who He is.    Then we base our lives on living in His grace and His mercy.   When will people understand that there is also a WRATH of God?

Yes ... we are living in the dispensation of His grace and He has afforded all of us the opportunity to be saved.   Our salvation is our confession that we believe.   However, the Bible also talks about many being chosen and few entering in.   Will you just be one who is chosen?   Or will you do what it takes to enter in?  

Adam was chosen.   He was chosen to be the first man.    However, he could not stay in the place that God created for him to be.   Will you be able to stay at the final call?   The book of Revelation talks about the final days and the final call.   It talks about the opportunities that God is giving for repentance.    It tells of the destination for those who fail to repent.     Repentance is the determining factor to where you will spend eternal life.  

You must understand that repentance goes beyond what you say with your mouth.   It goes beyond saying Lord forgive me.   The question is .... is your repentance outward or inward based.    Is it just words spoken to reflect an outward appearance?    Or has your repentance taken place in your heart and mind first and is now being reflective in your outward reality?   There is a difference in what appears to be and what is actually reality.   The question is .... is your repentance also your reality?   Is it real or just something you are conditioned to say?    

Understand today.....that we are in the season of opportunity.    We are in the season of God's grace.    There are choices that you must make....beyond being saved.    Salvation is your confession that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for your sins.    Now your choices determine your placement after all is said (after your confession)  and done.

Will you be part of the "many" that are chosen or the "few" that will enter in?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many are chosen but few will enter in!!! Say it ain't so. Lynn, this is another revelant and to the point message. May God continue to strenghthen and use you.

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