Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Are You Haphazardly Agreeing or Are Your Decisions Lining Up With God's Word?

Are you agreeing just to agree?   Or do you really believe?   Do you believe that God loves you?   Do you believe that His Son died for you?   Do you understand  what you say you believe?   How many times in life do we just agree?  When someone says something .... we may not even hear what they are saying .... we just agree.   Whether it be shaking our head in acknowledgement or just because we want them to stop talking .... there are many times in our lives where we say okay or amen to something that we really should not be agreeing with.   

Why do you think we do that?   Why do you think we agree with things that we should oppose?   In most cases it is to avoid conflict.    But what we have to understand is that we are called to take a stand.   To stand on what we say we believe is true.   To stand without wavering.   To waiver means to fluctuate between possibilities.  We have to determine what our possibilities and impossibilities are.   We need to get to a place where it is impossible to shift us on what we say we believe.   Where it is impossible to agree with something that is not lining up with God's word.    People need to understand that your "stand" is real.   That you won't back off of your foundation in God.    They need to see the "surety" in you.    The part of you that says ..... wait....that's not lining up in my spirit or with what I believe to be true...so I can't agree with it.

We have to move from haphazardly agreeing.   Haphazardly means random or unselective agreement.   It means that we make no distinctions in our answers or our choices.   We have to understand that our distinctions should be noticeable.   When you have been around people for an extended period of time, they should know the result of your choices even before you confirm them.    They should know because there should be a consistent pattern to your lifestyle and the decisions you make.   Every choice and every decision should line up with the measuring stick of God's word.  

So step out of the box today.   The box is where you are surrounded and closed in based on other peoples opinions of how you feel and where you stand.    Understand that you are standing in Him.   You have to determine who you want to please.  God or man?  Be careful about the choices you make.....because the choices you make will determine your stand and placement in God.   In other words....making a bad choice can take you "out" of the will of God.   Whereas, making decisions for Him only moves you closer to Him.

Worship For Today....
"I Am"
Ministered By CeCe Winans

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father GOD, I want every choice and decision that I make to line up with your WORD!!!

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