Monday, December 19, 2011

Mounting Up On The Wings Of God and Learning How To Wait....Are You Trusting God Today?

Are you trusting God today?   Are you trusting what He has said or what He is saying?   Or are you just living by what you can see?   What is it or where is it that your belief system is rooted?   Is it rooted in the words of God or is it rooted in your physical senses?  

The one thing you must learn in this walk with God is that He is seeking your trust.    Trust is defined as a hopeful reliance on what will occur in the future.   God wants your hope and your reliance to be in Him.   To be in His word.   To be in what He is saying and what He has said in the earth.     God wants you to trust Him.   To believe Him.   To wait on Him.

Waiting can be hard.   For some reason we think it's a bad thing to have to wait.   We want it now.   Everything that we do in life we tend to want it quick.   We find it hard to wait.    We have to understand first of all that waiting is a position we take.   It is a stance.   It is the attitude and the view we have regarding what we feel will come.    We have to learn how to wait.   

The Bible says they that "wait" on the Lord will renew their strength.   They shall mount up on wings as eagles.   They shall run and "not" grow weary.    They shall walk and not faint.     Are you tired of fainting?   Are you tired of giving up?   If so .... get in the position of waiting.   There is strength in waiting.    There is a mounting that takes place when you wait.   When you get up on something.   It's time to mount up on God.   On His word.   To take a stand on His word.   Knowing and believing that His word is true.   The Bible says that God will cover us under the shelter of His wings.   Understand today that God will also allow us to mount up on His that He can carry us to where we need to go.   

Learn how to wait.   Wait faithfully on the Father.   In other words ..... while you are waiting.....wait being "full" of faith.   Trusting and believing that God is who He said He is and that He will do what He said He will do. 

Worship For Today.....
"I Will Wait On You"
Ministered By Jason Upton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father, I trust and believe in YOU. Thank YOU for giving me the FAITH to believe in the impossible!

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