Monday, October 31, 2011

"No Matter What".....Be A Vessel Of Love.....

It's not your job to understand why others do what they do.   It's not your job to figure it out.   It's not your job to judge.   It's just your job to love.    The Bible says to love your neighbor as you love yourself.    Sometimes its hard to pour out love when all others are pouring out is hurt.   It's hard to do for others when others are never willing to do for you.   It's hard to extend your hand when others are only slapping the hand you put out to help.   Nevertheless, God said to love.    Nevertheless, it doesn't stop or cancel out what God has told you to do.

God never said what He was calling you to do would be easy.   He never said that you would be able to do it without being hurt or talked about.   He just said to do it.    Love is a sacrifice.   You have to sacrifice what you feel and what you want to do ..... in order to pour out on others.   In order to help others.   In order to do what God has told you to do.    You have to go beyond yourself.

Isn't it funny how self will talk to you.   It will tell you to just let it go.   To forget about the other person because they don't care about you.    You need to know how to distinguish the voice of God from the voice of self.    God's voice always speaks love.   His voice always says to help.   His voice says don't worry about what someone else is saying or who He created you to be.   

Self says....just let it go or let them go.    Self says .... "oh well".    Self says if you don't love me....I won't love you.    You have to understand that true love is not based on how someone else feels about you.   Or what someone else can do for you.   True love just "is".    It is who God is.     It exists because God exists.    There is nothing that can cause God to die.   Therefore love does not die based on what someone else does.     Love lives because God lives.   That is who He is.    God is Love.  

Try living your life today selfless.   Less of self.    Try pouring out the God in you.....which is the love in you on someone who in your natural eye doesn't deserve it.    Try being the creation that God created you to be.   A vessel of love.   A vessel of kindness.   A vessel that gives instead of always looking to receive.   Try being God's gift to a dying and hurting world.    Try being a vessel of prayer and praise.       

We tend to try to hold what God has given us in reserve.   When the actual fact is....that the love that God has given us....He has given in abundance.   The reason that  He pours out His love so generously to us is so that we can pour it out on someone else.   

We have to adopt a "no matter what" attitude.   We have to say "no matter what"......"I will love you".    No matter how you hurt me.   No matter what you do to me.    I will love you.    You have to begin to think with your heart and not with your soul.   Your soul is comprised of  your mind,  your will, and your emotions.   They are all rooted in self.   Whereas your heart is the place where God dwells based on your faith.  

Please understand that free will leaves you with many choices.   Love is a choice.   Whether or not God is seated on the throne of your heart is a choice.    When given a must choose.    There is no neutral point in the choices you make for God.   Either you choose to be on His side and do it His way or you choose not to.     Either you are or your aren't.  Either you do it His way or your own.    Remember, God is not rooted in self.    We need to be rooted in God.   

Worship For Today.....
"Send Your Rain"
Ministered By Pastor Clint Brown & Bishop Marvin Winans

Sunday, October 30, 2011

God Of Your Life....Or God Of Your Day.....

In what box are you putting God?   Is He God of your life or God of your day?    When God is God of your live as though He is always with you.    You walk and you talk recognizing His presence.   But in a lot of cases people try to make Him God of their day or of the moment in which they need His help.   At that point they pull out the box that they put Him in and call upon Him in their time of need.  In most cases the box stays hidden or put away.   It is as though we put God in storage.  

Do you not realize that God wants all of you?  He is not a convenience store where you can run in and pick up what you want and run back out.     Yet that is what we do.   We need we run into prayer and ask Him to heal us and run back out and neglect our bodies.   We do things that fail to line up with His word so we run in and ask for forgiveness.....yet we never truly repent.   When you truly not only express remorse for what you have done....but you begin to think differently.   You make a change.   You turn away from and do things differently.

What if Jesus was Jesus for a moment?   For the moment in time in which He lived.   Where would we be?   What would we have?   What could we do?  We need to learn and understand that God wants to be God of our lives.   Not just in our moments of desperation.....but in every moment.    God is not just concerned about when we need Him.   He also wants to laugh when we laugh and rejoice when we rejoice.   But we need to make sure that He is our source of laughter and enjoyment.   

Your life is what distinguishes you from everything else.    The question is the distinguishing factor God?   Is the one noticeable difference in your life God?   When I look at you....what reflects the most?   Is it your attitude, your demeanor, or your God?     Do people see the God in you in more than in just your moment of need?   If God is only reflected in your moment of need.....if that is the only time people can see Him in you.....if that is the only time people can hear Him in you......then maybe He is still God of your day or of a particular moment and not the God of your life.   

Worship For Today....
"God Of My Forever"
Ministered By City Harvest Church

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What's Easier? To Trust God....Or Figuring It Out On Your Own?

What's easier?   Is it easier to trust God or is it easier to try to figure it out on your own?    Trusting God is not easy.   Nor is it meant to be.   It takes effort.   It requires you to let go.  To get to a point of surrender.    Figuring it out.....working it out on your own.....requires you to carry the load by yourself.   A load that you were not designed to bear.  

The scripture says to trust in the Lord with all your heart.   To lean NOT on your own understanding.   To acknowledge Him in all that you do.....and that He will direct your path.    So we are to trust, lean, acknowledge,, and let Him direct us.    For so long we have trusted in what we can do.   We have lean on what we have thought was right.   We have only given acknowledgement to what we could do....and we have been led by our own thoughts and desires.

Shift today.   Do it God's way.   Allow Him to be the driver and you take the back seat.   It's too hard to try to do it on your own.   The road that we drive alone .... only leads to frustration and disappointment.   Whereas His road leads to eternal life.   

Let God be God.   Inside of God is everything that you need.    He encompasses all that you need and all that you need to give out.    Sometimes we wonder what we need to do for or give other people.   The answer is God's love.   It covers it all.   Every situation, Every Hurt, and Every pain.   It is all covered by God's love.  

Trust God today.....Lean On Him....Acknowledge Him in what you say and what you do.....and Allow Him to direct your path.   Your thought path as well as the path you walk.    His road takes you to everything that is needed for your life.   His road leads to eternal life.

Worship For Today.....
"I Will Follow"
Ministered By Chris Tomlin

Friday, October 28, 2011

What Is It That God Is Reconciling? If He Was To Perform An Audit On Your Life.....What Would He Find?

There comes a time when God will reconcile.   To reconcile means to check something against something else to make sure it is consistent.    What happens when God checks our actions and motives against His will, purpose, and plan?    Will they represent what He has said and what He wants to do in the earth?  Or will they be out of balance?  We say things with our mouths....but our heart and our actions reveal what we really believe.   

What we have to understand is that God is the one who will sums everything up.   He gives us His word in order to do checks and balances on our life.     But He will do the final checks.    He will determine what is out of balance with who He is.   

Take a moment to see what is out of balance in your life.   Take a  moment to reconcile your life with His word.   Don't wait until God does the final audit.    You have an opportunity now....this moment.....this day....this bring everything in balance.   

What is weighing you or should I say swaying you to say what you say or to do what you do.   Are your words based on His "word"?   Are your thoughts rooted in who He is?   

Life can sometimes be a tug-a-war.   Although you have all the power on your side....for God is on your side.   Will you release the power and submit to the opposing force?

Worship For Today....
"Washed By The Water"
Ministered By NeedToBreathe

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Lessening Factor

What is the lessening factor?   The factor that means less of you and more of God.    How do you get full to the overflow?   To the place where you live totally and freely for God.   The place where you step out of yourself into who God is.    The place where what you do and what you say are dependent on who God is.     The place of outcome.   The place of outpouring.    The place of truth.   The place of oneness.  

The problem is that we are so full of self that we have no room for God.   For His plan.   For His purpose.   For His life.    We are so consumed with the "I" and "my" factor.    What "I" want......and what "my" plan is.     What if Jesus' thought process was like ours.   Where would we be.  

It's time to learn, know, and step into the "lessening factor".   It's time to die to self and to live for God.   To take your life and totally put it in His hands.   To allow Him to be the one who leads you.   To allow His purpose to be the purpose you position your life around.

Live today in Him.....less of you and more of Him.   Let your life and your light shine forth and reflect who He is.   When someone looks at you today....let them see and feel the love of God.   Let there questions be answered by looking at your life and knowing that there is a better way.   Let them see that God exists through your walk.   Let them know that it is real.

Worship For Today....
"Bow Down & Worship Him"
Ministered By Bishop Paul Morton

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Where Is It You Are Going? Is Your Confidence In The One Who "Creates"? Do You Understand His "Ability".....and Are You Able "To Be" What God Created You To Be?

Where is it you are going?   What is it that God is leading you to?   Or is it God leading you?   To be "lead".   If someone is leading....then you are following.   Who or what are you following?   What are you allowing to give direction to your life?    Is it God?   Is it friends and family?   Is it personal opinions?    What someone else thinks or feels about what you do or say?    Are you walking in intimidation?   When someone is means they are timid.   To be timid means to fearful and hesitant.   To lack self confidence or should I say to lack confidence in God.  

Confidence is always there.   The question is what is your confidence in?   Is it in your own ability?   Your own wants?   Your own desires?   Are those the things that cause you to be confident?   Or is it in God's ability to use work through heal you?   Why not put your confidence in the Creator?   The thing about putting your confidence in God is ...... if it has never been done .....if there is no answer in mans doesn't matter.......GOD CREATES.   He will create an answer for "your" situation.    It is not based on what exists.   Whether the cure has been found or not.    It is all based on "His" ability.  You have to get an understanding of the ability of God.   The "ableness" of God.     

So again I ask.....what's leading you?   What direction are your going in?   Are you following man's "opinion" of your situation or God's word for your situation?   Are you allowing your thoughts to be consumed by what someone else has to say ..... or what God has already said?    Are you looking to yourself and others for the answers......when God is the answer?  

Learn how to lean.   Learn how to trust.   Learn how "to be".   "To Be" what God has created you to be.   "To Be" confident.   "To Be" healed.   "To Be" strong.    Learn how "to be" a child of "the" King.    Not just a king but "the" King.   

There are endowments that come with being a child of the King.   In other words there are provisions that are bestowed on you as a child of God.   Learn how to walk in who you are.   Learn how to stay in your lane.   Going outside of "your" lane puts you in danger.   Learn how to live in safety.   Not being led or intimidated by others....but showing them that  you are only led by God and teaching them to follow you as you follow God.    So that they in turn can learn how to follow God on their own.  

Life is a lesson of learning from God and teaching others how to trust....believe.....and wait on God.   You are an example....a living epistle.....that God is using to help guide people to Him.  Are you able to tell someone to follow you as you follow God?

Worship For Today....
"I Will Love"
Ministered By Hillsong

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

God Made An Investment In You....When He See's You....Does He See Appreciation or Depreciation? Are You Failing To Recognize The Value Of Your Life?

There are many things you want to do.   There are many things you could do.   But what is it that God wants you to do?   What is it that He is asking of you?   Are you ignoring Him?   When you ignore refuse to acknowledge or you disregard them intentionally.    Have you ever been a situation where people ignored you?  Where they treated you as though you were not there?   Where they disregarded your presence?   To regard means to think of.....or to respect.   

How do you think it makes God feel when you don't consider don't think of Him.....and you don't respect Him?   When you fail to acknowledge His presence?   Remember, He said that He is ever present.  He is an omnipresent God.   Everywhere at the same time.    If He is omnipresent....then we are the ones who fail to acknowledge His presence.   

How is it that we ignore the one who sacrificed the most for us?   How is it that we throw love away?   We say we want to be loved.....but the love that God has given us and still gives....we throw away.   When you throw away something, you dispose of it.   Another definition of dispose of means to kill or destroy.    Isn't it funny how we take the things that have the greatest value and treat them with the least amount of care.   Sometimes we do this because something has been a part of our lives so long that we fail to remember or recognize its value.   The question today is ..... are we failing to recognize the price that was paid and the value that God has put on the life we are now living?

The value is in you .... because the price was paid for you.    So how can you take your life and treat it as though it has no value?   How can you abuse and misuse what God has paid the ultimate price for?   If you cash in all your assets and sell all that you have to go out and purchase one thing......what value would you put on the one thing you purchased?   If you took that one thing and gave it to someone else to take care of for entrusted it to them......yet they treated it as though it had no would you feel?   Would you go and take it back?   What if you couldn't?   What if you made a promise that was bound by your word and you could not retrieve the thing you paid so dearly for?    How would it make you feel if every time you saw what you was being used for something unintended?  Something totally against what you believe and what you stand for?

How do you think God feels when He gave His all for you?   Is He pleased when He looks at you?   Is He pleased when He watches you throughout the day?  

When you purchase something....the value either appreciates or depreciates.    When God looks at your life....the life that He purchased through the blood of Jesus.....does He see an increase in the investment that He made in you or does He see a life that is depreciated.   A life diminished in value based on how its being lived.   

The one thing you have to long as you stay under the blood of Jesus.....God only sees the blood.   It is only when you step from under the blood covenant that "self evaluation" occurs or should I say "self valuation".    Valuation means the estimation of somethings worth.   We have to understand that we have no value outside of the blood of Jesus.    The purchase of our life was made solely through and by the blood of Jesus.

Worship For Today...
"Psalm 18"
Ministered By Clint Brown

Monday, October 24, 2011

A New Place In God......From Derision To Destiny.....

What happens when you know that God is real?   What happens when you realize His goodness....His grace....His mercy?   What happens to your thoughts?   What happens to your vision?   What happens to your hope and your expectation?    When you come into the reality of who God is.   When you understand the truth that comes in knowing Him.   When you understand the love and the personification of God.   To personify means to attribute human characteristics to the thing which has been considered to be abstract in  your life.      

Have your thoughts of God been abstract?   Have they been unsure and failed to be concrete?   You have to understand that God is a stabilizer.   In order to stabilize anything there must be a securing force.   God wants to make you secure .... but in order to be secure you must believe in who He is.   You must come to the reality of God.   The place where nothing else matters.   The place where you believe that He is who He says He is and He will do what He said He would do.   

The place where healings take place.   The place of joy.   The place of power.    God is trying to move you from the dead end street that you took on your own.   The place that keeps you in a circle of derision.   When you are in a circle of are in a place of mockery.   Others are looking at you and listening to you....but they can't see the manifestation of what you say you believe.    God wants to take you to a new place.   A place where you believe and it happens.   A place where others will look at your life and your light and desire to be where you are.    The place where it is no longer lip service....but it is real.   The place of destiny.

Worship For Today...
"My Destiny"
Ministered By Stephen Hurd

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Are You Living As Though God Is A Drive-Thru? If You Are The Temple....Do You Represent The Outer Court, Inner Court, or Holy of Holies?

God is a God of convenience....but we have to stop treating Him like a drive-thru.   We have gotten so used to a fast paced society.   Where we can microwave and drive-thru and google it.....that we have began to worship God in the same manner.   Where we say "hallelujah" and expect God to move.   Or we say God knows and expect God to understand.    How can we expect God to continue to understand direct disobedience?   How can we expect God to continue to understand when we put more precedence in our jobs than we do Him?    How can we expect God to continue to understand when we continue to deny Him in our day to day walk?  

We have come so accustomed to relying on His grace and His mercy that we don't try.   We don't try to do what is right.  We don't try to pray.   We don't try to represent Him in anything we do.   At what point does God reveal His wrath?   The word wrath means extreme anger.   He has done it before and the Bible says that He will do it again.   Do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah?   Do you remember the flood?   Have you ever read that Jesus is coming back for His bride.....the church?    What is the adornment of a bride?   How is a bride distinguished from everyone else in the wedding party?   There is a difference and it is noticeable.   

Understand today that God is not McDonalds.   You can't just drive in .... tell Him what you want ..... and drive away.    The Bible tells us that we are dwell with Him.   To make Him our habitation.    To properly prepare for a wedding takes time.    Will you take the time that is necessary to be adorned as the bride of Christ.

You also have to understand that in the building of the temple there was the outer court, the inner court, and the holy of holies.   If you are the temple and these places represent your position in Christ.   Where will you be standing when Christ returns.    If you read Revelation will see that God told the angel to not even measure the outer court for it has been given over to the world.  It says that those will be the people (the ones in the outer court) that will trample on the Holy City.   To trample means to tread on and crush.   It means to treat with contempt.   

Although God is convenient because He is always available for us to go to.   We have to stop living our lives as though He is inconvenient until we want something.    Allow God to be your all and all.   Begin to adorn yourself for His return.    Stop living your life in the drive-thru.   Learn how to dwell.  

Worship For Today.....
"You Can Have Me"
Ministered By Sidewalk Prophets

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Transitioned To Transfer....Not Allowing Life To Encompass You To Where You Can't Make A Change For Him....

What does it mean to transition?   To change from one state or condition to another.    To move from one place to another.     What is the whole point of transitioning......of changing?   Could it be that God wants you to transfer from your present state to another.   To move from your present position to another.  

Can you make a transition for God?   Are you ready to move from where you are to where God wants you to be?  

I never say that my mother died.   I always say that she transitioned.   When she left  her state in this present world to be where she is now.....she transitioned.   She moved from what we knew as a physical condition to a spiritual condition.   It wasn't just her physical body moving....but she was translated.    When something is means a conversion takes place.    The thing is.....we should not wait until we die in this physical realm in order to be converted and changed for God.  

When something goes through a metamorphosis.   A metamorphosis is a process of change from a immature state to a place of maturity.   When you go through a is distinguishable.   The change cannot go unnoticed.    That's what God wants.   He wants us to allow Him to come in so that we can reflect a distinguishable difference.  

The problem is ..... we try to hide.   We try to stay in the state of conception when we have already been birthed.   Through our actions, our attitudes, our lifestyles.....we stunt our own growth.    We cause ourselves to be handicapped in God.   A handicap is any condition that restricts a persons ability to function physically, mentally, socially, or spiritually.    We allow our lives and our lifestyles to restrict how God has created us to function.    

There are many birthing processes that we undergo in life.   God is ready to birth you spirtually.   To take you from whatever level you are on to another level in Him.   To cause you to undergo a metamorphosis for Him.    When a caterpillar undergoes a goes from a place of crawling to a place of flying.    It comes out completely changed.   The weight that it was carrying in the form of a longer exists and it is able to float and to fly to heights that it never could in its previous state.     

That's what God wants for you.   Whatever weight you have been carrying.    Whatever you have been hiding under and in.   God wants you to break free from it.   He wants you to go through the process of change and to get to a place where whatever has been encompassing you......He wants you to break free from it.   When something encompasses surrounds you and holds you in it.    God gave you "life".....He does not want "life" to be the thing that encompasses you to the point that you can not make a change for Him.   

Worship For Today...
"Eagle Wings"
Ministered By The Katinas

Friday, October 21, 2011

Where Does It All Go? His Life....His Resource....His Time. What Are You Doing With What God Has Given You?

Where does it all go?   Your energy.....your resource.....your life.....your time?   What are you doing with what God has given you?   He woke you up this morning and put breadth in your body.   Are you going to breathe "for Him" today?   To breathe means to take in air and to expel it.   Air is something you cannot not see .... yet it is essential for life.    Can you see the correlation between God and the air that you breathe?

Your resource.....
That which is necessary to be effective.   
How can you operate or live effectively if you don't have God?   When something or someone is effective, it is successful in producing a desired or intended result.   Do you know what God's intention was in creating you?  How can you be effective for God if you fail to acknowledge who He is?  

Your life.....the period between your birth and your death.     What are you doing with it?   The time that God has given you to represent Him here on the earth.   From the time you were created ..... to the time that your assignment on the earth ends......what will you do to reflect who God is?    Time is a moment that has been allotted by God for a specific purpose.    The question is.....what purpose are you using your time for?

When you look at everything that God has done......
All the things that He has done for you.    What are you doing for Him?   Are you taking the breadth, the life, the resource, and the time and allowing it to reflect back on who He is?  

Can you say .... with your voice you are praising Him?    With your actions you are serving Him?   With your life you are worshipping Him?      Are you taking what He has given you and using it for His glory?   Are you pouring back your love on Him? the time that He has given you being wasted on "self motives" and "self preservation".    Always remember......"His Breadth"......."His Life"......."His Resource".......and "His Time".    None of it came from was all a gift from God.    

Worship For Today....
"To Worship You I Live"
Ministered By Israel & New Breed

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How Do You Believe In What You Can't See? Stop Trying To Use Your Physical Senses To Understand A Spiritual God.....

I think the hardest thing for people is faith.   Believing in what they can not see.    Understanding the physical and the spiritual.   Because we are physical beings we have been trained to operate based on our "senses".    What we can see.....what we can touch......what we can taste.....what we can smell......what we can hear.    The problem is ..... God does not operate that way.    The sense He wants us to master is "what you can believe".   Where the physical realm operates on your physical senses...the spiritual world operates on your "sense of belief".    Your senses are what cause you to become aware, to perceive, to grasp, and to understand.    But what you have to understand is that you can't use your physical senses to understand the quality and nature of God.   

Almost everything that we do in life is based on the physical.   It is what we have become accustomed to.   When you are has become your habit.   It means that you have adapted to situations and circumstances in your life based on the environment and conditions in which you dwell.   But God is calling you out.    He is calling you to a place of change.    A place where you change how you think, how you perceive, and how you understand.    He doesn't want your understanding to be based on what you can see, hear, and feel.   He wants it to be based on who He is.    He wants it to be based on your belief in Him.   

It is time to move.    It is time to stop being complacent.   To be complacent means to be content to a fault.   To be self satisfied (satisfied in what "you" can do for you, in you, and through you).       It means to be unconcerned.     God wants you to become "radical".   To be radical means to move from the norm.   To go beyond what you normally do or how you normally act.    It's time to be radical for God.   

The thing about being radical is that it is based on what "you" normally do.    What is radical for you .... may not be radical for me.     It may be radical for you to pray all the time because it is outside of your norm.   However, radical for me may mean that I need to go out in the street and do more outreach.    Radical means to go beyond what you normally do.

It is time that we begin to operate on our sense of belief.   But your belief has to be rooted and grounded in God.    It can't be distorted nor should it be connected to your physical senses.    You can not believe God just based on what you see, feel, and hear.   You have to believe God based on knowing that He is.   That He is your source, your supply, your help, your strength, your maker, and your creator.   Believe God is.   

Always understand that knowledge overrides the physical senses.   If you have on a blindfold and a stranger speaks to you and tells you that he is your child.    The knowledge that you have inside of you overrides what you hear.    Always understand that the physical realm is constantly changing.   It is temporal.   That is why you must get to a place where your source and resource.....your strength and power.....come directly from God.    Who He is.....what He has done.....and what He says for you to do.    Let your faith be in Him alone.   Let the knowledge that you have of Him and in Him override what the physical world is telling you.

Worship For Today....
"Alone With You"
Ministered By Hope G, Freddy Rodriguez, and Jessica Lewis

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What Is It Going To Take To Get You "There"? Will You Take The Path Of Least Resistance?

"There" is a place where God wants you to be.   It is a place of peace, prosperity and freedom.  It is a place where "when" you pray....God answers.   When you move....God goes before you.   It is a place of confidence and a place of trust.   It is a place that is free of doubt and worry.   It is a place where you completely rely on your relationship with God and you no longer look for what you can do.   Only what God can do through you.    The questions that you ask in your place called "there" are questions related to "what more" can you do "for" God instead of what can God do for you.  

The place called "there".   The place of arrival.   When something is delivered.   It is no longer in route.    It has reached its destination.   That's what God wants.   He wants you to reach your destination in Him.   It's called destiny.    

Now it's up to you.   There are two paths for you to choose from.   The first path has been paved and the second path takes you through the woods......the wilderness.   Which path do you want to take?   The path where all the trees and stumblingblocks have been removed or the path where you  have no idea what you will encounter?   It is interesting how we sometimes pick the harder route when the access gate is set right before us.   The key to open the access gate is our obedience.   But rather than obey, we tend to take the lesser path that takes us through many wilderness experiences.    The thing about the wilderness is that it is filled with the unknown.   God has placed light on His path.    The light of His word that is designed to help you, to provide you with hope, and to fill you with comfort when you encounter the unexpected.   

What happens when you encounter the unexpected and you are left with no hope, no understanding, and no logic?  Sometimes there are no logical answers for what you go through in life.    There are no ways to explain what has happened.   At that point you have to have a solid foundation.  What you have to understand is that you can never fall below your foundation.    So how you lay your foundation and what it is built on matters.    If your foundation is not built on the right thing....your foundation can sink and everything built on it will sink with it.   But if your foundation is sure.....though winds and life may come against it.....though the structure built on the foundation may suffer damage.....the foundation stands sure and a rebuilding process can take place.   

Make your foundation sure today.    Know what you believe and in whom you believe.   Don't sway.   When something teeter totters back and loosens.   What stabilizes it begins to loosen and cause it to no longer be secure.    Stability comes from being still.   God said to be still and know that He is God.  

Will you take the path of least resistance today and allow God to "be" your stabilizing force?   Will you go where you can see and seek rather than trying to search and siege?    Siege means a "prolonged" effort to try to overcome something.    

Worship For Today.....
"I Am"
Ministered By CeCe Winans

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today Is Your Moment Of Opportunity.....Will You Make The Most Of It?

Today is your day to share God today.    It is your time to shine.   Your time to flow.   Your time to reflect.   Today is your opportunity to reveal who you and are what you believe.    This is your day to reflect your destination. may never come.   That opportunity may never really be an opportunity.   Tomorrow is not promised nor is it your reality. is here.   It is the present moment in which you stand.    It is an opportunity with options.     The option to manifest who God is in the earth or to cover Him up and not allow Him to be seen through you.  

Options and opportunities.    Choices and the time to select.    You have been given this day so that you can choose.   But before you can choose you must first "accept" the responsibility for your choice.    When you accept means you take ownership of the choices you make.   You understand that your tomorrow will be a result of the choices you make today.    You understand that every decision you make "should" be based on the knowledge that you have.   If you choose to ignore the "knowledge" and make your decisions based on your "emotions"......that is on you.   But you still have to understand that the result or the outcome of the situations in your life are based on the choices that you made during your moments of opportunity.    

Today is your "moment of opportunity".   It is the reality that you are living in.    Will you make the most of it for God?  

Worship For Today....
"I Bow Down"
Ministered By Joel Engle

Monday, October 17, 2011

Not Everyone's Intentions Are Good.....But Your Response Does Matter......

Everything that everyone does is not for your good.   We would like to think that the heart and the intentions of others are all good.   But that is just not true.    No matter what they are matter what they are have to still look at the heart response of the situation.   

How do you respond to someone else's negativity?   Their hurt?   Their pain?   Their past?    When what they say to you is based on all of these things.   What do you do?   Do you respond with the same hurt, pain, and past......or do you give a God response?   Do you say what Jesus would say.....or do what Jesus would do?   

Will you allow others....your family and your dictate your emotions and your reactions.   When someone dictates....they impose on who you are and declare with authority what you should do.    What is it that leads you....that determines your direction and your reaction.  Is it what others think or what God has said?   

Never allow your life to be led by someone else's understanding of who you are.    It is not what others think that determines who you are .... it is what God has said.    When you allow your emotions to become entangled with peoples have lost direction.   Your perception becomes skewed.    It becomes twisted and distorted.   

There are two things that you must understand.   The first is that not everyone will understand you.   Who you are and what you stand for.   Not everyone will be able to walk where you walk and to talk like you talk.    But what they don't understand does not stop who you are and what you are called to do.     The second thing you must understand is that it is God who has called you and if you fail to do what He is telling you to do based on what others think and what others are then walking in disobedience to Him.   His word, His plan, and His will for your life.   

Love people for who they are but don't allow who they are to lead you into a place of disobedience to God.    Understand that initially not everyone will understand the dream and vision that God has placed on the inside of you.   But eventually, everyone will come to the place where the dream is manifested.    Joseph's brothers did not understand who he was when they placed him in the pit.   But eventually, they came to a place of famine and they entered into the manifestation of what began as a dream that they failed to embrace and understand.      

Don't be dismayed when people don't embrace God's plan for your life.   Just know that God is using you as His bring forth His that others can see who He is.     

Worship For Today....
"It Was You"
Ministered By Pastor Clint Brown

Sunday, October 16, 2011

You Are God's Divine Composition.....Are You Allowing Life To Decompose What God Has So Masterfully Created?

What is in your vomit?   What is it that you are throwing up.....ejecting from your body.....from your life.   Are you forcibly throwing away what is essential?   What is needed to survive?   Or is your body getting rid of whatever is foreign.    When something is is unrelated.    It is strange and considered to be external.   In some cases, God's word can be foreign to you and your life and your  lifestyle may be rejecting the entrance of it.  

We have to get to a place where what has been strange to us becomes the norm.   Where prayer is not something we just do when we have a need.   Where we worship God all times.    Where we read God's word and have an understanding of what we read.    These should be the internal activities of our lives.    These should be the norm so that the world and it's ways become what is abnormal.   So that when things that go against God's word come up.....our bodies reject and eject it.   

Have you ever been outside and something got up your nose or in your throat and you immediately sneezed or coughed it out?   That's how we need to be about the things that go against God's word in our lives.  Our body should automatically reject it.   But we have become desensitized.   We have been in places so long that we consider things that should be abnormal as normal.   We have allowed our perception and reception to be tainted.   When something is has become infected.    Infection brings with it decay.   When something decomposes.    When something breaks down and falls apart.   

What is it that you are allowing to decompose your life?   To break you down and cause you to fall away from the things of God.     God is the author of composition.   He brings things together in oneness.   Anything that is breaking down your life.....sickness, disease, lack, lasciviousness, hatred, lying, cheating, not of God and should not be accepted or received in your life.    If you body is not automatically rejecting these things......maybe you should purge.    When someone purges.....they cleanse and purify their bodies from what is inside.    Purging is an aggressive act to get rid of whatever is inside.  

Don't allow the world to decompose the composition that God has so masterfully created.   God's composition is YOU and He desires that you become one with Him.    However, you now have to decide what is accepted and what is rejected in your life.    

Worship For Today....
"Created Just To Worship"
Ministered By William Murphy

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What's Different About You? Looking At Your Yesterday....What Will You Do Differently Today?

So what's different about you?   What is different about your yesterday versus your today?   What were you doing  10 years ago compared to what you are doing today?   Are you better?   Is your lifestyle better?   Are you closer to God?   Are you settled?   Are you rooted?   Or are you still shifting?    Shifting in your thoughts and in your actions?

Shift means  "slight changes" in your position, direction, or tendency.   It means to move or cause to move from one place to another.   Are you shifting?  

Shifting is not necessarily bad.   The real question is what are shifting from.    Are shifting from the's a place in God.    Or are you shifting from God....His ways....His thoughts....His actions.......back to the world.    What's pulling you?   Pull means to be moved from a fixed position.

We have to become stable.   Stable in what we believe and in what we do.   We have to get an attitude and have the fortitude to not be moved.   To not allow people, places, or things to cause us to come out of our place of safety in God.   You have to understand that proximity determines the type of shelter one can provide.   When  you are close to can enter into what Psalms 91 says......He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High can abide under the shadow of the Almighty.   But you can only be in the shadow of someone if you are close to them.   

Life is a series of choices and you have to decide do you want your tomorrow to be different from your today.   You have to decide what type of protection you want.   You have to decide if you want to move with God and become fixed in His will .... purpose .... and plan or if you want to stay in your Sodom and Gomorrah.    The place where your flesh rules and determines not only your actions....but your tomorrow.   

Worship For Today....
"Be Blessed"
Ministered By Bishop Paul Morton

Friday, October 14, 2011

What Is Your Challenge Today? How Are You Handling It? You Are Not Alone.....

How are you handling the challenges of life?   Are you giving up or are you pressing through?   To press means to push beyond.   To push beyond what is hurting....To push beyond what is directly in front of you.   It means to exert physical force to get something into a certain position.

In life we sometimes have to press through what is keeping us from experiencing God's best for our lives.   We have to "push past" people, places, and things in order to get in the proper position to receive the blessings of God.    The word press tells you that there is an opposing force.   It speaks of something coming against you.   Whether it be financial pressure or pressure in our bodies....there are things in life that oppose you experiencing God's best for your life.   

Challenges are not always easy to overcome but God said in His word that He is your strength in times of weakness.   So He will be the strength you need in order to push past the challenges of life.    He said that He is a ever ready help.   So at whatever point in life you call on Him, He is always ready to help you.   What we try to do is push in our own strength.   We try to face the challenges on our own.    We can never get to a place of rest if we try to do it alone.    Rest requires surrender.    Rest requires you taking the load....the challenges of life......and giving them to God.  

As you go throughout your day today....go knowing that God goes before you.   If He goes before .... He sees everything that is about to happen.   Know that He is your "rearguard".   So nothing can creep up on you to overtake you.    Know that God is in you.    For the Holy Spirit dwells on the inside of you.    Know that God has you covered from the inside out.    Acknowledge His presence and allow Him to work for you and through you.   It's all about acknowledging who His is .... so that He can work on your behalf.   

Worship For Today....
"Washed By The Water"
Ministered By Needtobreathe  

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Is Your "As For Me"? What Is The Source Of Your Satisfaction?

Passage Psalm 17:15:
   15As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness 

What is your "as for me"?    David said in the Psalm 17 ..... "As for me" ..... "I will" .......behold thy face in righteousness.    "I shall" ..... be satisfied.......when "I awake" ..... with thy likeness.  

It's personal.   This walk.   This talk.   It's personal.   No one can walk it for you.   No one can experience it for you.   No one can make you do it or truly understand the "life" that comes from having a personal relationship with God.   Where God is no longer distant or just a story that you read about in the Bible.   Where you truly experience and feel His love and His kindness towards "you".   Where you run to Him when you are sick or hurting.   Where you run to Him when you have a need.   Where your total trust and total reliance is on Him.   

We have to get to a place where we say to everything and everyone around us ..... "as for me".    Where we understand that our outcome is a result of our decisions.   Our decision to serve Him.   Our decision to trust Him.   Our decision to love Him.  

It's not based on your upbringing or the challenges you face.   It's based on your trust and obedience to God and His word.    If God was to grant you one desire today.    The one thing that you want more than anything.   What would that desire be?   Would it even include Him?   Would it be to serve Him?   To get to know Him?   Or will it be totally self motivated and self initiated?   Would it be more of whatever it is that keeps you from Him and out of His will?  

How can you ask the one who gives to give you more of what keeps you from Him?   Check your motives.   Check your motivation.   Check your life.    Let your desire be like the Psalmist David to behold the face of God.    Behold means to look comprehend.    Let your satisfaction come from being "like" Jesus.    Like means similar.   It means that something is related in appearance and nature.    

If you look in the mirror today......what or who are you "like"?    What is your appearance? Is the reflection that you see conducive to who and what God is?    Now stop and view yourself through the eyes of God.....
Does He see a reflection of who He is when He looks at you?  

The Psalmist David said .... "I" shall be satisfied when "I" awake in your likeness.    What is the source of your satisfaction?  

Worship For Today.....
"My Desire"
Ministered By Jeremy Camp


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stop Trying To Find Fault In Someone Else....Understand That The "Someone Else" Could Be You.....

So what is it you are looking at?   Are you looking at God or someone else?   Are you trying to determine what God wants from you or are you trying to figure out and judge someone else's destiny?   God did not ask you to determine if someone else is right or wrong.   He didn't say to judge others.   He said to judge  yourself.   To work out your own soul salvation.  

Your soul is comprised of your mind, your will, and your emotions.    God is saying to look at what you are thinking about....look at what you are desiring to do.....look at how you are acting.   We always want to look at someone else.   We want to say what is wrong with them.    You have to understand that is not your place.   It is not  your place to find fault.   As a matter of fact....why not find what is right with a person rather than looking and seeking for what is wrong.    

When we look for fault in others, we are in essence trying to put ourselves on a pedestal.   We are trying to elevate who we are so that we can look down on who they are.    That's not God.   That is not His desire.    God does want you to have a clear view of what is going on around you.   But you have to know why.   It is God's desire that you be aware of everything so that you can do what He has called you to do.   You are called to help and to pray.   Not to condemn and put down.   You are called to be a vessel of love and hope.  Not a mouth of destruction and disappointment.   

So when you look around you today.   Understand that where someone else is ..... you could be.   You are not better than them based on your job, your finances, your car, or anything else.    It is only the grace of God that has brought you to where you are.    God's grace.   His unmerited favor on your life.    Understand today that we have no right to make presumptions.   We have no right to take on the attitude of arrogance.   For where someone else could and still can be there.

Understand today that you walk in God's grace.   His divine assistance is what is keeping you and causing you to have a roof over your head, food on your table, and clothes on your back.   His divine assistance is what is allowing you to live, to breathe, and to have your being.    His divine assistance is what is healing you and bringing you to a place of safety in Him.   

Where would  you be without the divine assistance of God?   Make it your purpose today not to judge others....but instead....pray for others and judge yourself.   Look at your life and see if you are doing all that grace deserves.    For in the end....God's questions for your life will be directed to you.....not to everyone else you have met along the way.   The questions for your life must be answered by you.   

Worship For Today....
"Thank You"
Ministered By Bishop Paul Morton & Mary Mary

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

You Are The Map....It's Your Story.....

How do you get to where God wants?   How do you get past what others think?    Someone else's opinion of you.   Who you are and what you do.    How do you push past that place of being triggered by someone else response to you and your life?    The place of intimidation.   The place where you make choices based on what you think others will think, say, or do.    How do you get to the place where the only option that matters is God's?  

So often we live our lives and make our decision based on what others think.   We don't want to offend.   We don't want to get in combat in our conversations.   So we make the easy choices.   The choices that will make everyone happy.   The choices that suit everyone else.   But is that really the God choice?   The choice that God would have you make.   The thing that God would have you to do?

We have to learn how to not be intimidated.   Intimidation is nothing but fear.  It is the fear to do something or to say something based on what you think others may think, say, or do.   How many times have you decided not to do something because you didn't know how someone else would feel about it.   It may have been the right thing to do....but based on someone else's chose not to do it.  

We have to get to the place where our sole purpose in life is to do what God says.   We have to do it based on who He is and what He has already done for us.   Where we base our decisions on Him and His word and not what anyone else has to say.    We are called to lead,   Where you lead....others will follow.  

The real question is .....where do you want others to follow you?   What direction are you taking them?   What do you want others to remember about you?   What do you want them to see?   So often we try to hide our brokenness.   But when you are broken in God.....that is when the anointing flows.     That's when your life becomes "God's" open book for all men to read.   When you are free enough to allow others to look through the pages of your life and see where you were and where God is taking you.   Understand that either way your book is being read....whether you live it for God or for yourself.   Your story is being told. 
Be broken today.    Be broken to the point that your life is no longer your own.   Where intimidation no longer has any rule over  you.    Where the pages of your life are easily turned and easy to read.   So that the conclusion of your life will be the story that God wants to tell.   Where the final destination after all is said and done will be where God wants you to be.   

The thing are the map and it's your story.    God is allowing you to write it through your choices.     The conclusion is up to you.    What we have to understand is that it is not a fairytale.   It is not fiction.   We live our lives as though it is a story of's all about whatever excites us.   Life is not is the autobiography that others will read.   That your children, your family, your friends will remember.    The story that they will tell.   

The question is.....if your life is the guidebook for everyone else....the pattern that they should use....where are you taking them?   Where will the map of your life lead them?

Worship For Today....
"You Are God Alone"
Ministered By Marvin Sapp

Monday, October 10, 2011

Are You Convinced Of Your Conviction? Your Actions Reflect Your Conviction.....

A "conviction".....a firmly held belief or opinion.   Are you convinced?   Meaning are you completely certain about "what you say you believe"?   As a matter of fact.....what do you believe?   

What you have to understand is that your actions speak.   They talk on your behalf.   What consumes you shows.   It is relevant in what you do and what you say.   Relevant means that it is closely connected.   It is pertinent.   Your actions "translate" and "reflect" what you believe.    Therefore your conviction is revealed.   

When you step outside of yourself and you look at everyone that is connected to your life.....your family, your friends, your children, your co-workers, and your associations.......what do you want for them?  What do you want the end result of their life to be?   When its all said and its all done....what do you want them to have and to believe?   When you step outside of who you are and what you want and you put others before yourself.....what is it that you want for them?   

What if you are the only Jesus they see?   What would the reflection be?   Would they see Him clearly?   Would they see His love, His compassion, His trust, and His belief?   Would they see hope and destiny?   Or would He be covered up?   Covered to such a point that they can't see the hope, or the trust, or the belief.  Covered by life.   Covered by situations.   Covered by circumstances.   Covered by sin.   

If you were the only Jesus that your children could see......would they see deliverance?   Would they see destiny?   Even more.....would they see a foundation without holes.   

If your life was the life that God wanted to use in this present time.....would you be able to stretch out your hands and turn around and I am Lord....use me?   Would you be willing to surrender ALL in order to be used by God?   Would you be able to say.....not my will Lord....your will be done?   Would you be able to say.....I trust you matter what?   

The thing is.....

Your life is the life that God desires to use.     Will you let Him use you?   Because you might be the only Jesus your children, your co-workers, your friends, and your family see.     Jesus is a reflection of God.   God is love.   He is light to those who are lost and hope to those who have need.   Will you be a vessel that displays His light, His love, and His hope?   

Will you be one convinced of your conviction and allow your actions to reflect your belief in who God is?

Worship For Today....
"The Last Jesus"
Ministered By Kirk Franklin

Sunday, October 09, 2011

What Is Leading You.....Because Someone Else Is Following? Pushing Past Your Past...

What goes before you?  God's word?  God's way?   Or is it possibly your past?   How can you be lead by your past?   What is guiding you in your direction, course, action, or opinions.   Things that occurred long ago.   Past hurts, past emotions, past relationships?  Is your direction based on your past hurts or your life lessons?  

There is a difference in living in your hurts or moving forward in life lessons.    The purpose of a lesson is to learn.   To learn means to acquire knowledge through instruction, study, and experience.    What knowledge have you acquired in life?   How are you living based on the knowledge you have attained?  

How is it that so many times we live our lives as though we don't know any better?   We make choices and give answers as though we have no knowledge of the outcome of our actions?    You have to understand that "your life" is the answer that someone else is seeking.    Whether it be good or bad.   Someone is looking for a reason to live as they do.     Whether it is to live for God or to stay in sin?   Someone wants an example to follow.   What type of example are you?    Where are you leading them to?   

You have to understand that you can't allow your past mistakes and past decisions to hold you in bondage.   You have to attain the knowledge and apply it to the next phase in your life.   You have to go "past your past" in order to walk in your future.    Learn from life .... but don't allow life to lead you.    Let your sense of direction come from God....His word, His will, and His plan for "your" life.    

Worship For Today....
"Moving Forward"
Ministered By Ricardo Sanchez

Saturday, October 08, 2011

What Is It You Want To Hear? The Heart of God or Your Pre-Planned Notion.....

What is it that you want to hear?   Do you want to hear the heart of God or do you want to hear your pre-planned notion?   A notion is a conception or belief about something.   It is a vague awareness or understanding of the nature of a thing.    A lot of times, that's what we want to believe.   Just enough.   Just enough to get us by.   To allow us to say we believe.  Yet nothing that challenges us to go further.    Just enough so that we can still abide in our mess.    Abide means to remain, continue, and stay.  

That is what we want to do.   We want to stay in the place of compromise.   Where we can continue to excuse away the things we do.   But God is calling you up.   He is calling you out.    He said in His word for you to be holy as He is holy.    He said to follow Him.    He wants to lead you to a better place in Him.   The question is are you ready and willing to go?   A lot of times we say we are ready....but we have to understand that your readiness also includes your willingness.   What do you will to do?   Willingness requires your consent.  It requires that that you be prepared.   Prepared to go the extra mile.   Prepared to do whatever it takes or whatever is required.    It requires that you lay aside self motivation, self pride, and selfishness.     Are you willing to do what it takes to get into God and to abide there?  

What is the absolute in your life?   The unconditional.   That which is not mixed....pure.   Is it God?   Is it your relationship with God?    Is it absolute in quality as well as quantity?   How you worship Him and how much you worship Him.    

What  you have to understand is that everything that is good for your life may not be what you want to hear....but whatever God can guarantee that it is what is needed.    Take to heart the voice of God.   Learn to discern His voice.   To recognize it through everything else that is going on in life.   Learn how to obey when you hear Him speak.   For your obedience is the key to your rest in Him.

Worship For Today....
"We Need A Word From The Lord"
Ministered By Royce Mosley


Friday, October 07, 2011


Please be sure to click over to the prayer blog site.   There are individual needs that we as a collective body can come together and pray for.     This is the call......will we answer......

God is calling us on our knees for someone be an intercessor.   

Take a moment and lay aside you thoughts, your wants, your desires  and pray for someone else's "need" today.    Amen.....

If you would like to post a comment on any of the blogs, please click the red hyperlink that  says "Comments" below each post.   

What Happens When God Presents You With Your "Remember When" Moments? There Are No "Buts" In God...... The Place Of Accountability.....

What happens when God comes to you with your "remember when" moments?    The missed opportunities.   Will you say "but" God?   Will you be able to use the "buts" that you use in every day life before the throne of God?    "But" is another word for "excuse".    We tend to live our lives by compiling excuses for what we do.   We try to excuse away our actions and our words.    But what we have to understand is that there will be no more time for excuses when you come before the throne of God.

What will you say to God when He asks you why you didn't pray for the child He showed you in the store?   Or why you didn't give to the person you know needed help?   Or why you didn't feed the people you knew were hungry?   Or lay hands on the ones who were sick?   What will you say when He asks why you failed to obey Him and to line  up your life with the Word that has been revealed to you?   What will you say?

Will you say "but" God?  But I didn't have time....but I was scared....but I didn't have it......but I helped someone last week?   What we have to understand is that when God reveals something to us....He wants us to do something about it.    He wants us to help....even if the only help we can give is prayer.    You have to understand that He has placed inside of  you the resource He needs on the earth to help those around you.    You are....just as He is.   Created in His image and after His likeness.    Do you see yourself as He sees you?   As His resource?   As His tool?   As His child?    Brought up to reflect who He is?   

In order for power to flow from who you must see and believe who God created  you to be.   Power flows from your confidence in who God is in you.    

Just a minute..... Just a second.....
That is as long as it takes for you to do some of the things God has called you to do.    Yet you continuously say why you can't.    My question is how will you answer God's questions to you when He asks you "why you failed to do what He said" and "why you ignored His instructions"?  Do you really believe that your "buts"......or should I say your "excuses" will be good enough when you have to answer God?

You have to always remember that your obedience is not to is always to God.   We have to stop looking at the messenger and be sure that we are receiving the message.     God is not always going to use "who you thought" or do "what you thought".    When we look at those things....we sometimes miss God.     We will come and are coming to a time of "no more excuses".  A time of accountability to God.

Worship For Today.....
"Secret Place"
Ministered By Jai Reed & Bishop Lester Love

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Challenged To Change.....Will You Be "Captivated" By God or "Captured" By Life.....

So what does it mean to be challenged?   To be put in a place where you are asked to compete...  To be confronted.    To be confronted with life to see how you will conform.   Or should I say what you will conform to.  

God is challenging you today.    He is calling you and challenging you with His word.   He is asking you to come out and come up.   Will you face the challenge?   Or will you run?   The question is.....what are you running to?    If you are running from God.....what is that you are you running to?  

Safety is in God.   Healing is in God.   Peace is in God.   Prosperity is in God.   Please know that prosperity goes far beyond money.   We need to be seeking whole life prosperity.   Nothing lacking, nothing missing, nothing broken.   Not just financial gain.   So my next question to you is ....  if you are running from all these things.....what are you running to?   Whatever is not in God....actually opposes God.   

So what is it that opposes who God is and God's plan for you that has captured your attention?    When something captures takes you as hostage or prisoner.    What you have to understand is that you need to become "captivated" with who God that you can't be "captured" by anyone or anything that is unlike Him.    Life sets out to capture you.   To have you bound and a prisoner to the pressures and the problems that arise.   But God wants you to be so captivated and engrossed in who He is that you never leave yourself exposed and unprotected.   

So as you go forth today and you are challenged to change.....what direction will you go?   Will you be captivated or captured?    Will you stay in the place of safety or allow yourself to be exposed.    Overexposure brings with it a consequence and it may not be the result you want.    You need to stop and evaluate what you have exposed yourself to and what is coming from those encounters......

Worship For Today....
"Restore Me"
Ministered By Anthony Evans

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

In the midst of all the trials that come with life, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?   Do you quit?   Do you give in?   Do you...