Friday, October 28, 2011

What Is It That God Is Reconciling? If He Was To Perform An Audit On Your Life.....What Would He Find?

There comes a time when God will reconcile.   To reconcile means to check something against something else to make sure it is consistent.    What happens when God checks our actions and motives against His will, purpose, and plan?    Will they represent what He has said and what He wants to do in the earth?  Or will they be out of balance?  We say things with our mouths....but our heart and our actions reveal what we really believe.   

What we have to understand is that God is the one who will sums everything up.   He gives us His word in order to do checks and balances on our life.     But He will do the final checks.    He will determine what is out of balance with who He is.   

Take a moment to see what is out of balance in your life.   Take a  moment to reconcile your life with His word.   Don't wait until God does the final audit.    You have an opportunity now....this moment.....this day....this bring everything in balance.   

What is weighing you or should I say swaying you to say what you say or to do what you do.   Are your words based on His "word"?   Are your thoughts rooted in who He is?   

Life can sometimes be a tug-a-war.   Although you have all the power on your side....for God is on your side.   Will you release the power and submit to the opposing force?

Worship For Today....
"Washed By The Water"
Ministered By NeedToBreathe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father, make me more and more like YOU everyday!!!

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