Friday, October 21, 2011

Where Does It All Go? His Life....His Resource....His Time. What Are You Doing With What God Has Given You?

Where does it all go?   Your energy.....your resource.....your life.....your time?   What are you doing with what God has given you?   He woke you up this morning and put breadth in your body.   Are you going to breathe "for Him" today?   To breathe means to take in air and to expel it.   Air is something you cannot not see .... yet it is essential for life.    Can you see the correlation between God and the air that you breathe?

Your resource.....
That which is necessary to be effective.   
How can you operate or live effectively if you don't have God?   When something or someone is effective, it is successful in producing a desired or intended result.   Do you know what God's intention was in creating you?  How can you be effective for God if you fail to acknowledge who He is?  

Your life.....the period between your birth and your death.     What are you doing with it?   The time that God has given you to represent Him here on the earth.   From the time you were created ..... to the time that your assignment on the earth ends......what will you do to reflect who God is?    Time is a moment that has been allotted by God for a specific purpose.    The question is.....what purpose are you using your time for?

When you look at everything that God has done......
All the things that He has done for you.    What are you doing for Him?   Are you taking the breadth, the life, the resource, and the time and allowing it to reflect back on who He is?  

Can you say .... with your voice you are praising Him?    With your actions you are serving Him?   With your life you are worshipping Him?      Are you taking what He has given you and using it for His glory?   Are you pouring back your love on Him? the time that He has given you being wasted on "self motives" and "self preservation".    Always remember......"His Breadth"......."His Life"......."His Resource".......and "His Time".    None of it came from was all a gift from God.    

Worship For Today....
"To Worship You I Live"
Ministered By Israel & New Breed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father, All That YOU Have Given Me, Let Me Use It All For YOUR GLORY!!!

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