Tuesday, October 11, 2011

You Are The Map....It's Your Story.....

How do you get to where God wants?   How do you get past what others think?    Someone else's opinion of you.   Who you are and what you do.    How do you push past that place of being triggered by someone else response to you and your life?    The place of intimidation.   The place where you make choices based on what you think others will think, say, or do.    How do you get to the place where the only option that matters is God's?  

So often we live our lives and make our decision based on what others think.   We don't want to offend.   We don't want to get in combat in our conversations.   So we make the easy choices.   The choices that will make everyone happy.   The choices that suit everyone else.   But is that really the God choice?   The choice that God would have you make.   The thing that God would have you to do?

We have to learn how to not be intimidated.   Intimidation is nothing but fear.  It is the fear to do something or to say something based on what you think others may think, say, or do.   How many times have you decided not to do something because you didn't know how someone else would feel about it.   It may have been the right thing to do....but based on someone else's opinion....you chose not to do it.  

We have to get to the place where our sole purpose in life is to do what God says.   We have to do it based on who He is and what He has already done for us.   Where we base our decisions on Him and His word and not what anyone else has to say.    We are called to lead,   Where you lead....others will follow.  

The real question is .....where do you want others to follow you?   What direction are you taking them?   What do you want others to remember about you?   What do you want them to see?   So often we try to hide our brokenness.   But when you are broken in God.....that is when the anointing flows.     That's when your life becomes "God's" open book for all men to read.   When you are free enough to allow others to look through the pages of your life and see where you were and where God is taking you.   Understand that either way your book is being read....whether you live it for God or for yourself.   Your story is being told. 
Be broken today.    Be broken to the point that your life is no longer your own.   Where intimidation no longer has any rule over  you.    Where the pages of your life are easily turned and easy to read.   So that the conclusion of your life will be the story that God wants to tell.   Where the final destination after all is said and done will be where God wants you to be.   

The thing is.....you are the map and it's your story.    God is allowing you to write it through your choices.     The conclusion is up to you.    What we have to understand is that it is not a fairytale.   It is not fiction.   We live our lives as though it is a story of fiction....it's all about whatever excites us.   Life is not fiction.....it is the autobiography that others will read.   That your children, your family, your friends will remember.    The story that they will tell.   

The question is.....if your life is the guidebook for everyone else....the pattern that they should use....where are you taking them?   Where will the map of your life lead them?

Worship For Today....
"You Are God Alone"
Ministered By Marvin Sapp


Anonymous said...

I am the map. It's my story. How do you get to the place where the only option that matters is God's? It should be a no brainer for us "humans" but we can be so hard-headed at times. After he has proved Himself over and over again in our lives we still just don't get it. But we will get it in our own way and in our own timing!!! It is so freeing when all that matters is what GOD says and what GOD wants. It doesn't matter what others think because it's all about HIM. Glory to GOD!!!
Nobody can do me like Jesus. He's my FRIEND!!!

Lynn said...

Amen.....it is freeing to know that the only one you have to answer to is God.....

What Do You Do When You Are Not Sure What To Do?

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