Thursday, October 20, 2011

How Do You Believe In What You Can't See? Stop Trying To Use Your Physical Senses To Understand A Spiritual God.....

I think the hardest thing for people is faith.   Believing in what they can not see.    Understanding the physical and the spiritual.   Because we are physical beings we have been trained to operate based on our "senses".    What we can see.....what we can touch......what we can taste.....what we can smell......what we can hear.    The problem is ..... God does not operate that way.    The sense He wants us to master is "what you can believe".   Where the physical realm operates on your physical senses...the spiritual world operates on your "sense of belief".    Your senses are what cause you to become aware, to perceive, to grasp, and to understand.    But what you have to understand is that you can't use your physical senses to understand the quality and nature of God.   

Almost everything that we do in life is based on the physical.   It is what we have become accustomed to.   When you are has become your habit.   It means that you have adapted to situations and circumstances in your life based on the environment and conditions in which you dwell.   But God is calling you out.    He is calling you to a place of change.    A place where you change how you think, how you perceive, and how you understand.    He doesn't want your understanding to be based on what you can see, hear, and feel.   He wants it to be based on who He is.    He wants it to be based on your belief in Him.   

It is time to move.    It is time to stop being complacent.   To be complacent means to be content to a fault.   To be self satisfied (satisfied in what "you" can do for you, in you, and through you).       It means to be unconcerned.     God wants you to become "radical".   To be radical means to move from the norm.   To go beyond what you normally do or how you normally act.    It's time to be radical for God.   

The thing about being radical is that it is based on what "you" normally do.    What is radical for you .... may not be radical for me.     It may be radical for you to pray all the time because it is outside of your norm.   However, radical for me may mean that I need to go out in the street and do more outreach.    Radical means to go beyond what you normally do.

It is time that we begin to operate on our sense of belief.   But your belief has to be rooted and grounded in God.    It can't be distorted nor should it be connected to your physical senses.    You can not believe God just based on what you see, feel, and hear.   You have to believe God based on knowing that He is.   That He is your source, your supply, your help, your strength, your maker, and your creator.   Believe God is.   

Always understand that knowledge overrides the physical senses.   If you have on a blindfold and a stranger speaks to you and tells you that he is your child.    The knowledge that you have inside of you overrides what you hear.    Always understand that the physical realm is constantly changing.   It is temporal.   That is why you must get to a place where your source and resource.....your strength and power.....come directly from God.    Who He is.....what He has done.....and what He says for you to do.    Let your faith be in Him alone.   Let the knowledge that you have of Him and in Him override what the physical world is telling you.

Worship For Today....
"Alone With You"
Ministered By Hope G, Freddy Rodriguez, and Jessica Lewis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another relevant message-It's all about HIM!!!-FAITH-BELIEVE-UNCONDITIONAL LOVE-the One and ONLY SOURCE-HIS FAITHFULNESS-The List is Endless-I will Never Be ABLE to Sing HIS PRAISES Enough on this Earth and Throughout Eternity!!!

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